:ATTN: John @ Floor It

I now have 3 pumps that i owe to customers... thats it! You are not in my shoes and have no way to understand whats really going on! I could be like Paul Harvey..... "and the rest of the story" but then that would only piss those people off more and make a tough situation only worse! As to being sick........ you have no F**king idea whats up with that so shut your mouth!!
I didnt want peolpe to know because they would think its another excuse but I AM going through treatments again for colon cancer again, you ever had Kemo treatments??? Do you know what it soes to you, how it makes you feel?? Yet i'm trying to still get work done, i wont go down with out an all out fight.


Unfortunately John...I know more about cancer than I ever wanted to.
Lord knows I wish I didn't.
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if you cant handle the work load, stop taking it in.

I have and i do when it gets to this point, just like when Don @ F1 would send emails out to his dealers that he wasnt taking anymore orders. That is on our answering machine and in a few weeks we are switching to a dealer network only and will no longer be dealing with the 'Retail Public" so i can talk to dealers and not customers. Our website is almost done and will have a Q & A page, a dealer contact page. When you call our cuerrent phone number it will refer the customer to our website and you will not be able to leave a message. You will have to contact a dealer about the pumps, our "Rollover" number will be changed and it wont rollover from the current one and that will be for "Dealers Only" to contact me for orders and Q's and i'm changing my cell number so i can get $hit done!!

Unfortunately John...I know more about cancer than I ever wanted to.
Lord knows I wish I didn't.

Then I can relate unfortunately and it sucks and i dont have to tell you that. I'm on my 3rd kemo treatment (this round) and 1 of a few reasons why i'm not at TS.

Fixed it for me? The cancer? $hit i hope so cause this sucks!! I really believe if i stopped working i would die..... i'd wither away. I gotta keep busy, keep the blood pumping and motovation running. I'm hoping all the diesel fuel & smell and stuff will work its way into my blood stream and kill it.

There are two trucks down there waiting on pumps unless you have sent one out already.
Richard Haltom
701 South 16th Street
LaPorte, Tx 77571

I'll hold my breath....

Perfect, now John @ Floor-it can send you a box of tissues to wipe away your tears!

Or maybe a flaming brown bag full of crap.... Chris Farley Style!
No matter what he sent...at least I'd finally have something.

FWIW....that's my office address...don't go snooping around there trying to steal my stuff. :D
I'm here waiting now, damn Coleman tent, how the he'll do ya put this thing up.....
Perfect, now John @ Floor-it can send you a box of tissues to wipe away your tears!

Or maybe a flaming brown bag full of crap.... Chris Farley Style!

For you i'll throw something else.... and it wont be either one of those!!

A friend of mine Taylor and one of the guys that help Ryan and hangout with him.

One has been sent and on the truck, Fryman and 1 more here to go out monday for a customer of Ryans. I guess maybe that would be Taylors then.

FWIW....that's my office address...don't go snooping around there trying to steal my stuff. :D[/QUOTE]

I take it, thats for other people thinking of taking an "up and close look" at your personel stuff?

One has been sent and on the truck, Fryman and 1 more here to go out monday for a customer of Ryans. I guess maybe that would be Taylors then.


Yeah that would be it. I'll let him know it's being shipped.
FWIW....that's my office address...don't go snooping around there trying to steal my stuff. :D

I take it, thats for other people thinking of taking an "up and close look" at your personel stuff?


Yea...don't need someone thinking that's actually my home address posted on the internet.
Sorry to hear that some people haven't gotten there pumps back quickly. John obviously has some health problems so cut him some slack and I'm sure he doesnt want to have to explain it on this forum or any other. He does all his work himself so it's done rite and you get a great pump. I've had three pumps done by him in the past two years. If you give him some time and quit calling him so much he'll have time to work. A friend of mine just got a pump done by John and he's very happy with it and johns service. I'll be sending one back to get fixed and I'm not worried when I'll get it back cus I know it'll be done in a reasonable time. Any time I had an issue with the truck or tuning he was always willing to help and I live in PA which is far from Kansas which shows how he cares for his customers. So quit s..t talking him and give him some time. If you want a great pump sometimes you have to wait.