Dmax breakage at SDX

Yes Platte City is usaually a very good track. That being said how many of the venues that were used by the Outlaws this year, with the same prep, have been used by our class before as a comparison? BIG difference in the tracks for the small organization pulls in this area.

I have no idea, I am saying the tracks I have been at that the outlaws prepped, 2 of them were fantastic, and 2 of them were so so. You could tell by the dirt which were the better tracks, so it appears that if the outlaws have good dirt they can build a good track, not that if they show up the track will be good
How many hooks does an average 2.6 truck make in a summer? We are in the 20-30 events this year. If the SRW rule would greatly reduce the drive line breakage (2-3 hooks v 7-10 is pretty drastic to me, maybe I am wrong there), what would be the hurt to try it on these "tight" tracks in Ohio, Kentucky, and Indiana for 2014? I think that the breakage in the last 5-10' would be reduced. By how much...who knows?

I think your "who knows" statement was what I was trying to say. I was interpreting that folks were saying the SRW rule had eliminated the driveline issues in the 2.6 class. Yes the 7-10 is an improvement, of course if your big pull your wanting to win, is from 7-10 then it might not be so good. Of course what about SRW 33x12.50 and a 20" hitch height? Problem solved eh? :)
What is the alternative at this point that others want to see?

That is all for me. Z you can continue to pad your post count in assumptions and opinions on the topic if you want. How many 2.6 hooks are you up to in 2013 anyway?

I am not saying that the SRW isn't an improvement over the DRW, but what about the DRW at 24" height?

Again, I don't have anything against the SRW 2.6 rule, but the impression I got from the posters has been proven as a solution by the 2.6 SRW class the outlaws are trying.

Other than Rob Hall, who has pulled the SRW 2.6 of the outlaws and placed in the top 5 at a national event?

As far as my 2.6 hooks in 2013, big fat zero, and a whopping 4 in 2012.
Of course the 2.6 class up here, doesn't line up with anyone else's.
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Other than Rob Hall, who has pulled the SRW 2.6 of the outlaws and placed in the top 5 at a national event?

Richard Lowry.

Keep posting Dan, you're almost to 19k, and we all know elite internet puller status is achieved at that point and all encompassing knowledge will be awarded to you.
Richard Lowry.

Keep posting Dan, you're almost to 19k, and we all know elite internet puller status is achieved at that point and all encompassing knowledge will be awarded to you.

I think Richard broke with a single tire also
Richard Lowry.

Keep posting Dan, you're almost to 19k, and we all know elite internet puller status is achieved at that point and all encompassing knowledge will be awarded to you.

I had forgotten about Richard.

Wow some of you sure get your panties in a bunch, as soon as someone has a differing opinion.
I think Richard broke with a single tire also.

I simply answered Dan's question. I am not naive to think there would be zero failure with a single tire, but it will certainly reduce driveline failure. Pulling is expensive, everyone knows that, but it is just silly that there is a simple solution to the reason people are spending a good chunk of money fixing the same problem over and over.

Wow some of you sure get your panties in a bunch, as soon as someone has a differing opinion.

Real question here Dan is why do you care? You don't plan to pull with Outlaw, nor any real 2.6" organization, so why are you even arguing? Last time someone trying to sell their truck had a very solid opinion on how the 2.6" class should go we got stuck with protrusion chargers, and that went over so well...
zstroken keeps zpostin

I simply answered Dan's question. I am not naive to think there would be zero failure with a single tire, but it will certainly reduce driveline failure. Pulling is expensive, everyone knows that, but it is just silly that there is a simple solution to the reason people are spending a good chunk of money fixing the same problem over and over.

Real question here Dan is why do you care? You don't plan to pull with Outlaw, nor any real 2.6" organization, so why are you even arguing? Last time someone trying to sell their truck had a very solid opinion on how the 2.6" class should go we got stuck with protrusion chargers, and that went over so well...

Because I like pulling is why I care. For the record I may or may not have my truck out next year. How do you even know I won't be pulling Outlaw next year? I have turned down job offers in Iowa in the past FYI, doesn't mean I won't find one that takes me that way does it?
So question for you? Why do you care? Do you pull with Outlaw? Do you even pull a pulling truck? :)
You can argue against it all you want, 2.6 protrusion bought the 2.6 class several more years. Is it really the 2.6 protrusion that is the issue with the class? Or is it the fact that air to waters, runner intakes, deck plate engines, etc have all been allowed into the class, and factor that in with a 2.6 protrusion turbo. Where would the class be HP wise if folks were running a 2.6 non protrusion billet wheeled charger?

I suppose I could recite some history about you Weston and your cheerleading/product pushing, but I will choose to take the high road at this point.

So what is this simple solution that you propose that will eliminate this silly problem?

Again you sure get your panties in a bunch over a bunch of internet discussion. :)

So question for you? Why do you care? Do you pull with Outlaw? Do you even pull a pulling truck? :)

I help/sponsor a truck that pulled at two events this year, and will compete with the Outlaws next year, as well as three others if they are completed, so Thanks for your concern.

I suppose I could recite some history about you Weston and your cheerleading/product pushing, but I will choose to take the high road at this point.

Everyone on this website is opinionated in this area, so your comment has no bearing on the debate of the success of a single tire rule.

So what is this simple solution that you propose that will eliminate this silly problem?

I believe that the Outlaws can continue to show that a single tire allowance is a good compromise, the whole point of this so called discussion as of late. But I will leave it at that, I have little time to argue with a career CompD poster such as yourself.
I help/sponsor a truck that pulled at two events this year, and will compete with the Outlaws next year, as well as three others if they are completed, so Thanks for your concern.

Everyone on this website is opinionated in this area, so your comment has no bearing on the debate of the success of a single tire rule.

I believe that the Outlaws can continue to show that a single tire allowance is a good compromise, the whole point of this so called discussion as of late. But I will leave it at that, I have little time to argue with a career CompD poster such as yourself.

Not concerned at all, just curious if you even have a truck. :) I already suspected the answer. :)

Best of luck with your builds.
I simply answered Dan's question. I am not naive to think there would be zero failure with a single tire, but it will certainly reduce driveline failure.

Also, those currently pulling with duals who have weakened/fatiqued or cracked their R&P will eventually break it with SRW. It will probably take a year or two to see the carnage drop significantly, but there should be less carnage running a SRW rule.

I'm sure some guys will swap from DRW to SRW and break an already stressed R&P and then say the SRW hasn't helped even though it did.
Interesting idea, but you just put 10Hrs on your pulling engine.

I think rig up a 3 HP lawn mower engine and let it eat! LOL

Careful, you might just stick that D80 in your lawnmower and start pulling it!

These are sig worthy LOL

Not exact sure of his placing, he didn't spin out, looked like clutch problems to me.

Got it on video. He's at the 55 sec mark.

Outlaw 2 6 Diesel Trucks at the 2013 Iowa State Fair 8/14/2013 - YouTube
What happened to Off Again?

What happened to Off Again?

Due to an error on our part, the compressor wheel got into the cover. I wish we had noticed that a weld was broke before we went to the line. We had another wheel and cover we could have swapped in.
Rule should have went to 2.6"x3.0" smooth bore cover 2license years ago and this wouldn't even be as big of a discussion, lol! :-)
There are several different things that could be done to reduce the carnage in the 2.6 class that would be effective and at minimal expense to the puller. Most of these have been discussed. I hope I'm wrong but when they change the rules I expect things to get more expensive. There are too many folks involved in setting the rules that stand to benefit monetarily by selling what ever parts it takes to survive and compete in the class.