600hp Roasting 35s Pics/Video

So you do eat ramen every night.. That is your excuse. Then why the long reply?

Can you not decipher my comment which was written in such a way only smart ones could figure out? I eat ramen, and deer meat. As you failed to interpret, I would normally be able to one by one fix these issues and then go to the track BUT I just spent ALL my money on tires. If any further confusion results, you're an idiot.
I appreciate the again long, drawn out comment. Which again you called me an idiot for the 3rd time inn this thread. I really don't appreciate narrow minded, possibly left brained, individuals such as yourself belittling me. When you surely don't know me to comment whether or not i am an idiot.

That being said, your last response should have been something to the effect of this. "well i do eat ramen every night, so as of this moment i cannot afford to race, Sir"

I get you don't have money. I don't have money, but i budget in the racing.
Now quit with the high and mighty crap and get over yourself.
This is an expensive hobby. Most don't know the sacrifice that it takes to build and race. Most aren't willing to do it. No one cares to hear people cry about how rich or broke they are on here. 99% of people on here can budget their money around to have an extra 100 bucks for racing.
I appreciate the again long, drawn out comment. Which again you called me an idiot for the 3rd time inn this thread. I really don't appreciate narrow minded, possibly left brained, individuals such as yourself belittling me. When you surely don't know me to comment whether or not i am an idiot.

That being said, your last response should have been something to the effect of this. "well i do eat ramen every night, so as of this moment i cannot afford to race, Sir"

I get you don't have money. I don't have money, but i budget in the racing.
Now quit with the high and mighty crap and get over yourself.

Still dont get it? I do NORMALLY have a little bit of money to buy/fix parts here n there and dyno/race. What I have now said REPEATEDLY that you still cant figure out is I had to put it all together even my budget money in order to buy tires. period. thats all it amounts to. Im addressing your intelligence simply because you have yet to figure that out yet. Im hoping this comment will, in order to further your understanding of this matter.

This is an expensive hobby. Most don't know the sacrifice that it takes to build and race. Most aren't willing to do it. No one cares to hear people cry about how rich or broke they are on here. 99% of people on here can budget their money around to have an extra 100 bucks for racing.

Read the above comment, I wasnt looking for sympathy by any means from anyone just trying to get these select few nagging members to realize WHY im not going to the track not because "im scared" but because of time and money and I have neither at this exact moment.
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Still dont get it? I do NORMALLY have a little bit of money to buy/fix parts here n there and dyno/race. What I have now said REPEATEDLY that you still cant figure out is I had to put it all together even my budget money in order to buy tires. period. thats all it amounts to. Im addressing your intelligence simply because you have yet to figure that out yet. Im hoping this comment will, in order to further your understanding of this matter.

Read the above comment, I wasnt looking for sympathy by any means from anyone just trying to get these select few nagging members to realize WHY im not going to the track not because "im scared" but because of time and money and I have neither at this exact moment.
How many times have i said that you dont have money? Yet you still insult me? Shut the hell up and get over yourself.
Damn no respect having kids these days.
Your parents needed to spank you more as a child.
Dakotah just sent me a lovely PM telling me to get a life and a few other things because of my tasteful editing of the first page of this thread. I do have a great life, one of my favorite hobbies is picking on mouth breathing, window licking morons who are trying to destroy diesel motorsports.
i sent the wrong guy a pm... oh well.
just saw the first page!!! Ah hahahahahhahha!!!
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Dakotah just sent me a lovely PM telling me to get a life and a few other things because of my tasteful editing of the first page of this thread. I do have a great life, one of my favorite hobbies is picking on mouth breathing, window licking morons who are trying to destroy diesel motorsports.

Dayum. I had the kid's back...for a minute. Looks like he took the wrong side of the fork in the road.
How many times have i said that you dont have money? Yet you still insult me? Shut the hell up and get over yourself.
Damn no respect having kids these days.
Your parents needed to spank you more as a child.

lost cause

Dakotah just sent me a lovely PM telling me to get a life and a few other things because of my tasteful editing of the first page of this thread. I do have a great life, one of my favorite hobbies is picking on mouth breathing, window licking morons who are trying to destroy diesel motorsports.

I sure did send you a pm and instead of you replying you think by informing everyone thats somehow embarrassing. Thats an interesting hobby and necessary job, but I fail to see how exactly I contribute to "mouth breathing, window licking morons who are trying to destroy motorsports" please enlighten me oh wise one. :pop:
Dayum. I had the kid's back...for a minute. Looks like he took the wrong side of the fork in the road.

This is all I sent him... In regards to trying to embarrass me by changing my avatar to justin beiber and changing all the pictures in my OP.

"Well that was mighty cute posting up your highschool crush and changing my pictures. You must feel high n mighty being a badass moderator! Get a life."

simple as that.
There's nothing like sending a complaint straight to the proper department!
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Duhkotu it doesn't matter what you think is fair or what you biitch and complain about its not your forum. They run however they want to run it. As one sided it may be, and it is in a lot of occurrences, its their choice. Play by their rules or start your own forum. You can pick on Mr. Underwood all you want there.
Pretty close. That's what my phone wanted to type and its usually a better speller than me.
I had went to the strip down in Alabama, last night. I woke up this morning in a bench with all of my money missing???
What does this have do to with this thread nothing, or maybe it does.