Amish Express, Quest for the 11's: Rumspriga Begins!

Congrats on the new little Amo on the way! The build sounds good should be interesting to see how it turns out. I am sure it will be fast. I'll stay tuned .
I can't wait to see "ye Ole buggy" It's gonna be awesome! Your first barn raising with the hot rod in tow. The Beacheys, Benders, Blauchs, Bontragers, Brennemans, Bylers, Burkholders, Christners, Chupps, Coblentzs, Eschs, Gingerichs, Glicks, Grabers, Hartzlers, Helmuths' Hersbergers, Hooleys, Hostetlers, Kanagys, Kauffmans, Keims, Kings, Knepps, Lambrights, Lantzs, Lapps, Masts, Millers, Mullets, Nissleys, Ottos, Petershwims, Planks, Rabers, Schrocks, Shetlers, Slabaughs, Smuckers, Stoltzfus, Stutzmanss Swartzendrubers Troyers, Umbles, Waglers,and Yoders, are simply going to be amazed!

Thanks for the replies, fellas. I was out late last night in the name of the project. I'll try and get an update put together today. I usually write em up in the evenings. :aiwebs_024:

What, you on vacation?

Guys, the asterisks point out, quite possibly the biggest understatement in the history of CompD.

We are all very glad, after that weekend, Fluteman did not go postal and head for the clock tower with a high power, or at the very least, hold his breath until the mean people apologized.LOL

Nah, no vacation. Too busy for that. Just some time pecking keys in the evenings with the phone stuck in my ear.

Glad you testified for the crap Flute Man took that weekend. Anyone who can survive the berating of Sleddy and Amish for that long has more than earned their stripes. LOL

wow i can't wait to read what happens next.

That almost echoed with a twinge of sarcasm. LOL

Gonna try to make it interesting and entertaining. Hopefully I'll succeed at something more than taking up space on the board.

You mean there are more of you Amish gone wild? (referring to where the current turbo is going)

You of all people should know the history of Amish folk who have a passion for diesel performance and how they get away with it. :hehe:

I can't wait to see "ye Ole buggy" It's gonna be awesome! Your first barn raising with the hot rod in tow. The Beacheys, Benders, Blauchs, Bontragers, Brennemans, Bylers, Burkholders, Christners, Chupps, Coblentzs, Eschs, Gingerichs, Glicks, Grabers, Hartzlers, Helmuths' Hersbergers, Hooleys, Hostetlers, Kanagys, Kauffmans, Keims, Kings, Knepps, Lambrights, Lantzs, Lapps, Masts, Millers, Mullets, Nissleys, Ottos, Petershwims, Planks, Rabers, Schrocks, Shetlers, Slabaughs, Smuckers, Stoltzfus, Stutzmanss Swartzendrubers Troyers, Umbles, Waglers,and Yoders, are simply going to be amazed!


You forgot the Yutzi's. They'll be all up in arms.

Marking up, read the rest tomorrow when I have more time.

After I posted, I looked back over it and saw how long it was. I'm surprised you or anyone else attempted to read the whole thing. LOL I was definitely not blessed with the gift of succinct communication. :doh:
We are also lucky he didn't hit us with his flute........mmmmmaaacccckkkkeral!
Yeah, thank god for the blinding affects of the turtle neck.:hehe:

A brief aside, Gentelmen. I'll let you in on the inside joke Sleddy and I are referring to.

A large portion of the teasing Craig Johnson of Big Power Diesel endured that weekend in Texas (and ever since) was centered around a segment from one Sleddy and my favorite comedians, Greg Warren. For no other reason than Craig sounds phonetically similar to Greg. We used this to stomp mud holes in the psyche of Craig and repeatedly walk them bone dry. :kick::hehe:

I give you Greg Warren, Flute Man and No Neck Nick:

By the end of the weekend, Craig very nearly bludgeoned both of us with his Flute. :hehe:
So since I havent been here from the beginning, I am going to ask. Are you really Amish? Because in my neck of the woods Amish dont drive but the Meninites* do? I have been confused on that for awhile but never had the oppurtunity to ask.
That video was great. :hehe: "Connected right to the head, 'cause there ain't no neck bone." :hehe:
So since I havent been here from the beginning, I am going to ask. Are you really Amish? Because in my neck of the woods Amish dont drive but the Meninites* do? I have been confused on that for awhile but never had the oppurtunity to ask.

