Comp D Stocker to Rocker charity raffle

We're down to just hours left people....get in now or it's not gonna happen.
Come tomorrow...someone is gonna be extremely happy.
I will be doing the drawing right after I wake up, and announcing the winner, shortly after. If I have the number of the winner, I will call them first, if not, I will post it up here. Someone is gonna have a really good day. Thanks to all involved. I am planning to make a trip to St. Judes next week on behalf of all of you that donated, and bought tickets to present them a check.

Thanks again.
if I win can I order the parts for a ford chassis with a common rail engine LOL
I'm glad this came back up i almost forgot about it. i really don't care win or lose it is for a great cause.
OK folks, its past midnight EST, so the raffle is officially closed. No more money will be accepted for raffle tickets. Drawing will take place in the morning when I have time to throw all the names in the hat. Theres a bunch of names.

Good Luck!
Good luck everyone!!!!! :rockwoot: Waiting patiently for you to call my name.... I hope! :pop:
I'm kinda curious myself. LOL
I keep looking at the phone thinking about calling Tim to find out. LOL

Good luck's gonna be a really good day for one of y'all.
WE have a winner:

Jason McCarthy
of Huntington Beach

He Goes by 06F250SD here on Comp D.

Congrats To Jason

Heres the really cool part. Jason informed me today that his son is actually at St. Judes hospital, born 3 months Premature after some very difficult times. He's doing very well now, and I think thats called Carma.

Thanks to Everyone that participated. For those that didn't win, I plan to do this again next year God willing. I will calculate the total we raised, and let everyone know. Thanks to our sponsors, and thanks to are members. You guys are Comp D.

Now its time to get back to building the Ranger. I have to try and keep up with Jason. LOL
