Wade Moody's S-10 sets new NADM World Record

Max I will make it easy on them!

I will be willing to make my attempt the same weekend as you say the 28th or 29th we could do it at the HPT event. They can kill 2 birds with one stone then no one can use the they weren't lined up against some one excuse....

That is 3 weeks notice and 2 trucks making attempts surely that is doable!

Maybe we can get deranged down that same weekend for an attempt at the pro stock record to make it 3 attempts. Heck it would almost be considered an event then huh?
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Again Jake is on to something! All though we should consider the last time we met before an event......................... Maybe we should schedule this right after the event?
shhhhh! We are not allowed to speak of that night it sucked so bad I have erased its existence from my memory.....
To any of the NADM staff.....is part of the "tech" process insuring the vehicle has proper height off the track surface? Is there any inspection of the exhaust to insure that any smoke from the exhaust would be vented in a manner that would not affect the timing lights?
On a side note Scott is not allowed to be apart of this. If we break he will set some silly 12 second ET record or something.
To any of the NADM staff.....is part of the "tech" process insuring the vehicle has proper height off the track surface? Is there any inspection of the exhaust to insure that any smoke from the exhaust would be vented in a manner that would not affect the timing lights?

Holy exhaust scandals Batman! Hold the presses people this just reminded me of something!

Page 8 of the NADM rule book. "Exhaust must exit straight up." :rules:

From the video the exhaust is facing rearward! http://www.competitiondiesel.com/forums/showthread.php?t=109030
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On a side note Scott is not allowed to be apart of this. If we break he will set some silly 12 second ET record or something.
sheeeeesh don't get the Bus aka " one hit wonder " going again. Lol
one hit wonder? ive probably won/placed just as many events as you.... unless you count racing yourself at TDS.
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one hit wonder? ive probably slept @ tree just as many events as you.... unless you count racing yourself at TDS.


Don't mind him Max he is still hurting from the A&M game today...
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no waiting on a flange for the top charger but it will be for my record attempt on the 28th. You better have yours together because the CR is going to fly! (or fly apart)
Gonna be close... Got the head almost finished today, pistons, rings get coated this week and the short block assembly should be started and finished this coming weekend.
OMG you are right!

Wades truck is disqualified since it doesnt have upward facing exhaust! lol


Remember that you guys are the ones that brought this **** up. I have been complaining for two years about the exhaust turn up rule. Yet we show up at a race and 80 out of a 100 trucks will not have it. So since you all have plenty of time on your hands spread the word. No turn up no race.

Bus look close at his exhaust it shoots up and back. So by the rule it would be good. Now this year I will write it in that the exhaust has to be above the lights.
To any of the NADM staff.....is part of the "tech" process insuring the vehicle has proper height off the track surface? Is there any inspection of the exhaust to insure that any smoke from the exhaust would be vented in a manner that would not affect the timing lights?

Yes height should be checked. Smoke is not checked unless the track notices somthing in the lights or the times are off, like in salt lake this year we had a 10 sec pass at 87 mph. Now are we going to throw a single truck out that has no one else to race anyway? No whats the use there is no one racing against him.

I will check the height myself next time we see it since this point was brought up.
im just giving wade a hard time.

if every org enforced every rule, there would hardly be any trucks racing. at this time in diesel drags you have to let stuff slide if you want a turn out.

it does suck for the guys who do try to make there pass tech just to find out tech is only checking for a few things.