and yet another injector question.....


lmills said:
I know of someone in this tread that has cracked more injector bodies with industrial injection injectors than all the guys combined on the TDR website.

I guess if you get your stuff free or greatly reduced because you push their stuff then it will make a difference on who you recommend. Imagine that.

sootman said:
That's strange I haven't heard anything neg. about II sticks. I do have a set of DON M's that are leaking. I am sorry. three sets. I thought DON'S had top secret tips on them? These have bosch tooling marks on the inside? Someone please clarify.

Does that mean II takes great care in the preparation of their sticks or that they use someone to make them for them that takes great care,.. and then they put their name on them as if they had anything to do with it? I'm just confused and looking for clarity.
lmills said:
I know of someone in this tread that has cracked more injector bodies with industrial injection injectors than all the guys combined on the TDR website.
thats funny lloyd, i have only cracked 2 bodies.

and no matter who you get them from there all the same---it's the nozzel that counts.

oh yea, are you saying that blank nozzels for dong m are comming from bosio?
and II has had blank nozzels for about 9+ months now.

the blank cam's dong makes were still never proven to be made in the U.S.--------so i suppose they are china brand:hehe:

next time dont bring up dirt unless you want to get dirty.LOL
OT-OF-Here said:
Does that mean II takes great care in the preparation of their sticks or that they use someone to make them for them that takes great care,.. and then they put their name on them as if they had anything to do with it? I'm just confused and looking for clarity.
i can tell you that II does good work and makes the best products. i have proven there products among many others in the diesel industry. there preparation is flawless about 99% of the time, not many companies that work as high of a volume can say that.
Have you ever noticed,...

i can tell you that II does good work and makes the best products. i have proven there products among many others in the diesel industry. there preparation is flawless about 99% of the time, not many companies that work as high of a volume can say that.

You lose credibility when YOU have to step in for a manufacturer instead of letting the customers who have spent their money either promote the product due to it be one of quality or if the product has proven to be utter junk. In my case my II products have been junk and I as a consumer who spent his money on the product can and will say what I wish to enfluence my forum brothers from making the same mistakes I did.

Your quote. "I can tell you that II does good work and makes the best products." Next time you walk out on a plank then leave your saw behind. They make outstanding Turbos. NOW they sell good injectors (the best is to be determined over time by the users),.. was that always the case???? And for their CP3s,... let's see,... I'm a user and purchased one of their lvl 2s and it did a great job of getting me to 17.9k at wot while the lowly absolutely stock OEM cp3 gave up 21.3k, that I replaced the II lvl 2 with. What's wrong with this picture? We called them (II) while I was at my dealers and tried several things they suggested and NO dice. It didn't help and they offered NO solution,... nor did they say send it in and let us ck it for you or anything,..... and of course we asked and there was NO help from them. Then we pulled the FCA off of it and it was the worst hack job I have ever seen on anything. Absolutely screw gun quality with burrs and NO machine-like finish on anything. It like the cp3 has hit my recycle bin,... you know what that is right?? Actually I was told I could send it off and get it rebuilt hopefully by another manufacturer. Which I will probably do so then it could be at least sold if it were right.

So you see Wade obviously you haven't heard from me on this since I never bought it from you and I am not a happy customer and I got zero customer service from II and when given an opportunity I will make that known to save others from the same ending,..... as for myself I'm quite sure I will get nothing out of this, and that's ok if I influence the buying habit of one purchaser who will listen to the truth,... then II loses,.... PERFECT!!

Aren't you glad you made unsubstantiated statements like you have? I respect your truck and what you have accomplished but this cheerleader crap really needs to end and let the customers speak if you really want to know what a product is doing or in this case NOT doing.

Just cruise around on some of these CP3 threads on any of the forums and you'll find more just like me. :Cheer:
Timbeaux38 said:
Interesting topic, but If this thread goes in the crapper, dont be suprised when we lock it. Injector threads have a tendancy t go the way of transmission threads, so lets keep this one on the up and up ladies and gentlemen

Whoops !!*bdh* LOL

Although there seem to be some heat in this thread, there was some excellent info pasted along. Don thanks for the time in your explanation. That should be stickied on every forum out there, as well as the same from every other injector dealer/customizer.

