2nd trashed billet flexplate

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Nope. I've never seen any of the parts that went into my tranny other than the valve body and input shaft that is sitting in my room. I was just always told that having a solid front cover was to be sure that the lugs didn't shear off. Guess I learned my new thing for the day.
Ah...maybe my memory's fuzzy. I know I got the billet front cover, but I guess I'm mistaken on what it looked like! I was a bit tired when they were doing the install since I had just drove about 600 miles!

I just learned something new too!

Hey guys guess what , mis installed is mis installed. How in the hell is that DTT 's fault. The first guy screwed up and we replaced the plate , the second guys screwed up worse than the first guy how does this become DTT's problem.

We already replaced one plate which we did not have to do but we did it anyways. The second installer puts the plate back without checking to see if the bolts were oblong on the TC. Once the bolts are oblong the threads on the TC are done, its finished its no good.

NO one is perfect, it can happen where sometimes bolts get left loose , I had it happen once in my shop, i drove 11 hours each way to fix the problem so my customer was not incovenienced as it happened in my personal shop .

I take great offence to having it portrayed as though this is a product issue and people talk crap about my company. This is an installation issue and I already paid once for something that was not my fault, this is what i get.

Second guy installs the new plate with oblong bolts and what expected it to live give me a break. I cannot warranty that.
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Yeah looks like a Installation prob too me.

Sig 600 did you get the new super single from DTT they might have a different eternal cover then their standards.???
Bill Kondolay said:
Hey guys guess what , mis installed is mis installed. How in the hell is that DTT 's fault. The first guy screwed up and we replaced the plate , the second guys screwed up worse than the first guy how does this become DTT's problem.

We already replaced one plate which we did not have to do but we did it anyways. The second installer puts the plate back without checking to see if the bolts were oblong on the TC. Once the bolts are oblong the threads on the TC are done, its finished its no good.

NO one is perfect, it can happen where sometimes bolts get left loose , I had it happen once in my shop, i drove 11 hours each way to fix the problem so my customer was not incovenienced as it happened in my personal shop .

I take great offence to having it portrayed as though this is a product issue and people talk crap about my company. This is an installation issue and I already paid once for something that was not my fault, this is what i get.

Second guy installs the new plate with oblong bolts and what expected it to live give me a break. I cannot warranty that.
I'm the second guy !!!! You're boy in Dallas sent me NEW bolts to install. Torque Converter is egg shaped from coming totally loose under power!!!!!!!! Your former customer that has spent 1000's of dollars to have all this fixed, can say what he wants too. Your installer sat on the truck for over a week and did nothing to make it right. Phil brings it to me saying that your guy tore it down and found nothing wrong with install. Phil picks his truck up thinking he has something wrong with his motor. All he got out of your DTT dealer was a shift inhancer that doesn't seem to do anything but throw tranny codes!!!

So I get his truck and go over his engine with a fine tooth comb. NOTHING WRONG. Pull his tranny, which was NEVER touched. Find converter chewed up and flywheel loose and beating the hell out of his adapter!!! Your guy sends him a new flywheel AND bolts. Flywheel AND torque converter bolts were at MY request. DTT flywheel bolts are too long by the way.... bottom out in the crankshaft. YOUR guy agrees with me on this by the way. I wanted to R&R converter but Phil was out of money.

Now phil has a BD Diesel Billet Flywheel(SFI) and a SUNCOAST BILLET 89% converter. He WILL NOT have these problems anymore. I use locktite and and impact wrench, maybe you guys should try it? ??????????:kick:
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Easy on the name calling Soot. I dont tolerate personal attacks...especially between non-paying vendors. You guys are both getting free press out of this, and I have no reason to let this thread run.
Seems like I've seen this more than once. Is blue locktite sufficient or is red required?
duke1n said:
Seems like have seen this more than once. Is blue locktite sufficient or is red required?

I use RED and Lots of torque and haven't had one fall out yet....maybe I'm just lucky like that????:hehe:

You know what , you get mechanics that either dont know or dont care.

