2nd Annual NHRDA World Finals, Topeka Kansas Sept. 10th, 2011

I might make it there but not for running. drag truck isnt complete yet. I will say its hard to go to an NHRDA event after they treated chris(twistedshifter) the way they did. Little does rich know that im the guy that helped chris plan all this BS the last time when he was by himself.

What the **** are you talking about????
Chris is a buddy of mine so when he got let go after busting his a$$ for the NHRDA including being away from his family so much to help this organization grow into the middle parts of the country. I wont go into the drama bs part of this but after talking to numerous people including someone in the northwest who wrote the name NHRDA on a napkin way back in the day, there just seems to be some arse backwards ways around. Granted this is my personnal opinion and im not here to start an uproar, but it just leaves a sour taste in my mouth.
better yet, admins delete my posts, no need to dirty up a thread about this sport growing, i shouldnt start this here. Sub and cranked. pms sent
1st, I'd like to say I really enjoyed knowing Chris and his wife Robin. I consider them to be really nice people.

That being said, Chris being let go was a business decision on the part of the NHRDA.

Making flight reservations a couple days rather than weeks before an event increased travel costs dramatically.

There weren't any flyers or promotional contacts made for several events.

There was unauthorized use of the NHRDA credit card for after event get togethers.

On one trip the golf cart wasn't secured in the NHRDA trailer prior to travel. There was damage to both the golf cart and the trailer interior as well.

If you only knew.....

Fair enough. Like you said, I just didn't think this is proper place to air dirty laundry. But that's my opinion anyway.

Soooooooooo how bout them drag races.....

Like Subman said, my race truck won't be there. Have a possible cracked cyl. Can't definitively say one way or another, since an injector cup was leaking as well. Ran short on time and didn't want to make a hasty gamble with the engine, or causing a big problem on the track. I am flying back to spectate though. Hoping for a good turnout, good weather, and good racing. Looking forward to it.
anyone have an email address i can use to get a hold of someone with nhrda? i emailed randy but havnt heard anything back?
I think me, you and Jake made a contribution to a cause that can only be justified under "charitable contributions" on you tax return.
well i hope they can help me out. i really want to go to spectate and attend the banwuet, and that extra cash i threw down would go along way.
Does anyone know of my pre paid entry and unused banquet seats will be refundable??

From the bottom of the race entry confirmation page:

"** Please note that registration fees are non-refundable. All purchases are final."

I don't think the banquet thing said anything, but I'm not sure.
1st, I'd like to say I really enjoyed knowing Chris and his wife Robin. I consider them to be really nice people.

That being said, Chris being let go was a business decision on the part of the NHRDA.

Making flight reservations a couple days rather than weeks before an event increased travel costs dramatically.

There weren't any flyers or promotional contacts made for several events.

There was unauthorized use of the NHRDA credit card for after event get togethers.

On one trip the golf cart wasn't secured in the NHRDA trailer prior to travel. There was damage to both the golf cart and the trailer interior as well.


very understandable, like i said, i only know one side and words from someone in the northwest thats been around the block. i knew i shouldnt have posted this here after i got into it. my bad guys. just was kinda weird after helping him out alot and seeing how hard he was working and then it was done ya know?

Its good to know both sides. Im all for this sport growing and hopefully in the next year, ill be racing again. My apologies for dirtying up the thread.

Back to the topic
crap. well maybe the banquet is refundable. im still attending. just with 2 instead of 5
I think me, you and Jake made a contribution to a cause that can only be justified under "charitable contributions" on you tax return.

Im not out yet I may have something getting overnighted tomorrow. She is tore down and ready to bolt up which ever option I may end up with. The intake side and oil looked good luckily. Still crossing my fingers and toes...
Went to Pacific Race way and made my six passes for my licence so we are good to go. See everyone at Topeka!

Im not out yet I may have something getting overnighted tomorrow. She is tore down and ready to bolt up which ever option I may end up with. The intake side and oil looked good luckily. Still crossing my fingers and toes...
hope you make it man! Intercooler OK?
The wife mentioned to my yesterday that she was planning to taking me to this event as a surprise. So hopefully I'll get to make it to this one! It will be nice to chat with a bunch of you guys. :D I'll know more later in the week.