I questioned why extruded hone had such good prices for their work and everyone selling injectors was charging so much but, now I see why the cost is where it is. They do tips but, not the rest.
Funny buddy of mine has II turbo CP3 stage3 and II injectors and now for some reason the truck is throwing fits .He calls II they say sorry we have no clue and no suggestions , thinking injectors also , anybody know besides II or other major vendors who can check CR injectors , kinda like to have a unbias opinion
Rods said:
Funny buddy of mine has II turbo CP3 stage3 and II injectors and now for some reason the truck is throwing fits .He calls II they say sorry we have no clue and no suggestions , thinking injectors also , anybody know besides II or other major vendors who can check CR injectors , kinda like to have a unbias opinion

Scheids is able.... Scheid Diesel
thats funny lloyd, i have only cracked 2 bodies.

and no matter who you get them from there all the same---it's the nozzel that counts.

oh yea, are you saying that blank nozzels for dong m are comming from bosio?
and II has had blank nozzels for about 9+ months now.

the blank cam's dong makes were still never proven to be made in the U.S.--------so i suppose they are china brand:hehe:

next time dont bring up dirt unless you want to get dirty.LOL
Wade, stop talking nonsense. I have held Dons cam in my hand as well as a very reputable person that was at my garage at the time. This person innparticular knows more about building high performance engines than you or I may ever know. I can assure you he said it was not a china cam as you may assume.

Now, let me go back and pull up every thread where you mentioned you have cracked bodies. I bet it is more than two bodies. Unless you just don't know how to diagnose stuff like that. Either way, I have been modded just as long if not longer than you and have had 0 failures.
lmills said:
Angelo, they are. How else would he have gotten the 5 hole pattern finstead of the 7 whole that comes stock?

Don M said:
All 03 and early 04 injectors get a new custom nozzle. Not a stock nozzle.

Thank you to both Lloyd and Don for answering my questions.:thankyou2:
OK, I am getting knee deep in the dodo here. Just got results back on the sticks. Bodies aren't cracked. Were some nicks in the feed seats. No trash in injectors. Don't have a definate answer on why they are leaking other than nicks. Don the person that this stick belongs to, says he bought this stick direct and was told it was made of tungstun.??? This tip does not look like a bosch CR tip. It is rounded and a different color. It is one of the custom tips? My grandfather, A retired machinist, says it looks like "un"ubtainium.:hehe: Little humor to cut the tension in this thread. Triton you can't start threads anymore. I believe ot-o-here is PISSED. I don't blame him a bit. Stage 3 pump is a Duraslack pump. Wrong FCA in it. I have one here and II is sending a modded Dodge FCA to replace it. I will definately check it out before install. Guys nobody pays you guys to be a spokeman. They outta to be paying us for making our trucks run the way they do. The manu's get all the credit. What about the guys turning the wrench's and spending all their money on this stuff???!!! Everybody CHIIILLLLL........OUT.:Cheer:
your welcome billy.

turn that thing up and hit 11's..........:rockwoot:
This may not sound right but having a 11 second truck is not my goal. My truck is running as fast as I want to go. I was wanting to install some better flowing injectors and do away with some electronics with out too much loss. The tst is comming out. I don't need it any more and I'm looking at my cooling mist too. I have lower EGTs at WOT after installing the injectors.
One good thing while installing the injectors I found a injector harness connector from the tst was rubbing my #1 injector line. This was going to eventually rub a hole and I don't think duct tape would hold for long. I may buy a new line a keep it in the truck.
OT-OF-Here said:
You lose credibility when YOU have to step in for a manufacturer instead of letting the customers who have spent their money either promote the product due to it be one of quality or if the product has proven to be utter junk. In my case my II products have been junk and I as a consumer who spent his money on the product can and will say what I wish to enfluence my forum brothers from making the same mistakes I did.

Your quote. "I can tell you that II does good work and makes the best products." Next time you walk out on a plank then leave your saw behind. They make outstanding Turbos. NOW they sell good injectors (the best is to be determined over time by the users),.. was that always the case???? And for their CP3s,... let's see,... I'm a user and purchased one of their lvl 2s and it did a great job of getting me to 17.9k at wot while the lowly absolutely stock OEM cp3 gave up 21.3k, that I replaced the II lvl 2 with. What's wrong with this picture? We called them (II) while I was at my dealers and tried several things they suggested and NO dice. It didn't help and they offered NO solution,... nor did they say send it in and let us ck it for you or anything,..... and of course we asked and there was NO help from them. Then we pulled the FCA off of it and it was the worst hack job I have ever seen on anything. Absolutely screw gun quality with burrs and NO machine-like finish on anything. It like the cp3 has hit my recycle bin,... you know what that is right?? Actually I was told I could send it off and get it rebuilt hopefully by another manufacturer. Which I will probably do so then it could be at least sold if it were right.

