Billet Rods

When I get back from the TS event you could just drive down here to Cali and see one :)

By the way, if you puller boys want to ck you find old Subman's Max'd Out Race truck went 10.6 and 129 mph first day on the track. No dyno time and shooting in the dark, great partners in Idaho Rob and Nathan Wright. We're not making much hp by your guys calculations. It lived, every dodge broke. Should help out your dodge drag racing brothern, they could use some of those 1900 ck that now 2500 hp bull **** billet engines.

Did I ever say that anyone drag racing was driving a Dodge? Keating=Chevy with Cummins......Schied=Rail Car with cummins.......well there is Vans boy, Metchem an you can come get a piece of that "max'd out race truck" whenever you want....and I never said you guys weren't making much horsepower, you just said that yourself? By any calculation we are making the horsepower that we say we are on the drag strip and on the pulling track.....get over no go toot your own horn somewhere else we don't care about 10.6 an 129 mph there are prolly daily driven street trucks around here layin that down......this post was about billet rods until you started calling people out that you have no idea are in the diesel world.
Did I ever say that anyone drag racing was driving a Dodge? Keating=Chevy with Cummins......Schied=Rail Car with cummins.......well there is Vans boy, Metchem an you can come get a piece of that "max'd out race truck" whenever you want....and I never said you guys weren't making much horsepower, you just said that yourself? By any calculation we are making the horsepower that we say we are on the drag strip and on the pulling track.....get over no go toot your own horn somewhere else we don't care about 10.6 an 129 mph there are prolly daily driven street trucks around here layin that down......this post was about billet rods until you started calling people out that you have no idea are in the diesel world.

Your name is Ryan right, Ryan lighten up. You are jacked out of shape over nothing. I have a few PM's from some of the guys here and I know the score. I'd love to come watch your truck at TS, what is it called? I've heard this is the biggest diesel event of the year, and I'm making over a 4000 mile round trip to be there. As Mat said, Hell I ride on the weight bar out front if they'd let me. May have to have a set of ear plugs however. See you in Bowling Green. Hope you and your truck do well. Ken Florey (aka Subman)

Were you born with this gift of non perception or did you have to go to school to learn it? What the hell is wrong with you? If you were to go back and read my posts which start at #300 all I asked was I'd like to see something besides someone's word they are making the hp claimed. You would have thought I had call someones's mother some foul name for crying out loud. Some crap about if a dyno sheet was showed it would divulge some secret to your competitors. I stated fine, totally wipe out the graph and just post the hp and torque #'s, what dyno, what correction factor,when it was and signed by the dyno operator. Then it's who am I to question anything that you pullers do, or words to that effect. I heard from a couple of the pullers who also post in other forums that some of the guys are legit, but most of those don't bother to post on these forums. The ones that do are mostly more talk than walk might that be you?:poke:

I agreed that it looked to me pulling is harder on a truck then drag racing for the few pulls I endured. It certainly commands more of a following especially in the Midwest then diesel drag racing, but to each his own.

I blew my own horn a bit and stated my truck that I have paid for with my own money, and the hard work of two very talented partners went to the track for the first time ever and set a new record for the superstreet class in NHRDA, a national diesel racing organization. I'm sure the record is short lived but that's what records are for as the old saying goes. You come back and blow your cork. The original thread was talking about billet rods, it was high jacked a number of times. As I said earlier I'm sorry if I contributed to the high jacking.

I don't know you or your lickspittle buddy in his pink tu-tu, and you don't know me. I'm coming to Bowling Green to race and if I have the chance, will come over to the pulling event and watch the big boys duke it out. Now if you would like to come over to the drag racing event and meet me, there will be a 36' white goose neck trailer there with MAX'D OUT RACING on the side so it won't be hard to find. We'll be entered in the prostreet event. We'll probably get our asses handed to us by Stuckey and Buck, but that's racing. I started drag racing in 1960 and will be 65 in August, I'm assuming you were not much more a glimmer in your daddy's eye at that time.

