12v timing to 30 deg.

so if you know so mush displaced dipship, why you such the interenet hero? fukking retard
funny thing is she will prolly do more than you will in one weekend than you both will ever do your whole life.. you ever even race or pull? how long have you been such the internet hero's?
oh ya bye the way she won top dragster in fallon last weekend.. what did you do super internet heros
Someones EGT guage just exploded, :hehe: shhhhhhh wuuuuusawwwww wuuuuusawwwwww
This is great! Tmoney you have been really cool till now. Do you have any idea who DEZLFREK is and what he is to the performance world? He was building sick trucks b4 anyone knew you could turn up a diesel. I know off 3 trucks that run like DEZLFREK's truck. I know when I had the same turbo on my truck and hi timing it ran cooler towing 8k than it did unloaded.
Yea I know who he is, he's running one of our cams. I wrote him a message and apologized if my post pissed him off and to calm down. It doesn't really matter who anyone is when it comes to alot of research, turbos slow spool slower with higher timing, i've done in on my truck playing with different chargers and timing. If your truck ran cooler towing 8k then that's great. Sounds like a great setup, I don't like the housing size on that charger though and it's indeed small so spoolup is going to be easier for him then someone with a 14cm.
okay so first off.. all ive seen out of three pages is arguing about how much or how little timming to run and judging people on there setups, when the original poster was asking how to advance his timing...and i agree you can use the search, but maybe he didnt find what he was looking for. so he asked all of you guys who know, and bamm just gets shut down in the first reply. to me personally its total bull$#!* whats the point of this place if people who dont know cant ask how to do something. i mean you guys are "knowalogists" right?? you should be able to awnser any question period. and im in no position to judge you guys, but lay off on guys who arnt "knowalogists" like yourselfs.

and second, everyone has different setups that works for them, so who are you to criticize there setup? every truck is different and different things work for different people. im honestly getting tired of people like you on here, just shutting rookies like myself down about simple questions. like dont even reply if your gonna be a F@*& jerk. were all in this to help our sport grow, not shut down new guys and make our sport seem like only the "knowalogists" can be in.

I no ill get yelled at for this but to me its the truth and i could care less what you "knowalogists" have to say about.

P.S. i think its clear what members this is directed to.

and i second CL2000, dzlfrek has been around for awhile. he knows his stuff
so is it ours or bills? i never talked to you except the day i met you before you wrecked bills truck? and if bill thinks im mad or i made him mad tell him to call me.. he has my number. Think about it Taylor.. I know alot of people that have baught and supported Bill.. look at my sig if you doubt me.. So how long have you diesel wannabees played with diesel on someone elses shirtails?
Yea I know who he is, he's running one of our cams. I wrote him a message and apologized if my post pissed him off and to calm down. It doesn't really matter who anyone is when it comes to alot of research, turbos slow spool slower with higher timing, i've done in on my truck playing with different chargers and timing. If your truck ran cooler towing 8k then that's great. Sounds like a great setup, I don't like the housing size on that charger though and it's indeed small so spoolup is going to be easier for him then someone with a 14cm.

Way to be a man and step up:clap:. I run one your guys cams to.DEZLFREK is a good dude and he is by far not an idiot. I agree about more timing = slower spool up. My opinion is with a bigger charger with high timing is great for towing. bigger chargers dont tend to bark much with hi timing and helps with egts.My truck tows great with a bullet and 32*.
so is it ours or bills? i never talked to you except the day i met you before you wrecked bills truck? and if bill thinks im mad or i made him mad tell him to call me.. he has my number. Think about it Taylor.. I know alot of people that have baught and supported Bill.. look at my sig if you doubt me.. So how long have you diesel wannabees played with diesel on someone elses shirtails?

Look you need to calm down, I came up to WA to relax and get away from some chit in my life and needed some new surroundings. You don't know me or anything Im doing and I honestly don't care what's going on between u and Bill, I haven't heard anything about it. I simply stated that with higher timing the turbo spools slower THATS IT! Everything I've done in my life I've done to better myself wether it be for knowledge or to help my family. No one knows everything and when u get cool chances to move across the US to learn a lil something new then why not right?
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ok sorry for disrupting this thread.. timing isnt a bad thing.
This is great! Tmoney you have been really cool till now. Do you have any idea who DEZLFREK is and what he is to the performance world? He was building sick trucks b4 anyone knew you could turn up a diesel.

Must have been 6 when he started? His replies sounded like a 12 year old..
Internet tuff guy why don't you figure out who he is b4 you run your mouth. Just because someone can't spell dosent mean they are an idiot.just because we know how to tune a p pump don't be mad because you pay people to fix your chit box.
Internet tuff guy why don't you figure out who he is b4 you run your mouth. Just because someone can't spell dosent mean they are an idiot.just because we know how to tune a p pump don't be mad because you pay people to fix your chit box.

I don't care WHO he is if he acts like a damn 12 year old. Do you bow down to your president?
I don't care WHO he is if he acts like a damn 12 year old. Do you bow down to your president?

You are the one that called bullchit on him not having a clue and started running your mouth.Have you ever done p pump tuning? Keep talking chit tuff guy. Maybe I look up to him because he was one of the first on the west coast to get the diesel performance world going out here. ask around and find out how smart the dude really is.I guess this will be another thread about the west coast. maybe we should change it to "You can only run 30* and tow cool on the west coast"
If you guys want to argue this fellas integrity can you please take it to PM's or exchange phone numbers and talk it out. This thread was asking for timing advice and nothing more.