Started the Twins

oil-burner said:
The only problem I had so far is when the S480 is mounted to the support bracket, I can not clock the compressor housing to the correct position. This is due to my turbo has the competition compressor housing on it. It has a bigger scroll than the normal S480. The bracket bolts to the oil drain flange on the turbo, I have to make a .250 thick spacer to put between the turbo & the support bracket. If a normal S480 is used there should be no problem.


Hmmm thats not good as mine will have the competition cover too. So is it hitting the the shock tower? and you can't just grind on some of the cover at all?

Thanks Brett
no, it clears the tower fine, since the scroll is like a snails shell, when you turn it to rotate it so the outlet points up, the scroll crashes into the support bracket. So a spacer to lift the turbo up off of the bracket is needed. I will get som pics.

dzlfarmboy said:
Sweet pics thanks for posting them up, So the S480 fits to that bracket well and clears everthing good? Cause mine should be in around Feb 1st and I can start mu 64/13-S480 twins.

Are you putting them on the current motor or the up and coming 12v? Twins like those might that might help with that drug addiction of yours :hehe: *nx*
oil-burner said:
no, it clears the tower fine, since the scroll is like a snails shell, when you turn it to rotate it so the outlet points up, the scroll crashes into the support bracket. So a spacer to lift the turbo up off of the bracket is needed. I will get som pics.


Could you modify the bracket to make it clear, or take alittle off the cover?
I thought about moding the bracket, but it would be easier to place a spacer between the oil drain flange & bracket. Would have to grind a sh*t-ton off of the compressor housing.

oil-burner said:
I thought about moding the bracket, but it would be easier to place a spacer between the oil drain flange & bracket. Would have to grind a sh*t-ton off of the compressor housing.


Just curious if you put that spacer inbetween the bracket and the turbo would rips down pipe still work cause your changing the distance between the top and bottom charger
I bought the exhaust starter flange to try and build my own downpipe, but now I'm thinking about buying his downpipe . I would hope that a 1/4 inch would not make a difference.

FWIW, I find the hotpipe between stages is the easiest piping to build.
oil-burner said:
Got some more goodies today, top turbo, bottom turbo suport bracket, hx-40 weld flange. Rip's suport bracket is VERYYYY NICE.....


did you change your mind on the 62/71/13ss? the pic is a schwitzer.
if your gonna run the SS in a twins configuration than it might very well need some modifying before you use it unless Dave changed the wastegate setup some. they are/were not designed to be run upside down. i had to do machine work on mine to get the wastegate flappers to work as the flappers will rub the outside of the housing and hang open.

on your tranny oil heat exchanger are you relocating that or doing away with it?
the tranny oil cooler on the side of the block is on vacation, still have the one up front though.

Hmm thats the first time that I have heard that Summit? I have talked with a few that have done twins with this turbo and have not come across that one yet. So your saying the wastegate flappers will not work upsidedown without modifications?
Schoust said:
Hmm thats the first time that I have heard that Summit? I have talked with a few that have done twins with this turbo and have not come across that one yet. So your saying the wastegate flappers will not work upsidedown without modifications?

the two i got would stick, i know there are some out there that dont have a problem or maybe dont realize it might be sticking a bit. i wish i would have took some pic's. easy way to tell is hold it upside down in roughly the position it sits on the truck (7o'clock position for wastegate cover) and move the wastegate arm open and closed, you'll feel it stick or hang, i made Nathan and HTT aware of this last Aug., they might have changed the cating or did a little machining in this area now so it might not be an issue anymore. not trying to start anything just letting someone know of a possible issue that is easier fixed now before the install.
my 64 housing dont say shwitzer on it that why i asked if he changed, i havent looked at my 62 for some time now.

Hmm well I can tell you this I would rather heard about it now than screw with it later and it will be real easy now that I know what to look for. Who knows maybe they did make some sort of a change?? I will be sure to check to see if they did...... Thanks Bud.......
its easy to check when you can hold the turbo in your hand, if it feels like its sticking then its easy to pull the inspection plate and to some port and polish work now. im just trying to help.
in justins pic the inspection plate is off.
Summit said:
pull the inspection plate and to some port and polish work now.
in justins pic the inspection plate is off.

Don't forget to open the holes.

Also, have a flow jet custom cut a 1/2" thick w/g cover and then machine out an indentation to allow the flappers (for lack of a better term) to open farther and bypass more gas...
