Brothers Diesel hook at hamburg NY

Congratulations on a another strong finish, but the black duramax has (7) first place finishes out of (9) pulls. Now that is impressive. That truck sounds like an absolute beast.
strokin6L thanks for the video didnt think it would start this

It had to start somewhere. Maybe it started early in the year when I flew out to Ohio to help Tim get ready for a few pulls early in the year. Some a$$ bag started talking smack about why Tim just don't give up and start fresh? Well I guess we all know why now.

Runs deep!
strokin6L thanks for the video didnt think it would start this

Me neither bud..sorry! Pulling is pulling. Tim is having a great year and congrats to him. Sometimes things happen and don't go as they should, but that's pulling. Everyone has some bugs that pop up once in a while that will hurt them in the points standings.
sounds like your a bunch of "cry babies" just because a d-max is doing well this year. Congrats to Tim Jackson
sounds like your a bunch of "cry babies" just because a d-max is doing well this year. Congrats to Tim Jackson

what? Are you fukin serious buddy? Just who the hell sounds like they're being a cry baby? I've already said hats off and congrats to tim for having a great year so far. Didn't see anyone's post complaining or crying about Tim winning and having a good season so far.
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Yes, I'm fukin serious. I just call it as I see it. No one else in the history of truck pulling has to display a cry babies sticker because they were called out on cheating. Sucks getting caught, but real men realize that they were in the wrong and suck it up. Just my $.02
Yes, I'm fukin serious. I just call it as I see it. No one else in the history of truck pulling has to display a cry babies sticker because they were called out on cheating. Sucks getting caught, but real men realize that they were in the wrong and suck it up. Just my $.02

yes, i'm fukin serious. I just call it as i see it. No one else in the history of truck pulling has to display a cry babies sticker because they were called out on cheating. Sucks getting caught, but real men realize that they were in the wrong and suck it up. Just my $.02
Yes, I'm fukin serious. I just call it as I see it. No one else in the history of truck pulling has to display a cry babies sticker because they were called out on cheating. Sucks getting caught, but real men realize that they were in the wrong and suck it up. Just my $.02

Speaking of cry baby stickers. I wouldn't be surprised if those guys made phone calls and cried to Haisley every time Tim Jackson beats them. They better hope Ridin' Dirty doesn't start making road trips to The Empire State.:poke:
I was going to stay out of this. But sensed asked I watched the video and I don't feel as thought I would be able to get those heavy New York sleds started. If I am able too get some overtime at work the next couple of weeks I might make one. Diesel is still $4.00 a gallon here.