beginning to hate this forum

Billy or travis could u get him another avatar? Its getting kind of old

No! I really like that one, even though like dispacedtexan I have no idea what it is.

Maybe I should start a thread whining about itLOL

Please don't.

:rules: Keep your mouth shut you barely have 1,200 posts. You don't become supertard till at least 2,000...

It takes about 2,500 posts in case you were wondering. But I see you have achieved super status in only 128.

If we moved every thread that was derailed into Staging Lanes or General Pit-chat there wouldn't be a need for any other section.
I love this forum. I don't get involved in too many threads but I read a lot and I like the derailing and arguments. Where else would one go to see Ronald McDonald punching out a space man or boats and hoes? Oh, and the occasional diesel chat.
everyone is having fun at the expense of the OP's feelings..........shame on yunz!
Fing cry baby who pissed in his captain crunch this morning?
I was going to say something about the direction compd has taken and my concern and then I saw boobs and said **** it it wasn't worth it LOL
Just ignore those threads that bother me, like this one, they arent going to change, it's how they roll around here. lol
Even with a little whining this is still the undisputed best diesel website on the internet hands down!
I believe you missed the point of this thread:




are you feelin alright Brandon???
Boob FAIL!

Who needs boobs, when I have a pair of my own Man boobs?LOL Give me a hot body or nice azz any day.

As for the OP, I hear DTR is looking for people. Why not go there if you dont like it here? You know no one is making you stay here or be a part of CompD. If you dont like something move on to something else or just dont read it.

Opps sorry, my post count is below the said count. I better not comment. Carry on as you were. Continue entertaining us all.