5th Annual Gator Diesel Drags - Presented by Elite Diesel

First - No one said that they disliked NHRDA or Randy Cole (in fact we placed flyers and postcards in our businesses helping promote this race)

Second - It was not intended to start an arguement, I was just simply expressing mine as well as many other peoples disagreement with the way Saturday (and a few other) races have been handled...

I think most people would have like to have seen more of an effort to get the race in (at least an attempt to dry the track) - everyone knows that you cannot control the weather.

Knowing that many people were taking off of work, hiring babysitters, spending hundreds of $$$ on fuel and transportation (including NHRDA).... not to mention the countless hours of being away from their families trying to get these trucks ready -a rain date (preferably for Sunday) should have been a top priority.

It just seems like if promoting the sport was the main concern that the race would be rescheduled for a later date (since there was no rain date).... especially considering there were only 2 races scheduled for this division anyway. Seems like the best way to promote the sport would be to have more races. :what:

As for the comment of safety... of course I care about the drivers safety - my husband is one of them.

And finally... I agreed on needing to haul race trucks on trailers :doh:
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Knowing that many people were taking off of work, hiring babysitters, spending hundreds of $$$ on fuel and transportation (including NHRDA).... not to mention the countless hours of being away from their families trying to get these trucks ready -a rain date (preferably for Sunday) should have been a top priority.

It just seems like if promoting the sport was the main concern that the race would be rescheduled for a later date (since there was no rain date).... especially considering there were only 2 races scheduled for this division anyway. Seems like the best way to promote the sport would be to have more races. :what:

We all agree that it sucks that each division lost a race this season, but there are some very cool things that came out of that loss. First, 4 out of 6 divisions (including Div 4) gained a Nationally televised race, which helps brings vendors to races and more shops to sponsor racers and just more racers out in general, which helps grow the sport. 2nd, we now have a reoccurring World Finals. 3rd, which I think shows the most dedication, is that they now offer National Points. There is 3 different titles, that you can take home at the end of the season, plus a boat load of money. NHRDA isn't a multi-million dollar company (yet!) and in order for racers to win money. Someone has to pay out, so yeah they looked to see where they could make cuts. Randy is trying to move this sport and his business forward and sometimes, as we all know, that takes sacrifices, liking cutting 6 races a season, but personally, I think what we get back, is pretty damn cool.
NHRDA... another race... another joke

Less than 1/2 hour before the race was cancelled we were told that the rain should be gone within the hour... I'm not sure if it was Gainesville raceway or NHRDA who pulled the plug on the race but it was pretty crappy... They let us all sit there until the rain basically stops and then say that its going to take too long to dry the track (or should I say let all of us stay until all the racers pay there NHRDA membership fees / tech cards and all the specators pay there admission fees, etc...) :kick:--- I don't remember the exact time but it was somewhere around 3pm... if its too late at 3 pm... I think it was too late at 1pm when the original drivers meeting was called. Oh and a "no refund" policy just keep your stubs until next year and we'll give you 10 points... REALLY??? Still don't believe that it would have taken 4 hours to dry the track... I would expect Gainesville to have better equipment than that. To top that off "no rain date"... so I guess NHRDA is going to have 1 Division 4 race this year... WOW!

Anyway... thanks to SGMP (who was able to dry there track - within 2 hours) who after finishing there scheduled havoc race let us test-n-tune the day was not a complete and total waste...

First - No one said that they disliked NHRDA or Randy Cole (in fact we placed flyers and postcards in our businesses helping promote this race)

Second - It was not intended to start an arguement, I was just simply expressing mine as well as many other peoples disagreement with the way Saturday (and a few other) races have been handled...

I think most people would have like to have seen more of an effort to get the race in (at least an attempt to dry the track) - everyone knows that you cannot control the weather.

Knowing that many people were taking off of work, hiring babysitters, spending hundreds of $$$ on fuel and transportation (including NHRDA).... not to mention the countless hours of being away from their families trying to get these trucks ready -a rain date (preferably for Sunday) should have been a top priority.