You say the customer could not afford to re and re the converter, why would he have had to pay extra, if you told us we would have sent him a TC , it was already down for you to install the new plate. No EXTRA RE AND RE CHARGE. But i guess if you had done it that way there was no way you could sell him another TC amd flexplate.

You are the second guy, if the TC was damaged why put it in. And if the TC was not damaged , what did you leave the bolts loose too, you cant have it both ways.

And by the way , as a general rule of thumb, if a flexlate is damaged and the tc is damaged , guess what the pump is probably damaged too. I am sure you did not tell him that YET, there is no money in it right now for you yet.

So what that means is you get to sell him a transmission next and tell him James did a bad job on that too. It is a win win situation for you no matter what.
dzlfarmboy said:
Yeah looks like a Installation prob too me.

Sig 600 did you get the new super single from DTT they might have a different eternal cover then their standards.???

Not sure...I've asked on a couple forums what the super single is, and never got an answer. Never got around to calling my builder...not that important to me;)

Hey Bill...what's the "super Single" converter???

Bill Kondolay said:
You know what , you get mechanics that either dont know or dont care.

You say the customer could not afford to re and re the converter, why would he have had to pay extra, if you told us we would have sent him a TC , it was already down for you to install the new plate. No EXTRA RE AND RE CHARGE. But i guess if you had done it that way there was no way you could sell him another TC amd flexplate.

You are the second guy, if the TC was damaged why put it in. And if the TC was not damaged , what did you leave the bolts loose too, you cant have it both ways.

And by the way , as a general rule of thumb, if a flexlate is damaged and the tc is damaged , guess what the pump is probably damaged too. I am sure you did not tell him that YET, there is no money in it right now for you yet.

So what that means is you get to sell him a transmission next and tell him James did a bad job on that too. It is a win win situation for you no matter what.
:blahblah1: :blahblah1: :blahblah1:
You whipping boy said you guys would replace the plate....I heard nothing about a converter. Like I said, your inferior parts are not there anymore, so he has nothing to worry about. Do you tell your dealers that DTT trannys don't need temp gauges or that something they do on their own???:hehe:

I don't care about you or your company. I have done at least 40hrs free labor on Phil's truck. I am not the one getting rich....I guess your not Rich either because you can't seem to pay your bills or stand behind your product. :kick:

I looked in your tranny....what exactly our your customers paying for?? Looks stock to me. Yeah, I made sure pump wasn't torn up and R&R'd the worn front bushing free of charge. Damn it! How am I suppose to get rich!! Note to self, "start charging for work." When Phil does need an HTS tranny he won't have all these problems and his money stays in the USA!!!!
BgBlDodge said:
DTT's main line of converter's is a single disk and personally I feel that for what the average joe does a single disk is the best choice. But that's a debate for another thread.

I agree.....i love my single......woke up the truck huge from the triple disc

Me Too

That's why I'm going with a laminated flexplate from Suncoast.

I've been flogging mine for about 25k miles now and all is well.
Bill Kondolay said:
Hey guys guess what , mis installed is mis installed. How in the hell is that DTT 's fault. The first guy screwed up and we replaced the plate , the second guys screwed up worse than the first guy how does this become DTT's problem.

We already replaced one plate which we did not have to do but we did it anyways. The second installer puts the plate back without checking to see if the bolts were oblong on the TC. Once the bolts are oblong the threads on the TC are done, its finished its no good.

NO one is perfect, it can happen where sometimes bolts get left loose , I had it happen once in my shop, i drove 11 hours each way to fix the problem so my customer was not incovenienced as it happened in my personal shop .

I take great offence to having it portrayed as though this is a product issue and people talk crap about my company. This is an installation issue and I already paid once for something that was not my fault, this is what i get.

Second guy installs the new plate with oblong bolts and what expected it to live give me a break. I cannot warranty that.

