12&24v cr head blocks etc WILL BE AT NUMEDIA

If your inbreed ass was smart enough to know the forum blocks cursing ..hense the misspelling of them and them being drug out BTW.you n N EVERY OTHER FACKING MORON SHOULD WORRY BOUT YOYRSWLVES IF YOU KNEW WAT WAS GOOD FOR YOU.
Either way you look at it, you're still a low life piece of chit and new jersey is just a few hours away. If I was the unlucky person that got screwed by you I would of drove my truck through the front of your house and stuffed one of them heads up your ass. You don't deserve to breathe otherwise sell parts. These are honest people trying to get a good deal unlike you.
Richard, all bull s hit aside.. You claimed the parts were one thing and they were different (cr was really a vp head), you claimed they were "just tested", they clearly were not. Yes you did refund me the money (appreciate it) for the price of the head, yes it was almost 5 weeks later because you could not write legibly on the envelope and claimed the post office "couldnt read your writing". But however the check was dated three days before i received it and not 4 weeks prior. When i first found out you sold me the wrong head i was upset and was going to take it as a loss. I then sold the head a week later and then found out it was cracked as well. Thats when i really got worked up, it took some patience on my end to deal with this situation. Then the other stories start filing in and they sound all to familiar.. I believe thats what others are reading here and getting upset about don't you think? That and the fact you are still allowed to post here kind of bugs me, with the clear black and white history of making bad deals. At least take the internet slander and silently read. Maybe try out CF again and see whats happening over there. Take care... and just go away please.
That was the nicest go phuck yourself I've ever read.