Amish Express, Quest for the 11's: Rumspriga Begins!

I have had the good fortune of knowing thee Amish one for quite some time, and took some great photo's of him at an outing a few years ago. I will soon have some more in a future outing currently in the planning stages. Here are some Photo's to help clear up his identity, and confirm he is in fact Amish. Great job on the build Yoder man. Look forward to seeing it in person.



Reminds me of Tim Taylors neighber....Wilson LOL
... only fatter. And drunker. Stupid gluttony. :doh:

Remind me to thank you proper, Dal, for dredging those pictures of my fat white ass experiencing the worldly fruits up from the forgotten depths. Of all the bikini boat pictures you have and could have blessed this thread with, you gotta pic the ones of me? :kick: Ouch, baby. Very ouch. LOL

Fortunately for the "quest" my truck will now be burdened with 35 less pounds of me to accelerate.
we could find the pics of John Robinson "feeding the fish" if that would make you feel better Amish...dont feel too bad
Remind me to thank you proper, Dal,
Why is it that I feel that could involve pain? LOL

Fortunately for the "quest" my truck will now be burdened with 35 less pounds of me to accelerate.

That is good news indeed my Yoder Friend. Keep it off, your child deserves it.
Eh, if they can build a barn in a weekend, surely he can pop a dent out in an afternoon??

You kill me the time it takes you to tell us what you're doing, you could have already done it!


Yeah, I know. Glenn can testify to that after this weekend.

But, if I just did it and didn't explain so elaborately would you still have the same opportunity to make fun of me? I think not. LOL Besides doing it, I wanted to have a good time and give folks an excuse to laugh.

First it was Big Swole. Now you AE?

Actually, there was a long list before me. You included. I just wish I had the time and cash to do it with the detail you did. For that, I am envious.

I think my buggy will show my true colors when you see it at TS, secret handshake or not. :hehe:

Already planning on getting a horse to drag it around, eh? :kick::hehe:

I like this thread. Good job amish elegance.

Thanks. I'll try and keep ya entertained. :bigsmile:
I'll write up an update this evening, but for now I'll throw up some pieces/parts pics.

Some of the items from Garrett @ Pure Diesel that I chased the UPS truck for 10 miles to get on Friday. I came home expecting to see a box on my door and instead found a signature card. :doh: Rookie sub driver. Usually they drop em off at my business when they need a sig even if it has my home address.

I have a story regarding those lights coming up.
Autometer Cobalts: 100psi boost gauges and 30 psi fuel pressure gauges.

Gauges, the rear view mirror pod, and over the wheel pod. In case you were wondering, to make it look right there is two different colors you'll need. The steering wheel pod is darker. It helps to know this before you paint them, make up the wiring harness, and thread it through the dash. :doh:
Glen learned a few new curse words when I discovered this fact. His laughter echoing from the engine compartment was little comfort.

"CoolerTubs" intake horn. Glenn laughed at my optimism for its functional contributions to a stock head. He was silenced with my reminder of shiny parts affect on dyno sheets.

HD Fabrication front drive shaft loop assembly. Mounts with the factory lower transmission cross member bolts. Sorry for the poor contrasting backdrop, I grabbed the first box from the recycle pile with a "C" on it.

It is indeed, a sexy piece. Any finish imperfection you see is from the time it spent in my garage. It arrived perfect. I really like the fact you don't have to drill or fabricate anything with this design. Cross member nut comes off, shaft drops, loop goes in, shaft back on, nuts torqued. How's that for a detailed installation write up? LOL


Nice welds covered with thick buttery smooth powdercoat. This should look good for a while, even with the evil forces of northern salt attempting to work their corrosive ways upon it. Nice piece, Aaron.

Rear is coming as soon as I let Aaron know I'm ready. (Crossing fingers for soon.)



Just kiddin. Stock bolts in their 'parts tray.' Glenn was part of an experiment this weekend that determined how long it can take to install a set with my superior powers of distraction. (Yes, I made him work on the weekend. I did promise food, though.) Turns out, it's a long time. It's amazing how you can divert his attention to you when you pick up a custom S400 from the build bench and walk about the shop making turbo noises that change in pitch with the pace of your stride. I could tell you more about the turbo, but I'd have to kill you. :hehe:

I'll update on the fruits of this weekends labors this evening.
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It's amazing how you can divert his attention to you when you pick up a custom S400 from the build bench and walk about the shop making turbo noises that change in pitch with the pace of your stride.

Pictures will NO LONGER suffice....I WANT A VIDEO OF THIS!!! :hehe:
Looking good AE..Best of luck with the build!!!

It's amazing how you can divert his attention to you when you pick up a custom S400 from the build bench and walk about the shop making turbo noises that change in pitch with the pace of your stride. I could tell you more about the turbo, but I'd have to kill you. :hehe:

I need that on video!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! LOL
Forget the video, how about live feed while all this is happening.

I agree sounds something that goes on around the barn when we are working on trucks. I can see one of my buddies doing the same thing with a turbo only it would be a stocker.
.....when you pick up a custom S400 from the build bench and walk about the shop making turbo noises that change in pitch with the pace of your stride.....

I fee normal now. Maybe were long lost amish brothers (outcast perhaps?). Are there ever any kids adopted away from the fold?
....Glenn laughed at my optimism for its functional contributions to a stock head. He was silenced with my reminder of shiny parts affect on dyno sheets.

