How did you spend your Sunday???


Short for my weight
Apr 9, 2012
Well after a I got a hole saw at lowes I headed into the big city, to my buddys garage. After a few more morning distractions ( rescued two stray dogs from traffic) we got started my airdog/sump install.

After the initial parts layout, and instruction overview, it became clear that this was going to be a easy install. I cut a hole in my ratty bed so as to access the bulk head for the sender. Then I mounted the pump to the frame. I then used my lowes special hole saw to make the hole for the sump. Everything was going pretty easy buy this point. After all the wiring was done, and the hoses ran I moved up to the injection pump. The little fitting that goes into the pump for the jiffy quick connector was a little on the right side. All in all I think this may cure some of my cavitation and hopefully give me a little top end too.

Here's a quick overview of pics. After 5 smooth hours id say my Sunday went good! How bout you??
Good job! Your a helluva lot more motivated than I am on Sunday....I just drank beer.
Finished putting my truck back together after the reverse band anchor fell apart.
I had to empty the equipment out of the bakery so the floor can get put down tomorrow. Now I'm very slowly researching for a paper that is due tomorrow night...and watching TV.
Finished putting my truck back together after the reverse band anchor fell apart.

That's not good. Hope you got it fixed before any real damage happend.

And Purn, I normally relax big time on my Sunday's. But this last month or so has been hectic. Woke up this morning, and told myself " I'm doing this!"
I want and Bought a new to me 1995 12v after fighting my wife to let me get it even though Im getting it for next to nothing
That's not good. Hope you got it fixed before any real damage happend.

And Purn, I normally relax big time on my Sunday's. But this last month or so has been hectic. Woke up this morning, and told myself " I'm doing this!"

You're an inspiration to us all. I on the other hand woke up this morning and said phuck it, I'm getting drunk! :lolly:

Been a bad couple of weeks for me. Broke my RZR 2 weeks ago riding in WV, and assploded my transmission at the drag strip yesterday. :bang
Planted roughly 1500 blueberry plants. Planted 1500 on Saturday, now to plant the remaining 900, then water them and mulch them. New farm is keeping me crazy busy.
replaced breakfast bar top with new top, bought new over range microwave. in two weeks the kitchen counter top comes in. Then the wall over stove gets cultured stone with included natural stone shelves. Ate burgers, relaxed and tried to find something on tv worth watchin. too wet to do any foodplot work, 3.5 acres all disced, but now mud. At least the other 8 acres of plots are limed, 4 of which are clover so no need to work on them.
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Trans brake sounds pretty wicked. I always wanted one on my camaro as a teenager.

I haven't had a bad month, just super busy. Sometimes you just got to buckle down and say hell no to everyone and everything else, an do the things you want and need to do.

99green how many acres did you plant that many berries on??
Sanded down the rest of the interior pieces for my Dodge so I can paint them tomorrow, put about 300 rounds through my Glock in preparation for some competitions, fabbed up a new steering stabilizer setup on a 74 F100 4x4, fixed a few leaks in the shop roof, and drank lots of Miller Lite.

Sent from my paperweight
The 3900 plants will cover roughly 4 acres. 10 ft between rows, 4 ft between plants.

Do the go up? Like in a trellace wire?? Or are they more of a ground cover plant like melons and squash?

My dad grows walnuts, and he just planted 160 worth of trees. I can't remember the exact number, but it was a lot. I had to run a 30" auger attached to a skid steer for every hole. Talk about a boring job. Took over a week.
More of a bush. Shoots grow up from crown. No support wires or anything. I will get a picture up tomorrow when I have my laptop. All of those holes are dug with 2 manual post hole arms are jello.
Watching snow fall, I am beginning to hate Minnesota. This dam winter needs to end!
That sounds the most fun so far khaos.

[ame=""]4BT Dakota in cab - YouTube[/ame]

[ame=""]4BT Dakota test 2 - YouTube[/ame]
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