Looking for some advice on a 2wd puller.

Thanks, I'm going to have a time figuring out some parts I'm building myself.
That's the fun of it all building it all as much you can.At least it is how I feel.I had to always do as much myself never had much money to just blow.

Are you running the 47 or are you running th Nv ?

I saw the post a few days ago , wondering what your planning to run with ...
I'm not sure yet, the nv is definitely the cheaper route, but I'm thinking auto might be the way to go.
Wish I could Find a nv 2wd cheep ... of coourse i would also need all the fixins too .. but at nearly 3K for the whole shebang .... not gonna happen

willing to trade a 47RH for nv swap ( not jacking ... just thinking out loud ) .. LOL
Stay away from the military one.The Eaton one is the better of the two.

I was thinkin about that one more, it's been on there for a long time. So I might get it cheaper.
some pics for y'all



What size are those tires.The class we built the GAMBLER for is limited to 18.4 x 16.1
Those look nice and wide definitely needs a heck of a rear end.We have a SQHR with planetary,s .the ratio with the planetary,s is 20.1 the cepeck are 44" tall if I remember wright.

Need to cut the lugs down alot.are you put so much dirt in front of the pan it will be like pulling a grader blade.