Why don't you come on out west and enter some events that the BBD competes. It might be good for some of you guys to get out of you little 6 state in bred love feast. If you can afford a billet block and tout a 1900-2500hp motor, you should be able to make the trip, it would be good to let some of us uneducated folk on the left coast see what you got.

I'm assuming you do have a truck? By the way, I run TTS rods, and now have them in three Duramax motors.

Now come on back with another of your brilliant two word one syllable statements. Lift up your arms Grog, you dragging them is slowing down the sled. :poke:

Why don't you come on out west and enter some events that the BBD competes. It might be good for some of you guys to get out of you little 6 state in bred love feast. If you can afford a billet block and tout a 1900-2500hp motor, you should be able to make the trip, it would be good to let some of us uneducated folk on the left coast see what you got.


That is some pretty disrespectful words towards the region of the country that has provided most of the technology that started all this crap in the first place. I get the impression you are seriously doubting the capability of people like Josh Woodruff, Van Haisley, Dan Scheid, and Dave Mitchell to make statements like that. Do you not realize that BBD originated 20 minutes down the road from us and that we competed against it when it was owned by Chris Watson 3 years ago or whenever ? It was one of the top trucks then and I'm sure still is but things have changed alot since then and people keep setting the bar higher every year and by that I mean people in the midwest. What makes you really think we care if you believe what the Modified / Super Stock motors are making for horsepower ? It's all between us competitors and we're gonna leave it that way, we've earned that right.

Maybe a small background check to get your facts right about Ryan and Kyle should have been in order before you call them out like that b/c we have been involved together with this sport since the beginning. The competitors and all the people behind the scenes that are involved in our class are like one big family, when you call certain ones out it doesnt sit well with the rest of us trust me. You mention that some of the pullers dont bother to post much on the forums and I myself am one of them and this kinda stuff is why, it's really un-called for.

BTW Scott, hope the rods work out well for you and I love the new paint scheme Kyle. Is that the mothers day scheme? lol

Were you born with this gift of non perception or did you have to go to school to learn it? What the hell is wrong with you? If you were to go back and read my posts which start at #300 all I asked was I'd like to see something besides someone's word they are making the hp claimed. You would have thought I had call someones's mother some foul name for crying out loud. Some crap about if a dyno sheet was showed it would divulge some secret to your competitors. I stated fine, totally wipe out the graph and just post the hp and torque #'s, what dyno, what correction factor,when it was and signed by the dyno operator. Then it's who am I to question anything that you pullers do, or words to that effect. I heard from a couple of the pullers who also post in other forums that some of the guys are legit, but most of those don't bother to post on these forums. The ones that do are mostly more talk than walk might that be you?:poke:

I agreed that it looked to me pulling is harder on a truck then drag racing for the few pulls I endured. It certainly commands more of a following especially in the Midwest then diesel drag racing, but to each his own.

I blew my own horn a bit and stated my truck that I have paid for with my own money, and the hard work of two very talented partners went to the track for the first time ever and set a new record for the superstreet class in NHRDA, a national diesel racing organization. I'm sure the record is short lived but that's what records are for as the old saying goes. You come back and blow your cork. The original thread was talking about billet rods, it was high jacked a number of times. As I said earlier I'm sorry if I contributed to the high jacking.

I don't know you or your lickspittle buddy in his pink tu-tu, and you don't know me. I'm coming to Bowling Green to race and if I have the chance, will come over to the pulling event and watch the big boys duke it out. Now if you would like to come over to the drag racing event and meet me, there will be a 36' white goose neck trailer there with MAX'D OUT RACING on the side so it won't be hard to find. We'll be entered in the prostreet event. We'll probably get our asses handed to us by Stuckey and Buck, but that's racing. I started drag racing in 1960 and will be 65 in August, I'm assuming you were not much more a glimmer in your daddy's eye at that time.

Why don't you come on out west and enter some events that the BBD competes. It might be good for some of you guys to get out of you little 6 state in bred love feast. If you can afford a billet block and tout a 1900-2500hp motor, you should be able to make the trip, it would be good to let some of us uneducated folk on the left coast see what you got.

I'm assuming you do have a truck? By the way, I run TTS rods, and now have them in three Duramax motors.

Now come on back with another of your brilliant two word one syllable statements. Lift up your arms Grog, you dragging them is slowing down the sled. :poke:

Hmmm I have plenty of perception, I have enough to know that you might be all jacked outta shape now?? Yess the subject was about billet rods until it was hi jacked into this, your like a lil fly in the summer that lands on a pile of cow ****, it just keeps on tryin and keeps on tryin but it will never get that whole pile of cow**** ate, you wouldn't give up on calling people out on the dyno sheet, finally a couple people said something to shut ya up, deal with it...lots of people have not seen it but it happend, hell the guy that supplied our fuel pumps would not believe it but now he does, trust me we'd love to show ya in Bowling Green, hope ya have a good trip out!

Both events are hard on trucks, drag racing and sled pulling, we take nothing away from the other sport because we don't do it......We like watching the drag trucks, but we've grown up in a Tractor pulling belt of the U.S

No you don't know me. My cousins started pulling two cylinder john deeres when puller magazine was covering them, basically it would be like EVENTING DRAG RACING TO YOU...but I've put my years in an thats all you need to know, My lickspittle buddy kyle, he's just probably one of the first guys to ever make over a 1000 hp with a duramax when you were still racing gas motors an thought it was cool to start racing diesels, he had one of the first homemade twin cp3 kits ever to be seen, an EXCEEDED and pushed the LIMITS of the duramax motor before you ever started racing a max'd out dmax, we'll stop right there with that!

Why don't we come out west? cause we don't have to? Our pulling circuits are here? why would we go out west? Your coming to us for TS right? there ya are calling yourself uneducated again? I thought we were the in bred?

Yes I do have a truck, actually multiple trucks, you've probably read some magazines with......oh **** wait! You've probably looked at pictures of my trucks in a few magazines. I really don't care what rods you have..we make our own out here along with pistons, blocks, heads blah blah all that minor it worx...der der der says one in bred to the other!
Hmmm I have plenty of perception, I have enough to know that you might be all jacked outta shape now?? Yess the subject was about billet rods until it was hi jacked into this, your like a lil fly in the summer that lands on a pile of cow ****, it just keeps on tryin and keeps on tryin but it will never get that whole pile of cow**** ate, you wouldn't give up on calling people out on the dyno sheet, finally a couple people said something to shut ya up, deal with it...lots of people have not seen it but it happend, hell the guy that supplied our fuel pumps would not believe it but now he does, trust me we'd love to show ya in Bowling Green, hope ya have a good trip out!

Both events are hard on trucks, drag racing and sled pulling, we take nothing away from the other sport because we don't do it......We like watching the drag trucks, but we've grown up in a Tractor pulling belt of the U.S

No you don't know me. My cousins started pulling two cylinder john deeres when puller magazine was covering them, basically it would be like EVENTING DRAG RACING TO YOU...but I've put my years in an thats all you need to know, My lickspittle buddy kyle, he's just probably one of the first guys to ever make over a 1000 hp with a duramax when you were still racing gas motors an thought it was cool to start racing diesels, he had one of the first homemade twin cp3 kits ever to be seen, an EXCEEDED and pushed the LIMITS of the duramax motor before you ever started racing a max'd out dmax, we'll stop right there with that!

Why don't we come out west? cause we don't have to? Our pulling circuits are here? why would we go out west? Your coming to us for TS right? there ya are calling yourself uneducated again? I thought we were the in bred?

Yes I do have a truck, actually multiple trucks, you've probably read some magazines with......oh **** wait! You've probably looked at pictures of my trucks in a few magazines. I really don't care what rods you have..we make our own out here along with pistons, blocks, heads blah blah all that minor it worx...der der der says one in bred to the other!

Whatever. see you in Bowling Green. Hope you have great season.
That is some pretty disrespectful words towards the region of the country that has provided most of the technology that started all this crap in the first place. I get the impression you are seriously doubting the capability of people like Josh Woodruff, Van Haisley, Dan Scheid, and Dave Mitchell to make statements like that. Do you not realize that BBD originated 20 minutes down the road from us and that we competed against it when it was owned by Chris Watson 3 years ago or whenever ? It was one of the top trucks then and I'm sure still is but things have changed alot since then and people keep setting the bar higher every year and by that I mean people in the midwest. What makes you really think we care if you believe what the Modified / Super Stock motors are making for horsepower ? It's all between us competitors and we're gonna leave it that way, we've earned that right.

Maybe a small background check to get your facts right about Ryan and Kyle should have been in order before you call them out like that b/c we have been involved together with this sport since the beginning. The competitors and all the people behind the scenes that are involved in our class are like one big family, when you call certain ones out it doesnt sit well with the rest of us trust me. You mention that some of the pullers dont bother to post much on the forums and I myself am one of them and this kinda stuff is why, it's really un-called for.

BTW Scott, hope the rods work out well for you and I love the new paint scheme Kyle. Is that the mothers day scheme? lol

There is no disrespect intended trust me, and I'm not questioning anyone's capabilities. I believe it is reasonable to ask for some verification on some statements that someone makes, especially if that statement raises the bar as you state. It's done everyday in the drag racing world. Your performance speaks for itself. It's harder to judge in the pulling world due to the way you run your events. You don't automatically get respect where I come from, you have to earn it. That's the case is in most of the the rest of the country.

I asked nice and got **** on, now I'm not going to play nice. I've earned the same respect of which you speak. And what makes you think I care what you think as well? There is a lot more to this country and the diesel world than the 6 state area where all of you find your comfort zone. Sorry if I ruffled your feathers. I really didn't intend to rain on your little family's parade, so I'll leave it at that.
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My lickspittle buddy kyle, he's just probably one of the first guys to ever make over a 1000 hp with a duramax when you were still racing gas motors an thought it was cool to start racing diesels, he had one of the first homemade twin cp3 kits ever to be seen, an EXCEEDED and pushed the LIMITS of the duramax motor before you ever started racing a max'd out dmax, we'll stop right there with that. QUOTE]

Good for him, show me the data.
man it sucks im not going to be at TS, i want to see Odor's big mongol ass eat someone when they piss him off.........i think we need a wrestling ring at would make for some good video........

There you have it folks.

There you have it folks.

Thank you, that all I wanted in the first place. That is seriously impressive. I'm assuming that is at the crank, can't imagine being able to hold that kind of power on rollers. Looking forward to watching you guys at TS
wow dissapointing... can this please be closed or locked. this is not what we need to be representing our selves as a diesel community. Guys the bottom line is dont matter what a piece of paper says or how much hp you have, let your truck do the talkin not your mouth.
I'm not gonna close it just yet, Cory.

I did clean up some bullsh!t and I will say...some of you internet badasses are about 1 post from a vacation. Y'all are smart enough to figure out who you are.

Grow up, quit acting like some little babies and post accordingly.
wow dissapointing... can this please be closed or locked. this is not what we need to be representing our selves as a diesel community. Guys the bottom line is dont matter what a piece of paper says or how much hp you have, let your truck do the talkin not your mouth.

Concur, and as the starter of this thread that is supposed to be about Billet Rods by the way I was going to request it be deleted, but I still think there is some good info here, it's ashamed it got to this point. It wouldn’t hurt my feelings if it was cleaned up and locked down.

Concur, and as the starter of this thread that is supposed to be about Billet Rods by the way I was going to request it be deleted, but I still think there is some good info here, it's ashamed it got to this point. It wouldn’t hurt my feelings if it was cleaned up and locked down.


your a tool too