2wd sledpulling

SmokeShow said:
rumor mill says a 2wd DMax took 2nd place in a 4wd class beating out 21 4wd trucks. :eek:

Congrats Duramax14!!!
heard 1st only had inches on kurt as well

I saw it happen too, stock Duramax with EFIlive and exhaust. Amazing. Congrats Kurt. There is a video floating around. Maybe someone can post it.
Here are my vidoes. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=dBIKg8UfwFA She hit 3rd gear and this run and fell on her face.

http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=NfhcD6N3WEk Notice the guy at the end of the track the flag guy. And also i had to get on the breaks a little to get the sled slowing down.

This is my final pull off just a couple inchs shy of the dually that won Also the sled is a little heavier http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=iBwtXKSUXZY. So there u have it out of a little over 20 trucks 2wd placed 2nd not to bad

Thank u guys
malibu795 said:
wow......... look what i started :hehe: i havent done anything with my 2wd since started this thread....... to much crap going on....
well i take back my previous statment...

im glad i started this :rockwoot:
the videos i took will probably show you pulling the front wheels cause i was standing near the finish line video taping you coming at me......

oh and when my trucks finished i will be running against Kurt also with my 2WD dodge with a rear dually setup......

what matters is you SHOWED THE NAYSAYERS what a 2WD could do.......
So what kind of setup did you have for that pull? If you do not mind me asking that is.

I love it when a majoritied opinion gets over thrown by a visual fact, lol.
No offense but you guys must have some weak running 4wd's down there in Florida, because the wieght on that sled was half way up when it stopped you on the last video you posted. Like I said no offense and congrats on a second place finish.

My set up was clamping the rear springs and running 3rd arms to block my rear. A last minute set up. We ran procomp m/t for this track i tryed running dulley rims but they would not fit.

The last pull i made the sled was very very heavy. Remember we aint running the 4X4 down here are very strong. 02 running 11's Tnrgreen i beilve is low 12's not no week 4X4 here
Tcolesanti said:
No offense but you guys must have some weak running 4wd's down there in Florida, because the wieght on that sled was half way up when it stopped you on the last video you posted. Like I said no offense and congrats on a second place finish.

top 4
(1st) Mike Falconer- Mopower05-Dodge .. ..FP---- 223.1
(2nd)Kurt Knarr- Chevy- duramaxin14 260.11 FP 217.0
(3rd)Blake Albritton- Dodge- FP---- 209.4
(4th)Michael Peters- Ford FP---- 176.1
dont know what the first pull's distance was since it isnt posted

he did say the last vid was the pull off.........
Kurt they are just trying to throw out excuses so they wont admit they are wrong.....

No, YOU guys are looking for excuses to not buy a 4wd, because up until now you figured out you liked sled pullin, but realized you f-ed up pretty good by buying a 2wd. Now it seems that you guys will be ruling the roost at sled pull events all over the country with your 2wd's.............:hehe:

malibu795 said:
top 4
(1st) Mike Falconer- Mopower05-Dodge .. ..FP---- 223.1
(2nd)Kurt Knarr- Chevy- duramaxin14 260.11 FP 217.0
(3rd)Blake Albritton- Dodge- FP---- 209.4
(4th)Michael Peters- Ford FP---- 176.1
dont know what the first pull's distance was since it isnt posted

he did say the last vid was the pull off.........

I was just making my point off that video, cause the weight box moved even slower in the previous vids.

Tcolesanti said:
No, YOU guys are looking for excuses to not buy a 4wd, because up until now you figured out you liked sled pullin, but realized you f-ed up pretty good by buying a 2wd. Now it seems that you guys will be ruling the roost at sled pull events all over the country with your 2wd's.............:hehe:

I don,t remember enybody saying they were going to rule the roost.
Tcolesanti said:
No, YOU guys are looking for excuses to not buy a 4wd, because up until now you figured out you liked sled pullin, but realized you f-ed up pretty good by buying a 2wd. Now it seems that you guys will be ruling the roost at sled pull events all over the country with your 2wd's.............:hehe:


ive been around truck and tractor pulling since i was very young, ive been to probably 300-400 truck and tractor pulls, ive helped build everything from 2500 horse blower 2wd truck motors to street diesel and gas class 4x4 trucks, ive seen thousands of dollars burn up in split seconds from small piddly 5$ parts failing, ive tore trucks to the bare frame and started from nothing and built winning trucks, ive spent many sleepless nights putting motors together and staying up til 5am and breaking a new motor in to watch it pour rain 2 hours before the biggest pull of the year and it get cancelled, ive drove all over hells half acre on MY dollar to watch the trucks ive helped build win and lose, I WAS INTO PULLING BEFORE I EVEN THOUGHT ABOUT BUYING A TRUCK LET ALONE OLD ENOUGH TO SEE OVER THE STEERING WHEEL, and ive probably been into pulling longer than ALOT of the guys that are into it now, me and my buddies have put on one of the biggest BRUSH pulls around for several years now, Hillsboro Ohio, we brought in 160 trucks this year from 6 states, and even more will come back next year cause we put on a first class pull, we dont descriminate or judge what you pull, we let you pull........i bought my first diesel last summer because before that i spent my money on college for 2 years and other stuff that i NEEDED, a 2wd first gen was all i could afford at the time and its all i can afford now, but dont set there and tell me how your 4x4 is SOOOOO awesome, there are ALOT more 2wd pulling vehicles out there than 4x4.....the only reason you guys say they cant win is because all youve ever pulled with are 4x4's..........a TRUE puller knows it dosent matter what machine your competing in, as long as you are competing, its all for the betterment of the sport.......i got a idea 2wpuller, when you get your ole 2wd ram done, run against him, for some reason i dont see his 4x4 winning..........just dont see it.....:hehe:, but just remember its only a 2WD.....
To be honest with u guys i wasnt even going to pull this time i was done with pulling. I never carryed to hook to the sled or anything eles. Money was running try and stuff was breaking. I pulled at this pulled to prove a point And my point has gotten across. Athough i didnt finished first second place is fine with me. A few small adjustments to the truck for january 5th pull and i may or may not take first place. Well just have to see how it turns out
i forgot to ask you kurt, what is that horrible metallic grinding your truck makes going down the track, sounds like your rearend is full of metal parts.....