Third times a charm!

nice vid, but turn the video sideways for the next video please!!!!!!!!!!! Thanks tim! LOL
Tim is busting his ass getting this truck going. Now that he has progress you guys **** on him with the tags? Grow some balls and post up if that is how you feel. I hope the moderators can see who does this....
Tim is busting his ass getting this truck going. Now that he has progress you guys **** on him with the tags? Grow some balls and post up if that is how you feel. I hope the moderators can see who does this....

You guys crack me up.

Seriously, after getting my ass handed to me for 3 years, investing a crap ton of $$$ and having a cheating NOW ex-wife you guys think your gonna get under my skin? LOL No ones under my skin but I gotta agree it takes quite the puss to trash talk in a tag without trying it first.

When you grow a sack lemme know.
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You guys crack me up.

Seriously, after getting my ass handed to me for 3 years, investing a crap ton of $$$ and having a cheating NOW ex-wife you guys think your gonna get under my skin? LOL No ones under my skin but I gotta agree it takes quite the puss to trash talk in a tag without trying it first.

When you grow a sack lemme know.

when i saw them i just assumed it was somebody just messing with ya, but i didn't see any posts about them i was like WTF! Lol
So as not to be a b**** and hide behind tags, I will claim the "smoke the lights, and that slips a whopper" which both of them are true.
I like how the punk ass b!tches can write a tag but not post it in person.
Man up you pussies
Can mods see who does the tags?

I've always suspected they can... But I doubt they'll say so or not...

There's been lots of pretty cruel tags lately....I've seen several about me too.. I just don't sweat it...
Call them out richard!

That's the only thing you can do Swole. Haterz gonna hate.