1947 Dodge WDX-31

I can't take credit for the paint spraying. The instructor is doing the work while I watch/observe. With the louvered grill and hood sides, there are just way too many opportunities to screw up. Spraying the sealer is tough, it likes to sag....and it did. I'll try to get some pics of the errors before I wet sand them out.
i cant wait until i can take on a project like this. awesome build!! AL stakebody and half sides would look good. i like the idea of half sides being sealed hardwood with a diamond plate floor. keep the pics coming
A couple of paint progress/screw up pics

Here you can clearly see the sagged sealer. This is wet sanded with 1200 grit




Here is on side of the hood, wet sanded with 1200 also



A couple more coats of color then some clear, and this stuff should be looking hot!
Just wrapped up at school. Got the most of the sags sanded out. These parts are looking real good. Can't take credit for the spray action, that was all done by the teacher. I stood in the paint booth watching. Learning lots about the techniques used.





Next week, I'll either get started on the doors, or the cab.
I see someone has been using waterborn paint....

Looks good, I want to see this finished.
I see someone has been using waterborn paint....

Looks good, I want to see this finished.

Wasn't us. Must have been the daytime classes.

Thanks for the compliments. I need to focus on building the "doghouse" part of the firewall to fit the Cummins in there. Once that is done, I can get crackin' on the rest of the cab work. Shouldn't take too much work.
Very nice I have always liked this style Dodge. I would like to do a conversion on a old truck some day possibly a Diamond T . Rich
Very nice I have always liked this style Dodge. I would like to do a conversion on a old truck some day possibly a Diamond T . Rich

I almost bought a '46 Diamond T a few weeks back. Not much room in them. My next swap will probably be a '40s-50s REO. Lots of room under the hood.
just a quick update, not much happening. Lots to do at work for the next few weeks. I've been working on the doors at the tech school class. I just need to wet-sand the primer this week coming up, then hopefully spray color the week after.

The oil pan on the engine was originally a front sump. I bought a pickup tube for a rear sump set up, but it is for a deep pan. Rather than searching for another pan, or another tube...I had a buddy of mine cut the pan and add 2". Looks great. After some paint, nobody will be able to see the stitches.

Once November gets here.....look out! I'll be working in the garage every day.
Very nice work, it looks great!

Thanks 'Wrencher!

Last night I started spraying the doors at school. That was the first time I have actually sprayed color on anything that I care about. I have to learn to 'loosen up' a little. The color coat came out nice. I will wet-sand them this weekend then shoot more color, then clear.
Every time I spray something I'm nervous. LOL I don't want to screw it up, or have to redo it either. LOL
I don't know why I am getting nervous. I have plenty of practice with primer, and the first color coats are going to get wet-sanded before the final color and clear....so I can screw up a good bit and still be ok. I guess I just need more practice to become more comfortable.
3 coats of base color, wet sanded, 2 more coats of color, then 3 coats of clear, wet sanded, then 2 more coats of clear. Doors are done.



Time to start on the cab.