:ATTN: John @ Floor It

Your last sentence is true enough. People understand that.
BUT....how about you try telling that to the people who have at times waited for over a year?
These aren't recent issues either...this goes back for years.

Everyone knows Johns health issues, he's posted about them in the past....so get off that tit cause it's milked dry. I hate that John has cancer...wouldn't wish that on anyone.
Maybe him going to a dealer only network for contact will help him out...I hope it does.

I also wish him nothing but the best on his recovery. What he doesn't need and many don't care to read about is another nut swinger telling people what they need to do.
I dunnju, if it were me, I think I would look for a buyer of the business, get them in, teach them the secrets to your pumps success, then stay on as an employee. In house quality control of your lifes work for as long as you are healthy enough to continue. You may have a week after treatment that you don't come in, you may stick around for a year in total, or longer. IMHO it would take a lot of stress off your shoulders, but still be something that keeps your drive alive. Let the new owner decide how to staff the business, handle phone calls and customer service. We have seen it too many times, a one man show can not make it all happen in a timely or satisfactory manner. I have no problem if you tell me to stfu, wtf am I........ but know this, through this short thread only 2 people have stepped in to back you up, your product sounds like it is top notch, and in the end, how do you want to be remembered?
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I dunnju, if it were me, I think I would look for a buyer of the business, get them in, teach them the secrets to your pumps success, then stay on as an employee. In house quality control of your lifes work for as long as you are healthy enough to continue. You may have a week after treatment that you don't come in, you may stick around for a year in total, or longer. IMHO it would take a lot of stress off your shoulders, but still be something that keeps your drive alive. Let the new owner decide how to staff the business, handle phone calls and customer service. We have seen it too many times, a one man show can not make it all happen in a timely or satisfactory manner. I have no problem if you tell me to stfu, wtf am I........ but know this, through this short thread only 2 people have stepped in to back you up, your product sounds like it is top notch, and in the end, how do you want to be remembered?

very well said..........good idea to.:cheer:
Good deal. My long post was not in any way trying to tell John to get out of business more like pass it on as one would do if they were banding it down to the next generation.
Unfortunately you can't please everyone no matter how hard you try. Johns a great guy and does what he can. But the end of the day he is just human just like everyone on this board. I understand how frustrating it is not to hear from him and not be able to get ahold of him. I was one you who was frustrated and waiting on parts. But I also tried a couple of times to call mid atlantic diesel. Left detailed messages with what I wanted to do with my build, my name, and my cell phone. I couldn't get ahold of John so I thought I would try someone else. Guess what I haven't heard from them, and never got a call back either. So it isn't just John! Lee
Yea...you should be happy nobody answered that call from what's been posted recently.
I would love to work in John's shop, hell I have 2 days a week off now so John if you need any help give me shout!
ill just say this, ive always stood behind john in any thread about him. Unless you KNOW him and deal with him on a regular basis, you most likely dont know the kind of person he is.
Floorit isnt some industrial injection, factory, cookie cutter shop that gives you NO personal touch to your pump. If you want the kind of pump that is plain jane from a company that doesnt pay attention to detail, make a call to a company other than floorit.

Ive seen the differences between johns pumps and the other big names. Im still trying to figure out how theyre getting 3,000,000,000,000% over stock pumps without doing the things john does that they still dont do.

John gives you personnal service and deals with you directly and listens to what you want, not just look at an order number for the next copy from the mold.

Hes definately had tough times and ive even gone out to the shop on occassions to help him get things done. Hes a one man operation so of course its going to take a while but hes doing good with the odds that are stacked against him. Theres a reason the floorit name is still around even as such a small company and its not because of the quantity of the pumps sold, its the QUALITY.

just my $.02

Give me a call john, ill come out if you need some help the weeks that im home.
Well said. John has always been great to us. Infact he called my brother today out of the blew just to make sure that he was happy with the pump John built for him. Not many shops out there provide the survice that he does. Though it is a little difficult to get hold of him at times its well worth it. I wouldnt use any other modded pump on my truck.
My 3.5 showed up this morning, should have it on by Staurday...

Thanks John....!!