13mm pump

i would have bought this no lie two months ago but i instead went with monster mikes setup and a redline. This would of been way cheaper more reliable and way more fuel dam. Bump for you bud.
I'll be the voice of reason here. Don't do it Cliff.

Your truck is going to run like a raped ape as it is. And it sucks to have a fast phuking truck that is ugly as sin. TRUST ME!!!

Get it done, then upgrade later if you must. You have no REAL need for 13mm pump, the one you have will do everything you need it to and more! Mine does.

Are you ok scott?? Seriously. You don't need paint to go fast, but you do need plenty fuel.
i would have bought this no lie two months ago but i instead went with monster mikes setup and a redline. This would of been way cheaper more reliable and way more fuel dam. Bump for you bud.

I wanted that set up before i went P7100. We gotta get together this weekend!
besides think about it... if your in front you cant see what it looks like through all the extra fuel that 13mm will be smoken out back while your haulin azz!!!