So you see Wade obviously you haven't heard from me on this since I never bought it from you and I am not a happy customer and I got zero customer service from II and when given an opportunity I will make that known to save others from the same ending,..... as for myself I'm quite sure I will get nothing out of this, and that's ok if I influence the buying habit of one purchaser who will listen to the truth,... then II loses,.... PERFECT!!

Aren't you glad you made unsubstantiated statements like you have? I respect your truck and what you have accomplished but this cheerleader crap really needs to end and let the customers speak if you really want to know what a product is doing or in this case NOT doing.

Just cruise around on some of these CP3 threads on any of the forums and you'll find more just like me. :Cheer:
first thing here is that i have buy everything that comes from II for my truck, none of it is a hand out--thats fact.

your truck haveing cp3 problems is not normal, before my twins i had there single pump on here for over a year and no problems, but i understand things happen. and your issues are a good learning expirence for you and others to learn from. it not allways about the cheapest price---but the best customer support along with a good product. thats where choosing a great dealer to buy from comes into play, someone who has been doing bussiness wth a particular vendor for a good while, and has a good relationship with them. have i had things to be warrantied----yes, but not one has gone on the net to show there frustraion about the product or service. thats what it's about keeping the customer happy, and there truck on the road.

i suspect you choose the wrong people to buy or do bussiness with, and your frustraion shows, and even though you never baught anything from me i still spent time with you on the phone or PM's in the past--just to help. now i will say this, if you need you pump replaced call me and i will make it happen! not a sales pitch, im just trying to make it right for you.
Don M said:

Who is this mysterious customer with leaking injectors? Why am I not hearing from someone? If there is a problem we need to know about it and get it cleared up. Remember that nozzles will essentially never leak externally on a CR and the nozzle is the part we replace/sell. Any companies injectors can leak from the body ( injector holder ) internally from the check ball and seat area or in other internal locations.

Connector tubes do NOT need to be changed unless they are damaged. We check return rates daily using old connector tubes that have probably been used 300 or more times each before they require replacement. The replacements are required from squeezing the tubes tip down to a diameter that is too small, not from sealing problems. We can generate injector pressures here that will exceed anything the market is currently running. 35,000 plus PSI. No leaks from tubes sealing.

Lets clear up who gets what in nozzles and why as of now:

All 03 and early 04 injectors get a new custom nozzle. Not a stock nozzle. This is because the stock nozzle is in no way a performance design and could never provide a HP number from these engines, no matter how much it is modified. Repalcement is mandatory if you want to make high power. Most feel the 03-04 engine is at a performance disadvantage to the newer, but we only need to look at Richard Browns 03 trucks ( plural ) making over 1200 HP with 1 turbo and nitrous. This is the highest CR engine in the country now.

The 04.5-07 600 and 610 engines get either a new custom nozzle or we use a stock, highly modified nozzle. This is depending on how the truck is used and what the goal is. Hardcore HP junkies will typically get a custom nozzle but not in all cases. Mileage and pressure curves are the criteria we use to determine who gets what. The stock part for the 04.5 and up engines is a great piece. I have maintained this since the first engines were released. Actually we had the first stab at the 600 engine injectors long before any other company thanks to a special relationship with OEM's. The stock part, properly modified is a great starting point and works very well. To better the stock part we needed to reduce the form compared to the stock part. This works great for performance, but it killed us on long term durability when guys had their pressure curves set up to aggresively i.e. pressure boxes, modified pumps, dual pumps, rail return caps or combinations of all those things. Several things were at play to reduce the durability. 1) 50% more duty cycle on the injector with the extra injection event. 2) much higher stock not to mention modified pressure curves on these engine VS the 03-04's. 3) and the release of the modified CP's that run pressure curves higher.

The reduced form of the custom nozzle was just not stable enough in this enviro for long term use. So, we began to modify the stock nozzle with EDM, special grinding and hydro erosion techniques to get the best performance we could and the lasting durability of the dual guided stock nozzle. lets face it, light weight helps performance of all parts, but too light was spelling trouble when the pressure junkies were capping rails and so forth.

Unfortunantly we have many more hours of work and much higher costs in the special processing we do to the stock part VS the custom. This caused a huge backlog while tooling and machining parameters were being set up.

