bikini contest????

Looks like Anthony has marked his territory. lol

Yow, she's easy to look at. ;)
Bikini Contest

Anybody have any idea when the next bikini contest for that place will be? (I'm assuming next year lol) or anyone know of any other ones around?
I guess you can post up pics of yourself in a bikini and we can tell you if you win or not. :D

If you will look at some of the avatars here, you'll know what you have to compete against to win the first annual Comp D Online Bikini Contest. LOL
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Bikini contest June 24th at the CompD website, post up pictures to qualify in the next 30min.
Dat's what I'm Talkin' 'bout $$$!!!!


I'm too busy laughin' at that dayum passenger seat right now to judge, but I'll be back. LOL
Let's put the first rule into man-kini pics ok? LOL Males are NOT allowed to enter.
Let's put the first rule into man-kini pics ok? LOL Males are NOT allowed to enter.

I just spent 20 minutes looking for a nice trunk to put on and you try to get me DQ'd that fast....damn you!
Dex cant enter his bird legs either. LOL


Had to "search" for that old pic. :Cheer:
That pic is so old.....but I couldn't resist "whippin' it out". LOL

Sorry Dexter. :D