A Girls RCSB 1/2 Ton 12v

youll love that valve body. when i swapped mine it was a night and day difference.
youll love that valve body. when i swapped mine it was a night and day difference.

I think itll be that way with the tranny as a whole lol. Ill be glad to have ALL gears, ALL the time lol. Im absolutely stoked. Itll be another 3-4 weeks atleast till I get the truck back and can get it all put back in :)
i know what you mean. i just sent phil his super single back and should have his triple disk sitting at my door when i get home from my week off. also getting my tranny rebuild.
So its been a little while since we last posted. Just a quick little update on the misses. She's still in Lubbock. The link kit just shipped out from Nfamus yesterday. Its a custom built 3-link wishbone kit. A couple pieces were on back order so it took a little longer to complete than expected. We got the transmission rebuilt as stated previously and got the valve body in. Once Layla is on air we will get her back here and put the tranny back in. It shall be a night and day difference with everything that is getting done. I am one happy girl and cant wait till we can make the wonderful sounds that bagged vehicles make and drive her under rebuilt tranny power :evil The goal is to have everything done and her back on the road for World Finals. Should be a GREAT time :rockwoot:
Forgot to mention we also picked up a 62mm turbo, injectors, and a fire ringed head thanks to a good friend of ours a couple weeks ago. Not sure if Ill use the head but were probly going to use the turbo till I can get the rest of the piping I need to do my compounds. Slowly but surely she's coming along
Isn't there a rule against trying to win contest with photoshopped pictures? Lol
Link kit arrived today from Nfamus :evil Its happening :rockwoot:

This one is for a 73-78 Ford. The dimensions were exactly what we needed and I was wanting a rear mount which is what this one is. Hopefully all goes as planned and it mounts with little to no headaches
Better remove those factory leaf spring hangers or sparks will ensue.:lolly:
Looking good.:Cheer: