12V tricks

I always chunk the fat washer so that it doesn't unecessarily preload the AFC. replace with a fender washer. but yes, that is correct if your'e just swapping them
Today I was at my buddys shop and he had an old pump there with the afc housing off of it. So we took it all apart. Its a whole lot easier to understand how they work if you just get one and take it apart. That was the first time I had really taken my time, held one in my hand and studied it for a little while. They arent complicated at all really.

Anyways this is a little off topic but I was thinking that it wouldnt be all that difficult to take an electric solenoid and make it to where you could control the position of the AFC arm from in the cab. I mean it sounds simple anyways. You would definitely have to do a little fab work but really i dont think it would be all that hard. Anyone ever done anything like this?
Your learning Josh, taking one apart and studying it, that's what it takes!

Now play with some air and look at the differences.

Your learning Josh, taking one apart and studying it, that's what it takes!

Now play with some air and look at the differences.

Aint that the truth. I had read a million things about them, didn't really understand it until I took mine apart. And really learned more when you showed me to hook air up to it.