Possible 3.0 Super Stock

I quit sled pulling to drag race this year becuase of the rules and turbo's changing all the time. If drag racing drops bracket racing like its setup now im just going to stop all together. I can't afford to keep up with all the stupid ass rules! I like the diesel drag racing as it is. Regular bracket racing, 12.0 class, pro street etc On edit I take it this is just for certain races like the big one coming up?
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I'm not about changing classes at all. 2.6 Super Stock is here to stay:rockwoot: Jeff and I came up with Super Stock to give the diesel racing industry a good swift kick in the azz!! I think we have accomplished that and we will see in a very few day's. We all felt that our sport was dying a slow and painful death. All you have to do is look around at the truck count at most all of the event's. It's real low in case you may not have noticed. There are a ton of truck's out there either built or almost built looking to fit in a class of some kind. Your still gonna have your Pro Street, 12.0 and all of the classes the assoc. run. Not trying to take away from any of that. I have a Pro Street truck, I also have a Super Stock truck and I was just exploring idea's so more people could participate. You would probably be very surprised at how many trucks could fill another class or replace one that's not been successful. I didn't post up to crucify me for my thought's, I think I asked if anyone was interested in running a 3.0 race along with Super Stock. And Ty, why in the hell do you think I don't like your comment's or opinion's??? It was that Mega Cab thing wasn't it:kick: Seriously, that didn't cross my mind until I read your comment. Anyone that know's me at all also know's that I have no enemie's, at least not from my side. Now, I'll be nice for awhile. Since the inaugural 2.6 Super Stock Diesel event is about to happen with no change's from our rule's. Next year (heavy on next year) what subtle changes would YOU the racer's like to see. I'm thinking this, use a single off the shelf 66mm charger that anyone can buy or already has, increase the weight to 6500, keep the DOT tire's and no injectable's. Can we work from there? Gary
I'm not about changing classes at all. 2.6 Super Stock is here to stay:rockwoot: Jeff and I came up with Super Stock to give the diesel racing industry a good swift kick in the azz!! I think we have accomplished that and we will see in a very few day's. We all felt that our sport was dying a slow and painful death. All you have to do is look around at the truck count at most all of the event's. It's real low in case you may not have noticed. There are a ton of truck's out there either built or almost built looking to fit in a class of some kind. Your still gonna have your Pro Street, 12.0 and all of the classes the assoc. run. Not trying to take away from any of that. I have a Pro Street truck, I also have a Super Stock truck and I was just exploring idea's so more people could participate. You would probably be very surprised at how many trucks could fill another class or replace one that's not been successful. I didn't post up to crucify me for my thought's, I think I asked if anyone was interested in running a 3.0 race along with Super Stock. And Ty, why in the hell do you think I don't like your comment's or opinion's??? It was that Mega Cab thing wasn't it:kick: Seriously, that didn't cross my mind until I read your comment. Anyone that know's me at all also know's that I have no enemie's, at least not from my side. Now, I'll be nice for awhile. Since the inaugural 2.6 Super Stock Diesel event is about to happen with no change's from our rule's. Next year (heavy on next year) what subtle changes would YOU the racer's like to see. I'm thinking this, use a single off the shelf 66mm charger that anyone can buy or already has, increase the weight to 6500, keep the DOT tire's and no injectable's. Can we work from there? Gary

You couldn't be more wrong. You bought up the twin/mega thing the last time I mentioned something which is where that came from. IMHO, if you really wanted to give the sport a kick, there's already two organizations that could have used the help. Instead you guys make your own organization that seems to cater to shops that have the know how to build a truck and money to do it. Nothing I've seen is catering to the average low budget racer. You've given the sport a kick only by offering a 50K purse. How often do you think you'll be able to fill a field at that cost by regular Joes ?

You're dictating how trucks should be build instead of working together as a whole to build the sport. That's cool though, do what you will, this isn't about me or my truck, just my $.02
First of all, thanks to Gary & Jeff et al for organizing Super Stock Diesel - events/classes that stimulate competition & projects are ultimately good for everyone in the sport.

I'd leave the SS weight break at 6K lb. - it's light enough to be a feasible challenge for most trucks, while helping to lower both E.T.s & mechanicals... and heavy enough to make weighting up from Pro Street etc. an equivalent PITA.

Ingenuity, innovation & interest would all increase by refining the turbo spec down to a simple 66mm inducer bore/S300 frame - eliminating the "easy" solution of an expensive 2.6 spec turbo would help narrow the gap between wallet mechanics & hot rodders.

IMO a 3.0 class would not be a good idea at this time - good lessons to be learned from sled-pulling the last few years... if the marketplace wants a faster class allow compounding.
Season-season, event-event continuity & stability in any class benefits everyone.

No injectables/#2 only is great for SS, but ruling out air/water charge air coolers in favor of air/air CACs is silly - there's no significant difference in cost, weight, packaging or expertise required from a performance point of view.

Lastly, at first I thought just using a more centrally-located TX track (i.e. Crandall) would make it possible for a lot more folks to make a winter race, but since we're getting blasted with another few inches of global warming today - and single digit (sans windchill) temps - next time maybe it'd be better to schedule at the end of March instead! :banghead:
You couldn't be more wrong. You bought up the twin/mega thing the last time I mentioned something which is where that came from. IMHO, if you really wanted to give the sport a kick, there's already two organizations that could have used the help. Instead you guys make your own organization that seems to cater to shops that have the know how to build a truck and money to do it. Nothing I've seen is catering to the average low budget racer. You've given the sport a kick only by offering a 50K purse. How often do you think you'll be able to fill a field at that cost by regular Joes ?

