5th Annual Gator Diesel Drags - Presented by Elite Diesel

We all agree that it sucks that each division lost a race this season, but there are some very cool things that came out of that loss. First, 4 out of 6 divisions (including Div 4) gained a Nationally televised race, which helps brings vendors to races and more shops to sponsor racers and just more racers out in general, which helps grow the sport. QUOTE]

just so you know we have been around for a while and introduced the sport to hundreds of thousands (maybe millions) back in 08 on Pinks All Out... along with the opportunity to race in front of over 20,000 people live that night who were chanting "diesel" everytime we came up to race... thanks for the advise on how to help the sport grow though :hehe:
Irrelevant... NHRDA might be awesome in your division, but its not so great yet in ours... if you don't race or sponsor in Division 4 then this entire post really doesn't and shouldn't concern you. :wrong:

just so you know we have been around for a while and introduced the sport to hundreds of thousands (maybe millions) back in 08 on Pinks All Out... along with the opportunity to race in front of over 20,000 people live that night who were chanting "diesel" everytime we came up to race... thanks for the advise on how to help the sport grow though :hehe:

This will be my last post, as I think that bickering over the Internet is absolutely rediculous. So first, I wasnt telling you how to promote the sport, I, like everyone else, is just reminding you what NHRDA is specifically doing to promote it, but for some reason, its ok when they say it. Second, we have every right to post in this thread for a couple reasons. We've both been members since 2009, before we even started dating. We might not have raced in Division 4, but in the 2011 season, we drove 8,000 miles to just attend NHRDA events, including driving to Canada and World Finals. 2010 season, we drove 5,000 miles for just NHRDA events AND flew in for three races to support our friends and Matt's sponsors ELITE DIESEL. That many miles is absolutely nothing compared to some people in this thread, like Ken, Michael and especially Aaron who has at least a 3 day drive anywhere, while coming down from Canada. I've never onfe heard these guys complain about driving, even when they break or cant race, but they also drive A LOT to race and they know that sometimes stuff happens.

You were on Pinks, that's awesome, congrats! We have several friends who have also been on there with their trucks, including Cole Dow with his 9 second First Gen. Pinks is an awesome show, but I wasn't aware that they were out to support diesel racers and that they put their ENTIRE life in providing an organization for diesels specifically. Besides Florida, what races do you attend every year to support the organization that supports you?

Good luck this season, I hope that you have better luck. Since you are Division 4, maybe I will meet you in Texas in three weeks. It sounds like you have a nice truck, I'd love to see it run.
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Irrelevant... NHRDA might be awesome in your division, but its not so great yet in ours... if you don't race or sponsor in Division 4 then this entire post really doesn't and shouldn't concern you. :wrong:

LOL ok ill just leave it at that
For the record MDavis is associated with Pro Street Diesel last years Pro Stock world champion and the Black Mamba. Surprises me that this is such an issue for some one who has been racing for so long and has done so much in and for the sport. but I guess everyone gets their feathers ruffled at some point.
For the record MDavis is associated with Pro Street Diesel last years Pro Stock world champion and the Black Mamba. Surprises me that this is such an issue for some one who has been racing for so long and has done so much in and for the sport. but I guess everyone gets their feathers ruffled at some point.

Micky and Darren have absolutely nothing to do with my comments and its not an issue... it was an opinion on how things were handled...

we are used to $HIT happening...
Sorry if it came off derogatory was not meant to be just saying I guess we are all human and get upset every now and then.
I gladly accept the fact it is a win some loose some but from what I am hearing it sounds like these cracker jacks of a "company" which, I am sure will be gone within a year or so, knew it wasn't going to happen when the rain hit took the money of these drivers!

While I don't want to stir the pot any more than necessary, I do find some amusement in this comment considering it is about the sanctioning organization that has been around the longest in diesel motorsports. They may not have been the first, but they have been here the longest!

People seem to be forgetting the part that it was the track's call to cancel the event, and presumably the track operators know the most about how long it takes to dry their particular track. I'd rather see this happen than what occurred in Topeka the first year, with the track operators continuing to send trucks down the track as the rain was starting. I've loaded up from rainouts during thunderstorms as well as blistering sunshine. Another thing to remember is that the track personnel still get paid whether it rained out or not, and that usually affects the refund policies of a given track.
First and for most I understand the safety of our family and friends on the track. I would want my husband, me, friends, employees, customers and ect to be protected. But as a sponsor don't take my freaking money or any ones money and know your not going to run the race.