The highly modified nozzles work very well and are a great compromise between long term durability and bleeding edge. Nearly of our high powered trucks now run them. Some still run the customs.

6.7 trucks get both a modified stock nozzle for low power and a custom nozzle for high power use. We have a 6.7 over 1K in HP now.

Guys want to use their trucks for daily driving and go hundreds of thousands of miles without worries of when the injectors will crap out. They also want to make as much clean power as possible. Having the same goals, puts us in the same plane.

Why do we want your injectors for assembly? Why wont we sell nozzles only?

It is simple. The CR injectors are not the old robust things we all had in the early days with the 12 and 24's. They leak internally, externally and are failing at alarming rates. For this we test each injector. Set up the opening pressure, make cetain nothing is leaking and repair these problems if needed.

All injectors are now fully tested for pressure, return rates, injected quantity averaged over 1000 shots/cycles. This insures they are working perfectly when they leave. We test at 25,000 PSI and can go higher if needed.

Selling a nozzle set would be so much easier for us VS fully testing. Much less shipping headaches, tracking numbers, shipping cost, rushing to make deliveries on time, etc. No more concerns over leaking injectors. If we just distributed nozzles the leaking and inoperable injectors would be the customers problem. Hard starts, long starts, goofy rail pressures, high FCA duty cycles would all be someones elses problem. In the end, that would only make our bottom line larger while the customer is left scratching his head why his truck wont make power, gets crap economy, etc.

Our procedure minimizes troubles by finding and repairing leaks before you ever install them. The retaining nuts get the proper torque, the internal leaks get a proper repair and any all bad parts can be replaced before they leave. We have had to repair new injectors with as little as 7000 miles on them. It simply it is not advisable to swap on nozzles.

Sure it is more costly and time consuming for all of us. We make no money on repairs when it is said and done. We have more time, energy, and parts costs than we can ever make up by charging what we do for a complete injector rebuild. Its 25% of what is costs to buy a new one and our parts are no cheaper to purchase than anyone elses.

If anyone has a leaking injector, a misfiring injector or a problem after they receive them from us, it can almost always be reduced to installation error, dirty installers getting yukkies in the system, crap fuel, algae, etc.

Hope this helps,


Thank you Don!

Now, let's hear from II. :poke:
lmills said:
Wade, stop talking nonsense. I have held Dons cam in my hand as well as a very reputable person that was at my garage at the time. This person innparticular knows more about building high performance engines than you or I may ever know. I can assure you he said it was not a china cam as you may assume.

Now, let me go back and pull up every thread where you mentioned you have cracked bodies. I bet it is more than two bodies. Unless you just don't know how to diagnose stuff like that. Either way, I have been modded just as long if not longer than you and have had 0 failures.
are you not the one who allways said to stay away from pressure?
well then i guess it's kind of hard to crack bodies without higher psi, dont you think.

and to answer your question, yes i have ran psi over 35K and this was testing W/2 other companies.

lloyd you need to understand that a cracked bodie is not from lack of tuning knowledge, but rather being in pursuit of the most power, and that requires more psi, and more psi puts more strain on all fuel system components.
the danger is really the sudden stop of all that psi when you shut the throttle off. but hey thats part of raceing.

no hard feelings, but do your self a favor and dont try to compare our abilities by how many bodies we have cracked, it does you no good, and i know you know better.
Billyram said:
This may not sound right but having a 11 second truck is not my goal. My truck is running as fast as I want to go. I was wanting to install some better flowing injectors and do away with some electronics with out too much loss. The tst is comming out. I don't need it any more and I'm looking at my cooling mist too. I have lower EGTs at WOT after installing the injectors.
One good thing while installing the injectors I found a injector harness connector from the tst was rubbing my #1 injector line. This was going to eventually rub a hole and I don't think duct tape would hold for long. I may buy a new line a keep it in the truck.
thats cool billy, i was just thinking you could give all she's got one day and hit 11's. that would be pretty admirable with as little done to your truck as you have.
thats cool billy, i was just thinking you could give all she's got one day and hit 11's. that would be pretty admirable with as little done to your truck as you have.
Well I don't think it would quite hit 11s. Not in this weather down here anyway and I don't really want to break anything. These injectors are powerful and may be making more than 90 hp in my truck. I have things set where it runs great on the street and still quick enough and with out the tst. It's removed. Glad to get that stuff out of the way.