Dragon Fire Vp44

well i think i am just going to go bigger. and see how that goes. if this pump flows as much as they say bigger injectors will help cool with the extra unburnt fuel. guess we will see

I have heard of big p-pump guys doing this, but that's in a full competition truck. I would just get some 6x13's if you drive it on the street or even some decent sized 7 holes. The 6x16's are definitely a large injector, but you should make good power with them, so that's your call. Just get that pump in and rollin, I want to see some numbers!
hey i was told that the new dragon fire vp44 is equal to a 13mm p-pump, and you have to run laser cut injectors? anyone heard that? need some information. ASAP.
It flows 265cc's. It wont flow as much as a 13 mm p pump.
It flows 265cc's. It wont flow as much as a 13 mm p pump.

II told me that too, but I have also heard 700cc's. So what gives? I thought an SO pump flowed that much? Unless vp's can make 600+ With that small of an amount of fuel.
RATD let me be the first to tell you that those numbers are Way off!
II told me that too, but I have also heard 700cc's. So what gives? I thought an SO pump flowed that much? Unless vp's can make 600+ With that small of an amount of fuel.

in a perfect world, a stock SO pump should be able to do 800 on fuel. if a stock SO can do 800 on the juice then it is possible to do it on fuel, just have lots of turbo tunning and choices to figure out. 832hp has already been done on a bone stock SO pump and i dought a monster pump or even a HRVP flows any less than a stock SO pump. just my .2
Not looking good guys. Kindof of getting a run around. I am hopeing for the best.
in a perfect world, a stock SO pump should be able to do 800 on fuel. if a stock SO can do 800 on the juice then it is possible to do it on fuel, just have lots of turbo tunning and choices to figure out. 832hp has already been done on a bone stock SO pump and i dought a monster pump or even a HRVP flows any less than a stock SO pump. just my .2

I have heard a SO will flow somethin like 300cc(?), but I don't know if it could do much more than 700 on fuel. The nitrous helps out a ton, since vp's have trouble getting everything moving on the dyno. I'm with you on the monster and hrvp not flowing less than an SO though.
i hope these pumps are good im buying one as soon as i get my taxes back. i dont wanna spend 2k on something that isnt gonna be what i expect it to be. II told me these were the future to high horsepower vp's and i hope there right cause if not they might have some very mad customers. they told me some other things to but ill have them let the cat out of the bag on that one!!!!!!!!!!
Where did you get your #'s and if their way off you tell me what they should be.:blahblah1:

Well we found out that the monster fuels right at 500cc's and the II pump seems to fuel harder then that. Althought I have no flow #'s to back that yet though.
Right around 550-600ccs! That is how much the new pump flows! Who ever told you 265 is on something!
Isnt ddps 62lpm injectors the max a vp will flow, that would be about 372 cc.

So if this new pump flows 140% more, then it should flow about 520 cc, correct.

This would be a nice increase. Now lets see some results!!!!
Isnt ddps 62lpm injectors the max a vp will flow, that would be about 372 cc.

So if this new pump flows 140% more, then it should flow about 520 cc, correct.

This would be a nice increase. Now lets see some results!!!!

You can go much bigger then that. A 62lpm is just a ddp comp injector
We have said that the Dragonfire VP44 puts out 140% more fuel on our teststand with stock test lines and test injectors than a stock VP44 pump. There has been NO fueling boxes applied on our test bench. Some people have asked that question. The displacement usually is a little more than we have advertised. The 265cc that you speak about is a number from the Bosch 815 test stand and that number is not at 1000 shots like a P7100 pump is tested at. The 815 teststand has pierbergs that measure the fuel over smaller samples of flow. You will be scrambling to get enough air to run this pump. I have a question for you guys. How much fuel do you want? Stock pump out put on a VP44 is about 100cc on the Bosch teststand.
Matt Gilmore has got the pump on my truck now! Putting the Custom DDP comps in tommarow and are really going to start testing it! But we are not going to tap the pump wire! Sorry still a little nervouse! But both mea nd him have are figers crossed about your pump! Hopefully its as badarse as you say it is and VP44's start hangin in there with the ppumps!

Sorry Anthony sont come in here bashing! You never know it could happen!

Come on Brady a little more info with these things would be helpful!
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