We were not at the race because we had something MUCH more important going on this day. Everyone has tried to hide the facts of this BS from me because they know how irritate I will become. I know people can not plan around mother nature. However my loss should not be your gain! You plan an event you accept me into an event knowing you are not going to be able to race but you GLADLY take my money well when it is rained out you should also GLADLY refund the entrance fee. Many people spent large amounts of money to get out there for fuel and a multitude of other reason. S*** we had parts over nighted to our business to assure a truck was ready to go but you want to take our money and not have 1/2 a heart to refund it.

I gladly accept the fact it is a win some loose some but from what I am hearing it sounds like these cracker jacks of a "company" which, I am sure will be gone within a year or so, knew it wasn't going to happen when the rain hit took the money of these drivers! Ok so you say $25.00 isn't a big deal but when you look at the scheme of things it is a huge deal when you have already paid $100.00 +++++++ to get there!

I guess nothing should surprise me now days! But it is what it is! My days with NHRDA are coming to a quick halt!

Now if I'm reading you correct you didn't make the race? Yet you are getting your panties all in a wad about something you didn't even experience? Guess I'm a little confused as to what exactly you are wanting refunds for? If it is the entry fee to run in a class that is collected at the NHRDA trailer that is one thing, but if it is the gate entry fee collected by the track, (or bought on line) that is another. Whatever the track policy is on rain outs varies by track and has nothing to do with the race organization. BTW I wished all it cost me was $100 to get to a race. My fuel bill this year to race the events I have planned if diesel stays at around $4.35 a gallon is projected to be north of $12,000 that doesn't include rooms and meals. Hope to see you all in Texas next month.
My fuel bill this year to race the events I have planned if diesel stays at around $4.35 a gallon is projected to be north of $12,000 that doesn't include rooms and meals. Hope to see you all in Texas next month.
Congrats! :cheer:
I appreciate all you do Randy. Im thankful that we have a group of people who put so much effort into growing our sport. Unfotunately, you will never be appreciated by everyone. There is always a negative crowd, no matter how well something goes. I've been competing all my life in events similar to diesel racing. So im used to it. Im definately not gonna get on the internet and cry over a rain out. Its happened before and it will happen again. If I couldnt handle that, Id just quit.
We were not at the race because we had something MUCH more important going on this day. Everyone has tried to hide the facts of this BS from me because they know how irritate I will become.
Nobody cares.

I know people can not plan around mother nature. However my loss should not be your gain!
If someone loses someone is going to gain. Why should it be nhrda. After all they put out advertising etc just so people knew about the event that you weren't going to anyways cause you had WAY more important things to do.

I gladly accept the fact it is a win some loose some
Ok then whats your point of this whole thing?

these cracker jacks of a "company" which, I am sure will be gone within a year or so.
I think you have your organizations mixed up. Nearly every diesel manufacture in the industry sponsors NHRDA. There is a reason for that.

I have a feeling Ennis will be big!

anyone wanting to sponsor an entry, holler at your boy. lol
First and for most I understand the safety of our family and friends on the track. I would want my husband, me, friends, employees, customers and ect to be protected. But as a sponsor don't take my freaking money or any ones money and know your not going to run the race.

We were not at the race because we had something MUCH more important going on this day. Everyone has tried to hide the facts of this BS from me because they know how irritate I will become. I know people can not plan around mother nature. However my loss should not be your gain! You plan an event you accept me into an event knowing you are not going to be able to race but you GLADLY take my money well when it is rained out you should also GLADLY refund the entrance fee. Many people spent large amounts of money to get out there for fuel and a multitude of other reason. S*** we had parts over nighted to our business to assure a truck was ready to go but you want to take our money and not have 1/2 a heart to refund it.

I gladly accept the fact it is a win some loose some but from what I am hearing it sounds like these cracker jacks of a "company" which, I am sure will be gone within a year or so, knew it wasn't going to happen when the rain hit took the money of these drivers! Ok so you say $25.00 isn't a big deal but when you look at the scheme of things it is a huge deal when you have already paid $100.00 +++++++ to get there!

I guess nothing should surprise me now days! But it is what it is! My days with NHRDA are coming to a quick halt!

you obviously have not been to many race tracks. I have been racing for twenty years and have never had a refund on a rain out. Coming on here complaining about a very well established and run organization is insulting to all of us. Maybe you should take up import car drag racing. Those little kids like to wine a lot. :blahblah1:
you obviously have not been to many race tracks. I have been racing for twenty years and have never had a refund on a rain out. Coming on here complaining about a very well established and run organization is insulting to all of us. Maybe you should take up import car drag racing. Those little kids like to wine a lot. :blahblah1:

Interesting first post.....just saying.

posted from a porcelain throne
Interesting first post.....just saying.

posted from a porcelain throne

I actually have lots under Pat@BD but since I no longer work there, figured I should change my user name. I just updated my signature to show my old name.