Request for TS 2016


MR. Supreme Overlord
Jul 31, 2006
I would like to formally request drag racing on Friday or Saturday for TS 2016. I realize the vendors don't like tearing down the displays and dragging them across country to the pulls. Please don't misunderstand; I'm grateful for the payouts the vendors provide but it really inconveniences the racers and spectators.
Normally this would just seem like more days off to me, but with this new job Thursday is really inconvenient.
I agree too I am going to have to take off on Wed to make it there and get a motel. When you have a business it is hard to get away like that in the middle of the week and keep your customers happy. They expect you to be working when they are working. Maybe we could go to like a Sunday drag race like they do at Schied's
Push the pulls earlier in the week, get the races back into the focus of TS!!
A lot of people just can't take 5-6 days off for travel and the entire event. Hell for some people that's a years worth of vacation days.
Way to think of others Mike! Since you get 30 days paid vacation evew year...
Or you could just not get paid vacation like me but plan on being there for Wednesday anyway and getting drunk.
Way to think of others Mike! Since you get 30 days paid vacation evew year...

lol and I won't even be able to make it this year. Even if I could, I don't know if I would want to take off 6 days to see 12 hours of racing and pulling, with a chance of it getting rained out. When it was just fri/sat, it was awesome. And if it rained out you just partied instead LOL