It just seems like if promoting the sport was the main concern that the race would be rescheduled for a later date (since there was no rain date).... especially considering there were only 2 races scheduled for this division anyway. Seems like the best way to promote the sport would be to have more races. :what:

As for the comment of safety... of course I care about the drivers safety - my husband is one of them.

And finally... I agreed on needing to haul race trucks on trailers :doh:

saying nhrda is a joke is kinda offensive. if not to them, it is to me. Maybe you came off wrong or i just read it wrong. All i know is i love racing and nhrda has to be one of the greatest and most people friendly organizations ive ever gotten to deal with.
It doesnt matter what anyone says. You change it to make someone happy they will complain. Changing it to a different date people will still be upset cause they have to take off work again, hire babysitters, spend money, etc... the list goes one.

It takes a lot to organize a race and I know for one that it sucks having to call an event for rain. But like Randy said he didn't rent the track which means that was allowing the sport to grow by Randy allowing to use that money towards things to make it grow like TV.
Yes a rain out date would have been good but I bet Florida had a race planned the next day or the track volunteers had something going on the next day.
You have to remember calling a race doesn't only affect the racers. There is a whole track crew that showed up that day that also had to hire babysitters, all that stuff.

Yes rain days sucks but there is nothing a guy can do about it.
NHRA will sometimes call a race due to weather and they will not reschedual.

It is what it is and I think some people just need to get over it.

Racing is racing and sometimes crap happens
While I wasn't at this event, I have averaged 15k-17k miles per year going to events, not counting flying in for 2 to 4 races a year as well, and several of those have been rain outs. Having helped organize an event, I now see how all the scheduling issues arise with original dates much less rain dates, and in some cases rain dates just are not feasible. Our event did NOT have a rain date the past 2 years, which is damn risky in Oregon! Fortunately Randy was able to negotiate a rain date for our event this year, but hopefully we don't need it!

I lost a diesel racing championship a few years ago because of a couple of races that appeared to be sure rainouts, so I stayed home while the races occurred after all.

As far as the semi, I know for a fact that NHRDA bought the truck & trailer used for absolutely killer deals, less money combined than most people have into their daily driver pickup. It does make for a nice rolling billboard as it travels across the country, and as a sponsor I am happy to have our company logo on it.

Michael Pliska
While I wasn't at this event, I have averaged 15k-17k miles per year going to events, not counting flying in for 2 to 4 races a year as well, and several of those have been rain outs. Having helped organize an event, I now see how all the scheduling issues arise with original dates much less rain dates, and in some cases rain dates just are not feasible. Our event did NOT have a rain date the past 2 years, which is damn risky in Oregon! Fortunately Randy was able to negotiate a rain date for our event this year, but hopefully we don't need it!

I lost a diesel racing championship a few years ago because of a couple of races that appeared to be sure rainouts, so I stayed home while the races occurred after all.

As far as the semi, I know for a fact that NHRDA bought the truck & trailer used for absolutely killer deals, less money combined than most people have into their daily driver pickup. It does make for a nice rolling billboard as it travels across the country, and as a sponsor I am happy to have our company logo on it.


Michael Pliska

A full blown rig for t shirts and sign up sheets?

That right there shows you have no idea what all they do for you to put on a good event. You obviously have no idea what it takes to put on a good short ESPECIALLY a season of shows. Maybe you should come to an event and check out how cool that rig is and how professional it makes things look. As a proud sponsor for the NHRDA am very pleased to know that truck is noticed going down the road with all the different diesel manufactures on the side of it. Its also very nice when schedules are tight to be able to throw our displays in the back of the truck and they will bring it to the event for us. Thanks NHRDA.
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NHRDA... another race... another joke

Less than 1/2 hour before the race was cancelled we were told that the rain should be gone within the hour... I'm not sure if it was Gainesville raceway or NHRDA who pulled the plug on the race but it was pretty crappy... They let us all sit there until the rain basically stops and then say that its going to take too long to dry the track (or should I say let all of us stay until all the racers pay there NHRDA membership fees / tech cards and all the specators pay there admission fees, etc...) :kick:--- I don't remember the exact time but it was somewhere around 3pm... if its too late at 3 pm... I think it was too late at 1pm when the original drivers meeting was called. Oh and a "no refund" policy just keep your stubs until next year and we'll give you 10 points... REALLY??? Still don't believe that it would have taken 4 hours to dry the track... I would expect Gainesville to have better equipment than that. To top that off "no rain date"... so I guess NHRDA is going to have 1 Division 4 race this year... WOW!