Hey Bill, Phil here. You were supposed to call me today. I provided my personal cell phone number in the email to your office. I know yall received that email so why didn't I get a call back? I sent you a message on this site telling you what time I would personally call you. I call, tell the lady who I am, she says "ok, one moment" then comes back to tell me you left for the day. I'm not gonna chase you down. Why can't you talk to me?

Thanks for personally attacking the "2nd guy." The second guy did it right and suggested I replace the converter as well the first time around. However, I didnt want the cost since the converter appeared to be re-usable although damaged. The "2nd guy" called that one correctly. The "2nd guy" has put in numerous hours of labor, lots of which were free of charge because of your installer's mistake. You should be thanking the "2nd guy." :thankyou2:

Thanks for spreading that email around. "Your guy" here in Texas has blown my phone up ever since. He has also called my friends trying to suck up to them and has called the "2nd guy." It's obvious here who is in the wrong. Why try to call and cover yourself if you aren't wrong to begin with? :eek:wned:

Your whole accusation concerning the bolts is a joke. Man, I believe you were :eek:wned: on that one.

Bill, thanks for hiding behind your computer. Thanks for not calling me back. Thanks for totally treating your EX customer like garbage. You KNOW i have been a strong DTT supporter on the forums for years. I'm glad to see how you really treat customers. Being public in my business with DTT has brought "your guy" and in-turn yourself lots of money. Now that you screw me over, I'll keep being public about my business with DTT.

After the actions today, I have totally lost any and all respect for your company. "Your guy" wants me to send him my DTT converter and flexplate and then charge me a core fee just so he can do away with the evidence. Thats straight up robbery. I've paid lots of money for those barely-more-than stock parts so by-God they are mine. "Your guy" still has some parts off of my truck. He claims to be too busy to make it to UPS even after I told him I would pay the shipping. :blahblah1:

For the record, I started this thread as a "hey guys, look at my bad luck." Obviously, it did not end up that way. I do not like to bash, but will bash when bashing is needed. Thank You Bill for totally ignoring the fact that your installer messed up and he even agreed to that. You decided to blame it on someone else. Shows what kind of man you are and what kind of company you run. Good riddance DTT. Please don't screw anyone else over.
"Appeared to re-useable though damaged."

To me, I wouldn't call this thread "look at my bad luck" if you knew the converter was damaged. While converters are expensive, re-installing a damaged one can be far more costly.
Letting this turn into a non-vendor pissing contest doesn't sit real well with me.
Take it somewhere else.
partsguy662 said:
"Appeared to re-useable though damaged."

To me, I wouldn't call this thread "look at my bad luck" if you knew the converter was damaged. While converters are expensive, re-installing a damaged one can be far more costly.

This is true.....but he is 19 years old and a college student not a mechanic. I should have told him that I refuse to put it back together, but he had already spent ALL his money on getting the motor right. This is why I did not charge him for alot of this stuff. I feel bad when a grown man is raped of his money and fell worse when a Dodge is put on a hook. The customer will always get you in the end if you are going to do shoty work. Phil is with friends now and will not get treated that way anymore. He got his truck fixed and he was feed Breakfast and Dinner. Too busy to eat lunch.:hehe:
sootman said:
This is true.....but he is 19 years old and a college student not a mechanic. I should have told him that I refuse to put it back together, but he had already spent ALL his money on getting the motor right. This is why I did not charge him for alot of this stuff. I feel bad when a grown man is raped of his money and fell worse when a Dodge is put on a hook. The customer will always get you in the end if you are going to do shoty work. Phil is with friends now and will not get treated that way anymore. He got his truck fixed and he was feed Breakfast and Dinner. Too busy to eat lunch.:hehe:

That doesn't make a hell of a lot of sense either. If you've got big dollars tied up in something already and can't afford to fix it, fixing it half-assed is just begging for an even larger bill in the very near future.

If it is the result of poor installation the first time around, the job goes back to the original installer along with a request to make it right. If something is installed correctly and it fails because of a defect, you contact the manufacturer.

This sounds like an ugly situation all the way around, and I have a feeling that it probably should have been handled much differently.
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