Pull at Newman, Ca 22-Sep-07

lol riiiiiight.... I'm gonna kick Anthony's ass. That'll be the day ;) I should throw out a wager on this for someone to buy me a beer lol. That I'd lose. Pft.
Tcolesanti said:
Watch out for Ang, she's ruthless in the stock class...........


Question is, will she be in the stock class? She was in Stock in Reno and then the next night at Gardnerville she was was in Street.
Tcolesanti said:
Watch out for Ang, she's ruthless in the stock class...........


I won't lie Tom. I am kind a skerd . . . of Ang and the Blonde one too!!! :snoop:
Pangela said:
lol riiiiiight.... I'm gonna kick Anthony's ass. That'll be the day ;) I should throw out a wager on this for someone to buy me a beer lol. That I'd lose. Pft.

You might end up without a beer! :eek:
strokin_early99 said:
Question is, will she be in the stock class? She was in Stock in Reno and then the next night at Gardnerville she was was in Street.

I just like to keep you all guessing and switch it up once in a while. I flip a quarter to see what class I'll be pulling in. Makes it a little more fun that way. You know full well it's the big hair and painted toe nails that add BIG POWER to my rig ;) You should wear wigs and go drag and you'd be mad suprised at how your rig just takes names on that track. :hehe:
You guys are killin me, all these trucks goin and I won't even be able to make it. Me and Nick D'amico will be in Hollister for sure, and hopefully the Newman Halloween pull. Hollister is one of my favorite pulls, and it's got a nice track, so we'll see if my truck will hold up :hehe:
Ang WILL be in the stock class. She has a stock turbo and she does'nt hang weights.

I only wish I had caught this thread sooner, as now I have oh-so-much to catch up on!!!

A. Much to my dismay, the blonde will be in Newman. If there are maggots in the porta potty again, somebody's standing guard while I piss on inline6's tire.

B. If ol' Rob goes all of us in the "Stock" class can expect to get raped by that redneck.

C...Adam, if you come, hook to a sled and don't chicken out in the last five minutes I may just pass out from shock. Hope to see you there, bud! I thought you died...

And c'mon Scott. You're not coming to Newman to entertain like, oh, all 7 fans? Geez! ;-)

See y'all Saturday. :rockwoot:
Rob won't be pulling in the stock class. No Stock Turbo=No Stock Class

Tcolesanti said:
Rob won't be pulling in the stock class. No Stock Turbo=No Stock Class


There is a God, after all.

So I thought, but stranger crap has happened and he's just an all around sketchy dude. :shake:
Tcolesanti said:
Ang WILL be in the stock class. She has a stock turbo and she does'nt hang weights.


DAMN! And here all this time, I thought I was packin some mad weight up front :bang :hehe:
My turbo started as a stock housing, before it found the machine shop, does that qualify as stock class?LOL

uuhhh, it looks stock from the outside? Does that work???
strokin_early99 said:
My turbo started as a stock housing, before it found the machine shop, does that qualify as stock class?LOL

uuhhh, it looks stock from the outside? Does that work???

No and uh..............No.

Quit tryin to cheat:rules: , even though you should be in stock because you have a ford:lolly:
strokin_early99 said:
My turbo started as a stock housing, before it found the machine shop, does that qualify as stock class?LOL

uuhhh, it looks stock from the outside? Does that work???
Yeah LOL I'll 2nd Cole on that. Stop trying to cheat Howard, we all know how you Harter brothers are since you get phone calls after events sayin you's a bit sketchy LOL, totally kiddin man!

But... Cole, Judging from your track record this season... hun you're gonna be hard pressed to have your drive line hold even in the pits LMAO! Just kiddin :p I'd crap my pants if I saw you pull without bustin!
SMOKIN93 said:
Quit tryin to cheat:rules: , even though you should be in stock because you have a ford:lolly:

Doh! That hurt.....

Cole, you better not break, we need black-male photos of Ang.....although it would be rare to keep it on one piece....:hehe:
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Ang was a black-male once??? I guess anything is possible with modern day medicine and plastic surgery..............
