6.0 Mod Limitations


Hairless Cat Aficionado
May 10, 2006
What are the limits of mods for the 6.0 to be called a true daily driver? It seems in my readings that most modded trucks beyond a SCT and maybe a turbo just aren't very dependable. It seems those trucks are constantly having problems. Just to name a few Robts, Lubeowner, Unbroken, Dal, Heinzboy, Extended Power... Some of those listed have given up on the 6.0 obviously for a reason. I'm not bashing just asking a question. What is the limit on a 6.0 for the average joe that doesn't have a bankroll of money to continuously pay for repairs and downtime.
My setup is a great daily driver. Cass 190's, Beans turbo, SCT, John Wood Tranny......etc.
There is no thing as "DD limitations"....it is all personal preference.

I roll on 41" tires,...it is my daily driver........most people say "anything over 37's isn't a DD"..............I'm not most people.

It's totally up to the individual, on what is a comfortable DD.
You can't beat stock. It sucks, but it works. You do have to remember that the people you listed didn't go buy of the shelf parts that had been available and tested and driven by hundreds of people. All of them tried something new. And then they stopped wanting to be the tester.
Dal, I guess what I'm asking is, what mods can you put on and not ever have to worry about again. I read your having a fuel issue that you can't work out, or injectors crapping out. My truck has 66k on it, 40k of those with
SCT. My truck has not had the hood opened to fix or "adjust" anything to do with the motor.
My truck has 66k on it, 40k of those with
SCT. My truck has not had the hood opened to fix or "adjust" anything to do with the motor.

Then leave it alone,...some people "pop" the motor totally stock.

If you really have the "itch" to mod it,....be prepared for anything to break,...nothing it fool proof.
Sorry to say but the 6.0 stock isnt something you "can never worry about again". Ive only ever had one issue with my truck and thats the turbo. Ive gone through a VGTss and a VGT HO. All due to turbo farting with that big of a wheel on a stock shaft. I have a blow off now and have had no problems since.
Ive only ever had one issue with my truck and thats the turbo.

In the 200cc injector thread Extended Power started, you said you had 4 bad injectors. Was this on a different truck? Is the limit of the 6.0 changing injectors?
Dal, I guess what I'm asking is, what mods can you put on and not ever have to worry about again. I read your having a fuel issue that you can't work out, or injectors crapping out. My truck has 66k on it, 40k of those with
SCT. My truck has not had the hood opened to fix or "adjust" anything to do with the motor.

I understand what you're saying, but there isn't a sure fire way. My truck had a fuel pump , and HPOP go bad that caused my current problems. Those were/are the same stock parts you have in yours. Remember, my truck is 5 years old with 90K miles. If you want a great daily, Exhaust, gauges, and an SCT will do it. You may still have EGR and Head gasket issues, but you might have those stock too.
The reason I'm asking, I'm leaning towards changing my turbo. However, I don't want to open pandora's box and get studs, gaskets, fuel, injectors, trans, converter, .... Can I change my turbo to say a VGT-ss and not have my new turbo suck money along with air?
Looking back now...I should have never changed from stock injectors. I don't know if this is the way they all are, but I'm not happy with the way my truck starts now....It runs awesome when warmed up...but it looks like I started a 2 stroke triple at -40*F at every first start of the day.:ugh::frown:

I have more money into the engine, and transmission, than what my truck is worth to sell, or trade it in right now....and for everyone to see the results of my 6 months of hard work billowing away every morning....it's embarrassing.:aiwebs_016::o

If I had a chance to go back in time...I would have STAYED with stock injectors, and my stock turbo. At least if I lost an injector, I could go to the local FORD dealership, and grab one off the shelf, and be up and running in half a day.:rockwoot:

The turbo I have, does not push enough air for the injectors I have. It has incredible power, and I do drive it on the street everyday. If you were never going to pull a trailer...this is a wicked combination. The problem I have is now I can NOT pull my 30' holiday trailer without temps being at 1300*F on flat ground. Is this going to work for me? No. Do I have money for twins...maybe, but I'm undecided as to which way to go at this point...back to stock injectors, and turbo, twin it, and still have issuses with injectors, or do a Cummins swap.:confused:

Where do you stop??? Right after you think you need more power after adding an SCT, exhaust, intake, and fuel system. (And I have had my share of problems with fuel systems...)$.02
The reason I'm asking, I'm leaning towards changing my turbo. However, I don't want to open pandora's box and get studs, gaskets, fuel, injectors, trans, converter, .... Can I change my turbo to say a VGT-ss and not have my new turbo suck money along with air?