At the very least it will do wonders for the under hood aerodynamics, thus decreasing the turbulence around the engine and making the bay a more comfortable place for the engine to do it's work. And we all know a happy engine is a good performer.
I fee normal now. Maybe were long lost amish brothers (outcast perhaps?). Are there ever any kids adopted away from the fold?

I don't know, my parents used to tell people they found me on the front step when I did things like that. I always thought they were joking. LOL

Well folks, it's been a long busy week. Couple big updates, lots of work done, lots more to do, but the guys at ED have been busy. Parts for the truck arrived, were mocked up, then departed for machine, ceramic, paint, and other processes.

Let's continue where we left off.

Turns out, I had a friend I never knew about. This answered a befuddling question Glenn asked when he began the teardown:

Why did you strip the firewall here? *** Points to patch on firewall heat shield just above frame rail on drivers side. ***
I didn't... I've been wondering about that myself.
Glenn *** Shruggs and continues removing parts. ***
Moments later
Glenn, "WTF?" Looks like you've got a little friend."


Glenn: Dude, your truck brings any critters into my shop... (Continues threats at inaudible volume.)
Amish: Crap! Those little bastards...

I hate vermin. God knows how long it may have been there, but I have taken measures in the garage and barn to insure it will not happen again. I can sleep easier now, knowing that any scurrying varmint who wanders out of the woods on Amish Manor and finds refuge in either will meet the most untimely of ends.

Guess I should have put more miles on the truck, as someone thought it was stationary long enough to set up shop of their own. LOL

Fortunately, that is the only thing out of the ordinary that was discovered in the tear down.

For those who haven't seen Glenn wrench, I advise you experience it at some point. He could have easily made a living with "Eye on the Card" tricks on the streets of New York. It was difficult at times to get progressive shots as a steady stream of parts found their way to the bench.

The injectors on their way out to get "DVD'd."

This was only slowed at one point with a single connector tube that insisted on remaining in place. Glenn insisted my presence and (bad) luck had something to do with its desire to hold fast to its position in the head. Leaving little room for rebuttal, I shrugged and walked under a ladder to a pile of boxes that contained trinkets for the build leaving Glenn to curse the misfortune I had brought him.

I began poking around the stacks of boxes, cutting packing tape, removing foam, and destroying perfectly good cardboard in the name of curiosity. Order quickly became chaos with my methods of package inquiry resembling a three year old at Christmas. ( FYI, Some of the fruits of my package explorations have already been posted. )

I knew there was a few unique things that Chris and Glenn had planned to use on the truck, but I happened to come across a component that was "custom" beyond our expectations. Lying in an open box was an aftermarket exhaust manifold with the flange facing upward.

Amish: Hey, man... what's the story on this?
Glenn: Can you tell what's wrong with it?
Amish: *** Scratches beard *** This doesn't line up.
Glenn: Look at the rest of it.

Lets see if you can pick it up:

Yeah, the best of both worlds. Whaddya get when you cross a 12 valve with a 24 valve exhaust manafold? That useless piece, that's what. Must have been a Friday job. The manufacturer will go unnamed, it's not the one you see pictured in other mock-up shots.

Fortunately, Engineered had another one in stock.

Before I could spread cardboard and packing foam in places they shouldn't have been anyway, ED took some shots of their twin pipes for the Amish Express buggy. The primary charger pictured is a mock-up unit, the polished housing will be added on the final build. Pop offs you see will be replaced in the future with a BOV, but funds on my end will likely prevent that from becoming reality on the original build.



Pretty sexy, eh? I thought so.

I actually missed the mock-up portion of the build, but Flash Gordon managed to pause long enough to get some shots for us. Way to go, Flash. :hehe:

The modified coolant tube that lets me keep my heat. Notice the absence of the Hay-soos bracket the factory one comes with. Anyone who has fought one of those off knows that only Hay-soos himself can remove the exhaust manifold without scratching a knuckle; at least that was my experience with the HTT64 that I installed previous to this.

The second gen manifold and spacer for the secondary charger. This open version will be replaced by another of exact thickness on the final build with a few additional changes. Pictures of that coming up in the next few posts.

The mount for the primary from the view of the transmission dipstick handle.

Lucky dipstick.

The primary turbine housing setting on the mount.

Hot pipe in place and ready for secondary.

One two, skip a few, head studs going in.

More updates as soon as I have time to post them.
I beseechingly ask that you post pictures in the same format as Dalpilot has?? LOL

The coding is differnet to allow them through the government proxy server. I can't see any of your pics while at work. :(

But honestly I would not expect the Amish to be fully cognisant of government network short comings...shocker. LOL
DISCLAIMER: Some or all off Amish's stories may be fictional!LOL

What, did it take you like .7 seconds to type that, Flash? LOL

Look at that... he's already gone. Poof.

"Marsupials (and Glenn) scare me, Cuz they're FAST!" - Kevin Pollak in perfect imitation of Christopher Walken:hehe::hehe:

I beseechingly ask that you post pictures in the same format as Dalpilot has?? LOL

The coding is different to allow them through the government proxy server. I can't see any of your pics while at work. :(

But honestly I would not expect the Amish to be fully cognizant of government network short comings...shocker. LOL

Dal has a more friendly relationship with the Comp D picture server. It and I are at odds right now so the photos are just dumped in my photobucket account. Phil has tried to make us friends again, but it's still holding a grudge. Technology is not the friend of the Amish.


Network? Shocker? I have no idea what either of those mean. The latter in regards to electricity, or otherwise... LOL

Just pretend it's like Amish TV, all words no pictures. :hehe: