Billet Rods

You might want to call Harvey @ J&H as I am hearing the event may not happen in June, or at all this year :(


i sure hope your kidding scott. i love that show. lots of great trucks and good people there. always has a huge turnout as well. :(:(
I'm not going to argue one way or the other but, I would think that there has to be a few guys out there that cant quite keep up with the very top guys in pulling . Now wouldn't you think odds would be someone would come to drag racing and clean house with lets say a 1800hp truck??????????? with all that comp in pulling why not be top dog in drag racing , and do it very easy .
I'm not going to argue one way or the other but, I would think that there has to be a few guys out there that cant quite keep up with the very top guys in pulling . Now wouldn't you think odds would be someone would come to drag racing and clean house with lets say a 1800hp truck??????????? with all that comp in pulling why not be top dog in drag racing , and do it very easy .

It's a little harder to make the power when you can't spool the chargers.

I'm not going to argue one way or the other but, I would think that there has to be a few guys out there that cant quite keep up with the very top guys in pulling . Now wouldn't you think odds would be someone would come to drag racing and clean house with lets say a 1800hp truck??????????? with all that comp in pulling why not be top dog in drag racing , and do it very easy .

Ever heard of Smoknya stickers are on his best trucks, Keating is the best of the best when it comes to Diesel Drag Racing, but you'll probably have to look under the hood of the drag trucks with Sigma fuel pumps an parachutes on the back. The chargers can be spooled if transmissions can hold, Keating, The Haisleys, an Scheid are doing it an at the top of the game there also!
It's a little harder to make the power when you can't spool the chargers.


Very true, that is proven time after time with the exhibition trucks 30+ seconds spool-up time, don't know how anything that takes that long could ever really race under a .400 tree.

I'm sorry if I sounded out of line it's purely joking here but some people just do not know the amount of labor, money, time away from family, girlfriends, wives home that guys like Josh Woodruff, Erik Stacey, The Haisleys, The Scheids an many many more do to make this "Hobby" advance, an it is frusterating to see some people critic what they have no idea about.

Ryan Oeder

Well said Ryan! Couldn't agree with you more!
I'm not going to argue one way or the other but, I would think that there has to be a few guys out there that cant quite keep up with the very top guys in pulling . Now wouldn't you think odds would be someone would come to drag racing and clean house with lets say a 1800hp truck??????????? with all that comp in pulling why not be top dog in drag racing , and do it very easy .

Its all comes down to where the money comes from. If the guys drag racing got the money then it woudl be sweet but right now the pulling guys are the ones playing with it. Would be sweet to get Cory's block and Josh's mind behind a drag truck. I know Josh would love it. Hope to see it someday.
Very true, that is proven time after time with the exhibition trucks 30+ seconds spool-up time, don't know how anything that takes that long could ever really race under a .400 tree.


Schied's rail is coming along and spooling VERY well compared to say 06-07 timeframe...whether they can leave on the tree everytime, I don't know!

other than BBD does anyone have pix and or sites for these really high hp trucks?
Would love to see the trux chassis etc
Argue all ya like over hp and rpm - cuz it dont matter - someone with more money and more time will outdo the current records, sooner or later - thats what its all about - progression

I wanna see the ride(s) chassis and transmissions - puller or drag racer, that it takes to handle all that power

As Timmie would say - uhhh uhh uhh More Power :Cheer::evil:charger:
Ohio Cat Truck (Cory Atley)

Smoknya (Eric Stacey)

Haisley Machine (Van and Curt Haisley)

I got Straley's myspace, he has pics on there

Of Couse you have Scheid Diesel's fleet
(Brad Ingram)

Terry Martin's old truck, now Faith Millers[1].jpg

Josh Woodruff has alot of trucks out there

And those are just a few off the top of my head.
yup i agree. saw a few stock turbo d maxs run low low 12s.

Bring out your dodge to Fallon and we'll have a little fun. My 12.6 sec dmax is my tow truck. It's what will be inside the 36' trailer behind my tow truck that counts.:kick:
Subman you are correct.....I would not believe a 5.9 could run #2 an 6000rpm for any length of time an make 1900 me we tried it we probably melted down a total of atleast 6 motors, 6 years ago trying to do it what you are forgetting is when we leave the line with 100+psi is that our motor doesn't get much above 1400 to 1500 degrees, how is that? well it's a neat little thing called water, you might have heard of it??? About 70.8% of the earth (which is where you live if I'm correct?) surface is covered with it. Now, a 5.9 Billet block, with a sigma fuel pump, two very large turbos, and water injection will make ATLEAST 1900 hp an live with rpms up to 6000rpm, now i know being from Oregon it may be hard to believe but it happens quite often here in Ohio, Indiana, an Kentucky area on a regular basis in the summer, check out a site called and type in Erik Stacey or Smoknya heck might even want to go to our website that I give ya the recipe for making 1900 hp you might even wanna build a truck yourself and come compete?? since you think it cannot be done?? but a little word of advice were working on 2000+horse now by the time you get done with yours you might wanna aim for 2500hp because were gonna be knocking on it's doors by the end of next year I'm sure.

KNOCK, KNOCK!.......who's there?....IT'S 2500 HP....oh come on in here let us raise the body, jump on in!!

Just spent a week driving from Oregon to Virginia and back. Drove through Indiana, Kentucky and looked across the river at a bit of Ohio. I'm afraid Dock Boy is right.LOL You guys have a great pulling season. By the way did you ever figure out if the Billet rods were any good?
One last thought, I'm sure you'll hit 2500 hp or 3500 for that matter. All you have to do is say the number.
Well I read the first 10 pages and then got tired so I quit. Anyways from my experience sled pulling seems to be much harder on the engine than drag racing. The fact that you see higher boost numbers on the pulling track vs. drag racing should be a dead give away as to which is loading the motor more.
By the way, if you puller boys want to ck you find old Subman's Max'd Out Race truck went 10.6 and 129 mph first day on the track. No dyno time and shooting in the dark, great partners in Idaho Rob and Nathan Wright. We're not making much hp by your guys calculations. It lived, every dodge broke. Should help out your dodge drag racing brothern, they could use some of those 1900 ck that now 2500 hp bull **** billet engines.
By the way, if you puller boys want to ck you find old Subman's Max'd Out Race truck went 10.6 and 129 mph first day on the track. No dyno time and shooting in the dark, great partners in Idaho Rob and Nathan Wright. We're not making much hp by your guys calculations. It lived, every dodge broke. Should help out your dodge drag racing brothern, they could use some of those 1900 ck that now 2500 hp bull **** billet engines.

Hey, I didn't break. I know, I am not in the same class, though.
Hey, I didn't break. I know, I am not in the same class, though.

Hey Mike your truck ran great, you'll be in the 11's soon. The LBZ I'm building for my play toy bracket racer and your truck should be very close. I took a lot of grieve from some of the guys on this thread for asking to see something that shows they are making the power they claim and was treated like some kid who shouldn't open his mouth. We're considering going back to the TS event, maybe I can see one of these 1900 hp trucks first hand.
Hey Mike your truck ran great, you'll be in the 11's soon. The LBZ I'm building for my play toy bracket racer and your truck should be very close. I took a lot of grieve from some of the guys on this thread for asking to see something that shows they are making the power they claim and was treated like some kid who shouldn't open his mouth. We're considering going back to the TS event, maybe I can see one of these 1900 hp trucks first hand.

Definetly worth the trip, watching the mod trucks is just badass!