You're dictating how trucks should be build instead of working together as a whole to build the sport. That's cool though, do what you will, this isn't about me or my truck, just my $.02

Ty, there is no organization! This is a race that quite a few people have been wanting to see. I agreed earlier about the turbo thing already. This is a race that Jeff Garmon and I came up with 5 months ago. I offered this class to both organization's a few months ago and only got response back from one. And let me tell you, it wasn't a very nice response either. Seem's like everyone on here has a hardon for somebody. If so and so put's on a race I'm not going because I think he is a A-hole. If you don't want to be a part of this one thats your choice. Neither association will put on many events in south for whatever reason, I'm filling a void. If this is anything it's an Outlaw event, and we are actually gonna payout every fuggin dime we collect. Unlike one of the organization's I might add. It seem's to me that quite a few people obviously like the idea. And if you will look closely at the list of sponsors and vendors you will see that it is predominately "Small Diesel Performance Shops" that are footing the bill and promoting the race. If you choose to build a race for whatever reason or cause that you support I will help in any way I can. Then you can make all of the rules just like you want them as Jeff and I did. Nothing personal on my side towards you at all, hell I'll race with anyone. Gary
Ty, there is no organization! This is a race that quite a few people have been wanting to see. I agreed earlier about the turbo thing already. This is a race that Jeff Garmon and I came up with 5 months ago. I offered this class to both organization's a few months ago and only got response back from one. And let me tell you, it wasn't a very nice response either. Seem's like everyone on here has a hardon for somebody. If so and so put's on a race I'm not going because I think he is a A-hole. If you don't want to be a part of this one thats your choice. Neither association will put on many events in south for whatever reason, I'm filling a void. If this is anything it's an Outlaw event, and we are actually gonna payout every fuggin dime we collect. Unlike one of the organization's I might add. It seem's to me that quite a few people obviously like the idea. And if you will look closely at the list of sponsors and vendors you will see that it is predominately "Small Diesel Performance Shops" that are footing the bill and promoting the race. If you choose to build a race for whatever reason or cause that you support I will help in any way I can. Then you can make all of the rules just like you want them as Jeff and I did. Nothing personal on my side towards you at all, hell I'll race with anyone. Gary

It's hard to interpret in text what peoples tones are and believe me, I have all the respect in the world for you and Jeff. Anything I've written hasn't been in a negative state of mind.

I think it's great what you guys have done but, my only concern has been people having to spend more money to rebuild what they may already have. I don't think many are as capable to do that as the shops/sponsor that are now a part of this event. You said look at the sponsor you have... they're the only one beside a couple that have signed up because they're the only ones who were able to spend the cash and spend more cash to have a custom turbo.

I've been to many event as have you. You know as well as I that the majority of the trucks there are every day joes. This is only my opinion but, a event that caters to them along with the shops would bring more people than the 35 you have. Sure there a chance for them to run at this race too but, the flyer says "one" pass. I understand crowds would rather see the fastest trucks but, there's only a hand full.

You're right that there aren't any races in the south but, it's because many of the top racers refuse to go to their events. I know of the animosities but, purses are paid regardless of that so I can't understand it. Those orgs. can't be that bad or the top sponsors they have wouldn't even talk to them. Those running these orgs. can't be expected to do it for nothing... it's a lot of work so them paying themselves and being able to pay out the purses is fine with me. you guys may be spending a lot of your own money to pull these events off and I can appreciate that but, how long can you do that.

I personally want to see everyone succeed and all the in fighting doesn't help a thing. I'm nobody so, my opinions really don't matter. I've just tried to give input toward this from the regular joe side of things. I do want to be a part of it all though so I try to just my input and I probably shouldn't cause i always get crucified for it.
I think its great that new things are coming up and right now this is the new thing. Now we need to figure out how to get people involved, either in the stands, or on the track. Drag race, sled pull, burn out contest, gamblers race, dyno, anything that goes forward not backwards. If the other organizations wanna take note of what goes on in Florida this month, I'm sure they are invited, and will be welcomed by all. I'm still new to all this, but I see potential, and will do anything I can to promote diesel motorsports. If I show up and can't keep up in the big race, guess what..........2.6 charger comes off, and I'm gonna run as hard as I can in the gamblers race:nos: and all.

Now it's about time for rubber to meet road, and I think it will be awesome!!

Possibly adding a 3.0 class in addition to the existing 2.6 is a great idea! It is all heads up racing, everyone follows the same rules. It will give the racers time to grow while racing their trucks. TS and Scheid would be happy to add these classes to our existing events. Great job Gary and Jeff!
The bottom line is we have a race for diesel racers. This race is nothing more than a few friends meeting at the track throwing 20 bucks each in a hat and quickest man wins. We also said from the beginning that this is not a race for spectators. I think if I was going to pay to see racing It would be pro street for sure! I Hope this class is a 2 tenth apart field and if it is this will prove we have a good set of rules. I am going to take note of what is in that field of 16 closely. We may be off on the turbo rule, fuel tech, or what ever but we will know in a few days if it is good or bad. I can't wait to GO RACING!!!!!:tree:
Personally I think its a good idea to limit the classes by turbo size...

Stock turbo
2.6 turbo
3.0 turbo w/ cooling
Limited twins or single w/ cooling
Open twins/single w/ cooling
Nitrous w/ open turbo.

Take a stock Regular cab long bed 2wd truck and make it the minimum weight or something reasonably close to that for the stock turbo and 2.6 class, figure out a good weight for the 3.0 and up classes. But that just comes from my sled pulling background, you can even limit it with suspension also...

Stock turbo and 2.6 could be stock geometry front and rear suspension with bolt on traction enhancing parts, stock body...

3.0 turbo could be stock geometry front and back halved rear, stripped out body...

The other classes could be whatever you felt would work...