215 pump

Certain things work for certain people, Cole Dow and Ryan Tucker seem to have done quite well with a simple VCO injector.
I'll try tuning both ways with a 66 single, sdx 5x16s, and 131/fullcuts. 180 pump ad150 and 4gsk, for now. will tune before and after cam install. I need to pay closer attention to power gains perceived. Seems the main debate is between sustainable power(decent mpg, towing power, good all around power curve) vs dyno power(all top end-fuel hits hard and fast)

Anyone have recommendations for similar setups like this?
I understand you indepth knowledge of injectors and nozzles but i still havent seen anything or been proven that its that much better if at all than injectors costing much less.

I have a list of over 20 nozzles that can be used in Cummins mechanical applications of varying styles. Many things were tested this summer, if you think that the information gathered will be bragged about and posted on the internet, you are mistaken. I don't wish to expand on the details, because many of the nozzles are not common, and often difficult to aquire, which doesn't make large production a good option, but I am working on it.
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so wat everybody is saying is do alot of research an go with it cause guys are saying plateless is good always run a plate this plate is good run these governer springs etc...it seems like i should just pick a way to tune if i dont like it try a different setup until i find the one the works the best
You won't find an easy answer. It's called TUNING!!! Try what you can, if you don't like the result find someone who can tune it for you...or just cry about it on the internet.
I still think using one truck would focus better on the ability of the tuner if that is what's in question.

The idea of an Engine Masters based diesel build off is very interesting and neat and would certainly be beneficial but for the masses modding stock motors with 50-200k miles on them I like the idea of what i've suggested better. $.02

The thing is when Engine Master challenges begain the general public was able to read about all of the secret tricks and reasoning behind parts choices/setup which is incredibly useful especially for the max effort guys. But diesel modding is mostly done on stock stuff which is why I would like to see it focus more in that arena (i.e. a truck with 130k on the clock or something). Either way would be beneficial.

I do like reading these type's of threads, makes you think, and the end result is you learn new things.
Ya just take it to the track one day and try out different things. That's how I do it and plan on doin a lot of that this winter once I get the truck back together, tryin to see how far I can go with a stock 215 and a completly stock motor.
Oh and in my 215 pump I don't run a fuel plate, never have and never plan on it. Heck I don't even have one in my daily driver :lolly:

so wat everybody is saying is do alot of research an go with it cause guys are saying plateless is good always run a plate this plate is good run these governer springs etc...it seems like i should just pick a way to tune if i dont like it try a different setup until i find the one the works the best
i thought a #6 plate was holding me back so i put in a #100 plate that i made and i found that it was drowning out the turbo and really didnt want to break the tires loose in fourth gear, then i put the #6 plate back in and its like i found a sweet spot cause now i can get sideways in fourth gear at sixty to sixty five mph. you dont really need a dyno to get a truck running good just need time and patience.
The nose on the 6 is very soft compared to the 100. you had patience and found the "proper presentation of fuel" air should always be ahead of the fuel. Good job! That's what I have been saying for years. The gov nose height and afc along with a good plate with a little patience will always prevail over a plateless tune.

But if the AFC arm is holding the fuel back on the bottom end/low boost before the fuel plate gets touched, what would be the point of having a plate to restrict fuel on the bottom end? If you were flooding it out, couldn't you just tighten up the AFC a little more and achieve the same effect? I must be missing something....
You could use the AFC to limit lowend fuel to a point but then it will be harder to adjust the middle of the curve through the AFC. The way I see it if you cant burn all the fuel on top then why inject it? I use the plate to limit the top end so that I can actually drive down the road with heavy throttle without having the fire dpartment called! I also subsribe to the theory of limiting over all boost by cutting fuel and not dumping the exhaust. It all boils down to prefrence. If you can actually burn 550cc of fuel then by all means throw the plate away but I think most of us arnt in that catagory.