Amish Express, Quest for the 11's: Rumspriga Begins!

Ok, back on track for just a minute....

The tear down begins!

The relatively unflattering engine compartment as Engineered Diesel received it. Fairly clean, but showing signs of its northern winters in terms of aluminum corrosion and rust on the manifold. Definitely needs some detail work to be presentable.

You can just see the formerly mirror polish of the HT64 SS turbo behind the intake. Those things look great with both sides polished, but in single configuration you can hardly appreciate it as shown below. Anything less than 600 horse, I would buy this charger again in a heartbeat.



70k miles on an 03 and still with the factory batteries. Not bad, IMO.

In the blink of an eye, GONE! Glen's voodoo magic makes things disappear.



Looks like I'll be replacing the seal on the bottom of the rocker box. I noticed a little seapage up front, but nothing to be concerned about. Looks like the back was a little worse. They're coming off anyway for the injectors and valve spring work.

I plan on adding some sort of hue or clear coat and polish to the rocker boxe(s) before they go back on. I got a lot of cleanup work to do. :doh:

Time to go get in Chris and Glenn's way. LOL:kick: I'll be robbing parts to drop off at coat and paint this weekend.
The cool thing about being a rogue Amish on the net?

Whos going to catch you?. Think about it.

From one of those links, somebody tell Elizabeth its spelled uDDer not uTTer.
I reckon thastawhy Nathanial, has his hands full with.......never mind.
"Egh vill shtaghk geh" says Amish in his best Ricky Bobbie voice.

my batteries lasted 167 Since 11/4/2003 till I killed them with the truck down for 4 months. I just want new OEM
I can't wait to see "ye Ole buggy" It's gonna be awesome! Your first barn raising with the hot rod in tow. The Beacheys, Benders, Blauchs, Bontragers, Brennemans, Bylers, Burkholders, Christners, Chupps, Coblentzs, Eschs, Gingerichs, Glicks, Grabers, Hartzlers, Helmuths' Hersbergers, Hooleys, Hostetlers, Kanagys, Kauffmans, Keims, Kings, Knepps, Lambrights, Lantzs, Lapps, Masts, Millers, Mullets, Nissleys, Ottos, Petershwims, Planks, Rabers, Schrocks, Shetlers, Slabaughs, Smuckers, Stoltzfus, Stutzmanss Swartzendrubers Troyers, Umbles, Waglers,and Yoders, are simply going to be amazed!

I can't believe there's a list of us...... I mean them! :hehe:
Looks like you have it all planned out. Finally got around to finishing up the read.:bow:

Dang it man. Your block is THAT rusty? I should swap you oil pans. I have an external oil lubrication system on my truck that repels any corrosion or rust on virtually every part under the hood...and it is a STOCK SYSTEM! Must have been a TSB that your truck didn't get. :hehe: Maybe they deleted the system on the CR's due to cut backs. You may need to slap some buggy lube on it before you put it back together.
Dang it man. Your block is THAT rusty? I should swap you oil pans. I have an external oil lubrication system on my truck that repels any corrosion or rust on virtually every part under the hood...and it is a STOCK SYSTEM! Must have been a TSB that your truck didn't get. :hehe: Maybe they deleted the system on the CR's due to cut backs. You may need to slap some buggy lube on it before you put it back together.

It's called "axle grease"! My grand pappy used that stuff on everything LOL just don't use it on the turbo axle!:badidea:

Ya gotta hate that northern road salt though.:bang
Got the new injector DVD machine up and running today....hopefully have some pics up here soon....
Yea, those links I posted, I think they describe our Yoder to a fact I think Seth Green based his character upon him.
Dennis Perry said:
So will the build include one of the famous Yoder motors? I think compound Weezer turbos would rock this build. Keep us informed........


Yoder Motor. I like the sound of that. LOL I'll check copyright and get back with ya.

Weezer turbos? I think you have to have a Snuffer turbo as one or the other to fall into that category? Small one is the Snuffer, big one is the Weezer? Either way it sounds like Advil Cold and Sinus is required to make em work. Besides, that's way to much turbo for this application. LOL (Irony: These words to a man who never saw a turbo too large to bolt to the side of a Cummins and light with "banksus" amounts of nitrous. :hehe:)

*** waits for nitrous temptations and convinces self to be strong and resist ***

The cool thing about being a rogue Amish on the net?
Whos going to catch you?. Think about it.

Nobody who won't share in the lashings. LOL

my batteries lasted 167 Since 11/4/2003 till I killed them with the truck down for 4 months. I just want new OEM

I've thought about swapping to Optima's but can't bring myself to do it for aesthetics alone. With my limited mileage on the 03, I've had more time sitting than you, but you've had more starts. Don't know whats worse.

Gotta say I'm impressed they're still alive.

Just for the record, making note of this will insure that when it comes time to crank it up after all this they'll be dead and won't take a charge.

I can't believe there's a list of us...... I mean them! :hehe:

'Brnadon', I had no idea. You'll have to prove it with the handshake next time I see you. LOL

Looks like you have it all planned out. Finally got around to finishing up the read.:bow:

Congrats and thanks! You should probably go take some Asprin as your eyes have got to be buggin.

Long winded bastard Amish...

Dang it man. Your block is THAT rusty? I should swap you oil pans. I have an external oil lubrication system on my truck that repels any corrosion or rust on virtually every part under the hood...and it is a STOCK SYSTEM! Must have been a TSB that your truck didn't get. :hehe: Maybe they deleted the system on the CR's due to cut backs. You may need to slap some buggy lube on it before you put it back together.

Other than that little bit on the rocker box, I really don't have many drips or leaks. Pan looks new. I usually simple green and power wash when it gets dirty or grimy so the unpainted block has had plenty of time exposed to the northern elements. Case in point for engine cleanings: Note the water spots and trails down the head and side of the block. No headgasket leaks. Just left ova' detergent and water.
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Congrats and thanks! You should probably go take some Asprin as your eyes have got to be buggin.

Long winded bastard Amish...

At least you are well spoken. Some sites I've been on guys go on like that with poor spelling and grammer. Those are the threads I end up ignoring.

good thing the amish don't beleive in law suites........ because I put a hell of a dent in that fender helping glenn take pictures, sorry man
good thing the amish don't beleive in law suites........ because I put a hell of a dent in that fender helping glenn take pictures, sorry man

Eh, if they can build a barn in a weekend, surely he can pop a dent out in an afternoon??

You kill me the time it takes you to tell us what you're doing, you could have already done it!

Just like Seth Green said in those videos I posted... "naw man, we're cool...that's what we do...fix other peoples cars for free."
I have had the good fortune of knowing thee Amish one for quite some time, and took some great photo's of him at an outing a few years ago. I will soon have some more in a future outing currently in the planning stages. Here are some Photo's to help clear up his identity, and confirm he is in fact Amish. Great job on the build Yoder man. Look forward to seeing it in person.

