$50,000 Purse for a Diesel Race!!

I would have to add ~1000lbs to my truck to run. Still sounds fun.

The new ford 6.7s are air to water from the factory. You guys are really trying to keep fords out.....:hehe:
Just curious, but why not make it a bracket race? Any truck quicker than 13.0 could enter. Or something to that effect.

I was thinking about that myself, 13.0-12.5 seems like the perfect place to start.

Seems as thought that would make it more of a drivers race, and not so much of a who's the fastest. Not saying i don't like the rules, just saying it's not giving much of a chance to the "little guys".

Either way it sounds like a great start to the 2011 racing year and i hope i can attend to either spectate or race.
Why are air/water CACs ruled out in favor of air/air CACs?
Nothing's injected into the intake either way, and cost shouldn't be a factor in light of <$1K A/W units.

If it's supposed to be a driver's race, the weight break needs another thousand pounds...
Yeah I know man... This leaves me out too..

But Jeff has his reason's...He wants to get back to old school diesel racing where folks don't have to spend their life savings to compete in a great diesel race and have just as good a chance to win big money as the Big Dogs out there....
Its just a decision that he made..These are the rules...We either gotta meet them or be a spectator!!

I'm in Either way!! Hope all of you will attented as well....

Someones gonna be RICH!!! :)

This was posted on page 1^^^^^^. It only took 4 pages for this to get as far from this a possable.

Chassis is run what you brung
Same for Suspension
Cut body is fine I guess, didn't ask
intercooler is fine as long as its a normal one and is not being cooled with water or co2 or some type of spray / mist / ice / bs
Yes, weight can be added
Batteries should not be an issue
Don't think street legal is an issue according to what Jeff said.

Just one other thing... what 2.6 sled pull rule allows bushings?

I think there will be alot of tube chassis, and 4 link trucks there with 1-2k of weight in the bed, with there S480 and a contoured 2.6 bushing.

Thats alot of money and I think people are going to push the rules as far as they can.
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Just spoke to Jeff... Let me clear a few things up

It will be held in Bradenton FL.....No other track north of there will work due to winter

TRANNY'S HAVE to be either and Auto / Manual like it came as a street truck..I.E. Allison behind Dmax , 48re's behind the Cummins....NOW Of Course if you did a swap in a street truck like a Cummins / 48 into a Ford, then your good.... Or a 48 behind an Dmax your good......

NO LENCO'S................Sorry folks.....This is for normal street / strip guys that don't / can't spend that kind of money...

This will be the ONLY class running!! The rules are set (tires, weight, Fuel, Turbo) and will Not change....

2.6 Rules Apply.... I got questions about wheels, bushings, clearances, Distance between bushing / wheels..Wheel protrusion..... Lets just keep it Simple folks and play by the rules....If someone tries to Cheat , they will be kicked out of the race...Plain and Simple..

And Finally



SO.....BRING ON THE FORDS!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Jeff doesn't care if you have a RAIL......If it ways 6000 lbs..Bring it!!!

or a stock chasis / drive line with a NASCAR body on it....Bring it....As long as it weighs 6000 lbs...
I've got to take my mother to the Doctor.... I won't be on for a while....

Be back later to take other questions..

Jeff doesn't care if you have a RAIL......If it ways 6000 lbs..Bring it!!!

or a stock chasis / drive line with a NASCAR body on it....Bring it....As long as it weighs 6000 lbs...

I love it ! Dont let the nay sayer's sway you guys , this is an awesome concept and I truely beilieve will be something that will be very successful and hopefully reapted.
Excellent Idea. Lemmie know If I can help in any way.
If it's in March, cut me in, if it's the Feb. dates listed, I'll be on a Mexico beach with the family. When can the dates be nailed down?
Actually, that's a good point. I'm only 45 min from the track and my wife's family has lived in Bradenton for the past 30 years. Let me know if there's anything I can do to help out.
I will be talking to the track this weekend to nail down the date. Guy's, Jeff and I made this a racer's race for a reason. We even figured out a way to get the vendors involved in a good way. The rules are written in stone and WILL NOT be changed. If you want to run and have twin's on your truck you have roughly 5 months to beg, borrow, or steal a turbo. So if you 12 valve guys really think you can hang a 66 and some 5x25 stick's in your ride without some heat issue's have at it. The playing field is leveled, let's see how many REAL tuner's we have out there!! And yes, I am going to remove my twins and hang a single on it and add 1200 lbs. I ain't SKEERED. Gary
Looks like I have untill Feb to get my single cab short bed F250 built.
Calling ED now about a bushing :evil
I forgot to Add one thing... ( I brought my PD laptop with me ... Its got an aircard :) )

As far as intercoolers go:::

NO LINES of any kinds can be run for cooling...! BUT If you have a ice water intercooler, it can be cooled in between passes, But once again...No Lines for CO2 spray or cooling during the pass...

Per Jeff