Anyway... thanks to SGMP (who was able to dry there track - within 2 hours) who after finishing there scheduled havoc race let us test-n-tune the day was not a complete and total waste...
I'm guessing you would have complained if they called the race off as soon as it started raining to? So how does a person make you happy when mother nature is involved? Besides giving you everything you want...
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We all agree that it sucks that each division lost a race this season, but there are some very cool things that came out of that loss. First, 4 out of 6 divisions (including Div 4) gained a Nationally televised race, which helps brings vendors to races and more shops to sponsor racers and just more racers out in general, which helps grow the sport. 2nd, we now have a reoccurring World Finals. 3rd, which I think shows the most dedication, is that they now offer National Points. There is 3 different titles, that you can take home at the end of the season, plus a boat load of money. NHRDA isn't a multi-million dollar company (yet!) and in order for racers to win money. Someone has to pay out, so yeah they looked to see where they could make cuts. Randy is trying to move this sport and his business forward and sometimes, as we all know, that takes sacrifices, liking cutting 6 races a season, but personally, I think what we get back, is pretty damn cool.

No Offense, but this is the EXACT response I would expect from a California racer who has never been to this side of the planet.

saying nhrda is a joke is kinda offensive. if not to them, it is to me. Maybe you came off wrong or i just read it wrong. All i know is i love racing and nhrda has to be one of the greatest and most people friendly organizations ive ever gotten to deal with.

What other organizations have you run with?

Racing is racing and sometimes crap happens

Could not agree more.

While I wasn't at this event, I have averaged 15k-17k miles per year going to events, not counting flying in for 2 to 4 races a year as well, and several of those have been rain outs. Having helped organize an event, I now see how all the scheduling issues arise with original dates much less rain dates, and in some cases rain dates just are not feasible. Our event did NOT have a rain date the past 2 years, which is damn risky in Oregon! Fortunately Randy was able to negotiate a rain date for our event this year, but hopefully we don't need it!

I lost a diesel racing championship a few years ago because of a couple of races that appeared to be sure rainouts, so I stayed home while the races occurred after all.

As far as the semi, I know for a fact that NHRDA bought the truck & trailer used for absolutely killer deals, less money combined than most people have into their daily driver pickup. It does make for a nice rolling billboard as it travels across the country, and as a sponsor I am happy to have our company logo on it.

Michael Pliska

Well said

I'm guessing you would have complained if they called the race off as soon as it started raining to? So how does a person make you happy when mother nature is involved? Besides giving you everything you want...

Anthony has no idea who he is talking to....
No Offense, but this is the EXACT response I would expect from a California racer who has never been to this side of the planet.
You are going to have to clearify your statement on this one Tim, I don't see the connection from what Makaela said to what you responded?? More clues please.
No Offense, but this is the EXACT response I would expect from a California racer who has never been to this side of the planet.
You are going to have to clarify your statement on this one Tim, I don't see the connection from what Makaela said to what you responded?? More clues please.

Now Ken, I cant tell you everything... you will have to figure out some things on your own.
Sorry been busy finishing up our first TV show and getting ready for our next Televised event in Texas.

As I stated before I am a big boy and can take the critizism and I dont claim to do everything correct but I try my best and learn from mistakes hopefully.

I believe that all above parties want the best for diesel motorsports so lets move forward and not divide ourselves as we are all in this sport together.

On that note how would know how the truck and trialer looks Anthony you would actually have to come to an event this year *bdh*
Sorry been busy finishing up our first TV show and getting ready for our next Televised event in Texas.

As I stated before I am a big boy and can take the critizism and I dont claim to do everything correct but I try my best and learn from mistakes hopefully.

