NADM 2.6 Ohio regional series for 2011?

2 at National Trails, Wapa Tug Fest, Bunker Hill, Dragway 42.. need another one...
washington courthouse? its a nice track. im not commiting any felony's it perfectly legal where I live... I live in bfe where the laws dont abide..
i know i could get preble on board. gene get a hold of me please if interested.
Hoodstacks are welcome, in the new 3.0 class.:Cheer:

Saturday night preferred, Friday possible. How does that change things?
Other than the fact you are committing a felony, and drawing the wrong sort of attention to Diesels, nothing.

They are legal in Ohio unless the laws have changed over the past couple years. I had a customer take his truck to a State Highway patrol garage for inspection and they told him it was legal, but maybe things have changed since then. This is was one reason we allowed them in cotpc.
Have them all in hebron. Centrally located in ohio, a 2hr drive for about everyone.
Read the Fed laws on noise suppression, blah blah. We aren't allowed to modify crap on fuel, air, exhaust.
Hood stacks on the street draw wayyy too much attention.

Just hope most of the cops are hillbilly, like Ohios!!:hehe:
I think either London or Washington courthouse would be good. We locked our new rules last night at London also.3 years. Hoodstacks what r u guys thinking?