What good is the aftermerket turbo going to do without the rest? your stock turbo flows fine.
I understand what you're saying, but there isn't a sure fire way. My truck had a fuel pump , and HPOP go bad that caused my current problems. Those were/are the same stock parts you have in yours. Remember, my truck is 5 years old with 90K miles. If you want a great daily, Exhaust, gauges, and an SCT will do it. You may still have EGR and Head gasket issues, but you might have those stock too.

The difference Tim...is that all your parts, The Fuel pump, HPOP, & EGR...can all be gotten from the local dealership.

After you switch out the Fuel pumps, Injectors, & Turbo...you are waiting for the vendors to ship out new parts to you. (In my case anyways...)

And yes...all 3 of these items have been replaced more than once on my truck. (The turbo was a mis-communication...but, I didn't have another one to throw on.)

With every issuse that rears it's ugly head, my truck sits in the driveway until the parts show up. It sure would be nice to just drive a few blocks, and pick-up parts...
What good is the aftermerket turbo going to do without the rest? your stock turbo flows fine.


Unless you are going to the dragstrip on a regular basis...keep your truck STOCK...add an exhaust,intake and a SCT with custom tunes and maybe some of this:nos: and rock on:rockwoot:

A turbo is not gonna benefit you enough to justify the cost and once you go with larger injectors you open up another can of worms with potential problems like what I had with stuck spool valves or like Ivan is having.

Listen to people that have been there and done that cause bigger is not better....ask me how I know:doh::hehe:
leave it stock..

stock has problems..but damn..if you want power add some NOS..a great kit cost 1000 bucks (or less) and you see trucks with stock injectors stock turbo and stock trans run in the low 12's..and it can always be removed before a visit to the dealer.

the bigger sticks are cool..but they also have problems..just as stock injectors have problems..I love my 190's and all of my mods..but sometimes I wish I had of left it stock.
I've been banging the idea around to change the turbo on my truck. After reading Extended Power's thread and the problems he's been having along with many that posted in that thread, it got me to thinking. I'm not trying to pick on Extended Power either. I research everything I do to the point of being OCD. Before I buy anything be it an oven or a drill I research opinions and reviews before I do. It just seems like a lot of people start modding the 6.0 and end up in a vicious circle of adding, modding, breaking, aggravation, then converting to a cummins. That's not the 'path less traveled' I want to go down. In terms of modding, where should the average joe stop?
SCT, Exhaust and Gauges

Thats good to hear because thats al I have done. This is my daily driver and want to keep it that way. mine is an 06 and I ahve a custom tuned sct, s&b intake, 4 inch exhasut and a 2003 turbo. I am going to leave it like this so that I dont have any reliablilty problems. I dont need that in my daily driver

EDIT the only other mod i want to do is arp head studs and the sneaky pipe. These arent performance issues but I feel them as reliability issues. What do you think about the snaeky pipe. is it worth the time to do it.
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I've been banging the idea around to change the turbo on my truck. After reading Extended Power's thread and the problems he's been having along with many that posted in that thread, it got me to thinking. I'm not trying to pick on Extended Power either. I research everything I do to the point of being OCD. Before I buy anything be it an oven or a drill I research opinions and reviews before I do. It just seems like a lot of people start modding the 6.0 and end up in a vicious circle of adding, modding, breaking, aggravation, then converting to a cummins. That's not the 'path less traveled' I want to go down. In terms of modding, where should the average joe stop?

Stop where you are. If you can't work on it yourself. Don't touch anything.
If you are in Florida, I know of a Jackass that works on 6.0's in the Ft. Lauderdale area. LOL