I believe that all above parties want the best for diesel motorsports so lets move forward and not divide ourselves as we are all in this sport together.

On that note how would know how the truck and trialer looks Anthony you would actually have to come to an event this year *bdh*

Well said, see you guys in Texas!
First and for most I understand the safety of our family and friends on the track. I would want my husband, me, friends, employees, customers and ect to be protected. But as a sponsor don't take my freaking money or any ones money and know your not going to run the race.

We were not at the race because we had something MUCH more important going on this day. Everyone has tried to hide the facts of this BS from me because they know how irritate I will become. I know people can not plan around mother nature. However my loss should not be your gain! You plan an event you accept me into an event knowing you are not going to be able to race but you GLADLY take my money well when it is rained out you should also GLADLY refund the entrance fee. Many people spent large amounts of money to get out there for fuel and a multitude of other reason. S*** we had parts over nighted to our business to assure a truck was ready to go but you want to take our money and not have 1/2 a heart to refund it.

I gladly accept the fact it is a win some loose some but from what I am hearing it sounds like these cracker jacks of a "company" which, I am sure will be gone within a year or so, knew it wasn't going to happen when the rain hit took the money of these drivers! Ok so you say $25.00 isn't a big deal but when you look at the scheme of things it is a huge deal when you have already paid $100.00 +++++++ to get there!

I guess nothing should surprise me now days! But it is what it is! My days with NHRDA are coming to a quick halt!
No Offense, but this is the EXACT response I would expect from a California racer who has never been to this side of the planet.

What other organizations have you run with?

Could not agree more.

Well said

Anthony has no idea who he is talking to....

well fyi before i started drag racing i traveled the country racing professional motocross for years. I have raced with many organizations in many different sports. its my life and has been since i can remember. Nhrda is great. I dont really understand what the issue is. I guess i just understand that thats how things work. $hit happens
No Offense, but this is the EXACT response I would expect from a California racer who has never been to this side of the planet.

No Offense, but this is the EXACT response I would expect from a California racer who has never been to this side of the planet.
You are going to have to clearify your statement on this one Tim, I don't see the connection from what Makaela said to what you responded?? More clues please.

No Offense, but this is the EXACT response I would expect from a California racer who has never been to this side of the planet.

Now Ken, I cant tell you everything... you will have to figure out some things on your own.

I'm not sure I understand either, glad I'm not the only one Ken. By the way, where I live in California, I get snow regularly and we just got 2 inches of rain, LAST NIGHT. I live closer to the snow and mountains then I do the ocean. I take offense to any stereotype that you are throwing at me. If it doesn't have to do with weather then maybe its about us all being beach bums and not doing anything or whatever, but I dunno, especially since I said pretty much the exact same thing as Michael and you pat him on the back.... Maybe it has to do with me being a girl? I don't really know, but like Randy said, we should move on. He made the right choice calling it for the safety of the racers, just like in Kansas two years ago. We've all seen what happens when a truck waters down the track, and Mother Nature is a cold-hearted biatch.
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I guess competitors should read the rules. The up side is people who turned in Tech cards got Points when they could have walked away with none according to the rules...
I'm guessing you would have complained if they called the race off as soon as it started raining to? So how does a person make you happy when mother nature is involved? Besides giving you everything you want...

Anthony... my husband (who you know very well) is laughing and agreeing that I complain a lot, but my only point was #1 at least make an effort to dry the track #2 a rain date would have been nice and #3 if nothing else at least reschedule for another date (with only 2 races for the entire season it seems like getting both of them in would be important) --- trust me I know that it is impossible to control the weather
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well fyi before i started drag racing i traveled the country racing professional motocross for years. I have raced with many organizations in many different sports. its my life and has been since i can remember. Nhrda is great. I dont really understand what the issue is. I guess i just understand that thats how things work. $hit happens

Irrelevant... NHRDA might be awesome in your division, but its not so great yet in ours... if you don't race or sponsor in Division 4 then this entire post really doesn't and shouldn't concern you. :wrong: