2013 EFILive Training Classes

StarLite Diesel

EFILive Cummins Tester
Oct 30, 2009
Hello agian everyone! After alot of "back and forth" with several shops across the country - I have been able to put together a solid list of classes for the first 2 months of the new year.

We are back to bring you another round of EFILive Training courses covering your Duramax and Dodge trucks! I apologize it took so long to put the list and dates together - there was just a ton of coordination that had to occur!

These classes will be 2 days long and will include the "basics" class followed by an "Advanced" class on the 2nd day.

There are 4 locations for these classes starting in January:
Cherry Tree, PA (January 12-13th)
Salt Lake City, UT (January 26-27th)
Zanesville, OH (February 9-10th)
Rapid City, SD (February 23-24th)

There are tentative classes for March but it's far enough away and have a few details still needing to be ironed out before announcing them.

If you have questions about the specific classes, locations, etc. - please post them here or email us: contactus@starlitediesel.com

The "Basics" course will cover the following, and will start at a very basic level and work towards intermediate topics by end of day. It will cover the same tuning concepts for both GM and CUMMINS - so there will be a little bit for everyone. The "Advanced" class on the second day will pick up and carry on from where the previous day left off and will work right through advanced topics and heavily modified trucks. The second day will also have a more open forum layout for the last half of the class so many of the questions people are left with get a chance to be answered / demonstrated.

If you want further details about the course contents, please view the classes on our website.

These courses are intended to give EFILive owners a leg-up with their own trucks and comfort level with using EFILive software.

I will be providing lunch and drinks, as well as special discounts on EFILive and other products from StarLite Diesel. The cost of the 2 day course is $500. Each class day is targeted to be approximately 7-8 hours of in class time.

There will be a course handbooks provided to each person, but I am encouraging everyone with a laptop to bring it pre-loaded with the latest EFILive software (from their website). I will be emailing each person in the class a few days beforehand so they will have the chance to get this software installed.

If you have questions or suggestions, please let us know! Post em here or email us: contactus@starlitediesel.com

If you are ready to sign up, you will be able to register here:
StarLite Diesel Training Classes

Thanks for your patience and looking forward to a great new year!
May have to look in to the Ohio class. Been the Jan 26th & 27th already spoken for. Zac you get messgae sent on facebook to ya?
I'd love to make one of these classes if you come to Texas.

What part of Texas? I was there in June.... I have lots of requests for southern Texas but nobody seems to know any shops down there that might be willing to loan out their shop for the weekend (with a dyno) to get a class together.

If you have suggestions, feel free to shoot them our way! I unfortunately don't know all the shops in all the areas where people are asking for classes so it makes it hard to try to plan or promise anything without a little 'outside help' to get the ball rolling....

Let me know if you have any ideas!
May have to look in to the Ohio class. Been the Jan 26th & 27th already spoken for. Zac you get messgae sent on facebook to ya?

Nope Jordan - haven't seen it yet. I'll get on FB in a few minutes and see let you know what i find...

What part of Texas? I was there in June.... I have lots of requests for southern Texas but nobody seems to know any shops down there that might be willing to loan out their shop for the weekend (with a dyno) to get a class together.

If you have suggestions, feel free to shoot them our way! I unfortunately don't know all the shops in all the areas where people are asking for classes so it makes it hard to try to plan or promise anything without a little 'outside help' to get the ball rolling....

Let me know if you have any ideas!

I bet TSD would do it, they are in San Antonio. Id be all over that.
where ever you guys end up with in texas please make sure and let me know...im in for it
Im in Ft Worth so if i can help just let me know
whats it looking like on the zanesville class Zack. Thinking i could drive up only a 7 hour drive in i have family in columbus. If need a test truck could use my 08 6.7 on dyno.

Look forward to hearing from you on here or by phone or email.
Zanesville class is coming along nicely, as is the Salt Lake class. The PA class seems to have petered out in interest so far and i am thinking it is because of scheduling conflict with the Premier 'land cruise' this year... at least from a few of the guys i've talked to about it. I know not everyone is from a shop that comes to the classes, just seems that there was alot of interest in that area for a class.

perhaps it's time of year too? I'm open to feedback from people about that class So ithere is interest but timing is off or something, please let me know!

Other than that - any questions anyone has, let me know. Bumping the thread to get it back in the public view...
I am interested in the PA class i just havent signed up yet.

Ok good to know! Seems i had about a dozen people all wanting one in the area, then got it put together and they have all but disappeared! Just want to make sure there's interest enough to still have it and get things ready... We will see what the next week or so brings and then go from there!

Thanks fo ryour input!
The PA class is being rescheduled to March. Most of the people wanting the class that i've been able to talk to, aren't able to go because it's right after the holidays or because they are from shops where people are already going to be gone for the Premier land cruise - so in talking it over with the shop where we are going to have it, moving the class to a later date in March is what we're planning on. That appears to work better for most people in the general area that i've been able to personally talk to.

Don't have the date figured out yet, but it'll be early in March most likely. Just made this decision yesterday and will post up details by the end of this week!