I would be happy to answer that... I already have it written down, just give me a minute to dig it up.

Those of you who know my secret, please keep it quiet. My forthcoming response will answer this and all related questions. :what:

If I tell you, ya gotta keep it quiet. :blahblah1::umno:
You seriously need to give the library lady some more pies and see if she'll let you watch the movie sex drive. Seth Green plays an amish guy that fixes up the GTO Judge..coolest amish I've ever seen. Does sarcasm get wasted on your people?
So since I havent been here from the beginning, I am going to ask. Are you really Amish? Because in my neck of the woods Amish dont drive but the Meninites* do? I have been confused on that for awhile but never had the oppurtunity to ask.

Amish is in fact, Amish. He keeps his truck hide in a township a 35 min buggy ride away. He and his wife are living a double life, if found out the church elders will take his spot of land and proclaim him dead. They are a harsh bunch.
The truth about Amish...

Funny Funny, ha, ha. Nice try, guys.

That question was actually asked several times before. I have prepared a response and shared it in the past with vows of secrecy. I make that general request to all of you now.

I don't usually share private messages, as by their nature they are to remain private. I'll make an exception in this case as it casts light on the question at hand.

2001shrtbedcmns said:
Okay dude...I'm curious. What is your story? are you really Amish. How do you drive the truck? How do you pay for the stuff? How do you install it? How do you sneak it? How do you explain where your money went? I'm new and curious.

Sorry for sharing that, dude. But it perfectly sets the stage for the answer shared below.

Amish Elegance said:
I am a successful internet marketer... I run my business from a library computer that I sneak into regularly. I pay off the librarian with home baked goods(she's a fatty) and fine hand crafted furniture (so fat she breaks my chairs regularly). In exchange she lets me use the computer in her office provided I am able to sneak baked goods in gluttonous volumes to satisfy her cravings. In the event I do not meet these cravings, I am not allowed at the computer and am forced to fellate her till she is overcome with a joy that only Amish Apple Pie or bearded cunnilingus brings.

One of my free sites is:

This is just a teaser site, the rest are paysites. I also have a couple underground magazines for those in the Amish community that do not prefer to indulge electrically and look up sites on the web. Pay sites, and magazines; Thats how I get my money. I guess I'm kinda like an Amish Larry Flint.

As for the truck, once I'm away from the community its fine, but I have a secluded parking spot in the woods my great grandfather owns, a short walk from my family’s farm. I just pull a camo tarp over the top and walk away. By perpetuating rumors that the forest is haunted, I am able to keep would be snoopers at bay. Every now and then when I hear someone exploring in the forest, I fire up the beast and let the turbo sing. Fear is further perpetuated by my fictional stories about Possessed Mennonite Yetties being electrocuted by the pleasures of the modern world in the bowels of the forest. It works fine and no one has spotted my baby yet. The only side effect being that all the local kids pee themselves with fear every time a loaded diesel truck passes by.

As for the money trail, I have separate accounts in my name that my internet money gets deposited in. This is how I met Timbeaux38, he's a banker and helps me invest my earnings secretly so as not to make waves in the local community. Most of that gets invested straight into the truck. My farm is totally separate, and as far as my family is concerned thats all I do. I guess I just kinda secretly continued my Rumspriga. (look it up)

How do I drive the truck? Dude, I have arms and legs too ya know. We're built just like regular people only genetically superior and much much more endowed. ( yes, the water is cold AND deep)

Thats basically me. If you have any more specific questions, next time I'm in town I'll do my best to answer, provided I bring enough pie or ... oh god. Gots to go get the truck back in the woods.


Something tells me NOT to click on the link at work. :D

It's work safe. The Amish Lolitas link was added since I checked it last. Some include puns that are in terrible taste on that particular link. Sorry retroactively and in advance. :doh: I'll have to fire Jedidiah, my web guy. We like to keep our images above the tool belt.

Even so, all images work safe.

Yea, I remember that...I think I've still got it saved..

Me too. I think that's when you finally passed the 400 level course I offer in sarcasm. LOL
So will the build include one of the famous Yoder motors? I think compound Weezer turbos would rock this build. Keep us informed........

Yes, that was a good lecture....I'm just curious what Schadenfreude means...maybe google will help...

“largely unanticipated delight in the suffering of another which is cognized as trivial and/or appropriate

Your people don't get sarcasm do they?