C.B. Radios and Linear Amps

is there anyone from New York that would know where i could find a good cb shop. i just got a Cobra 29LTD CHROME LIMITED EDITION. is there much that can be done with this one?
dieselkeith said:
is there anyone from New York that would know where i could find a good cb shop. i just got a Cobra 29LTD CHROME LIMITED EDITION. is there much that can be done with this one?

There nice I have 3 of them. All three have got big finals, and echo installed in them. They are pushing 60-65 watts a piece by themselves.
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Picked me up a Connex 3300HP from RadioActive about a week ago. It should be swingin 55 to 60. It'll be here this coming week. Also found a Texas Star 250 HDV for $100 in great shape yesterday. :evil:
Ok I'll bite and ask....

Big A...
Please explain to me what the addition of "big finals" does to a Cobra.

I mean this nicely as a Cobra is a 1 watt driver with a 1 watt chassis board and a 5 watt final.IF you change both the driver and final out for bigger ones you are still left with the limiting capabilities of the 1 watt chassis circuits.To attain the 60-65 watts you say is virtually impossible without a complate circuit board change.The absolute best Cobra was the old Phillipine built 29LTD,not the classic,the ORIGINAL.In its tuned form with bigger drivers and finals it would keydown about 4-7 watts and swing hard into the high 30's on a full audio swing,but it would create heat and not last long that way.Most good techs would set them to go about 4 watts deadkey and swing them about 25-27 watts so you could talk longer safely without failure.

Santa Gertrudis....
Its much cheaper to buy a low end Magnum or Stryker and have it tuned instead.The cost of the Cobra and the Connex Board install is around what you can get a Magnum S-3 or a Stryker 440hp for and they have about all most guys will need for big audio drive.

Also that Connex 3300hp is an Ok unit but the way its designed inside it allows to much white noise in it(it does not utilize a digital reciever).It never quiets down and because of that it severely hampers the recieve side and the Magnum and Stryker will out perform it badly.The 3300HP at one time may have been the rage but now there are better choices for the same money.

One other thing...Scrap the Texas Star junk and get a real amp.The best amps money can buy for power are made by "Dave Made" and "X-Force",all the rest is taking up shelf space.

Where are you located at in NY?.

Me either,plus the fact that I listen to them all day long at work means I do not want to hear that BS all night long too,LOL.

Someone lied to you.
And I have been around alot of big audio drive units and never have seen one stall a motor when they keyed down.Well not a Cobra radio anyway.You do of course realize that its a 2 pill unit and will do at best 100-130 watts on a full drive,right?.Plus,they only list for $229 new and ready for you at most any radio shop.
In the future, I will be getting a much better amp. The TS 250 is doing good for me right now. Plus, I couldnt beat the price for how good of shape its in. I will definately get my money plus some back out of it. Ive tryed out Magnums and Strykers in other peoples vehicles, and the Connex radios are still my favorite. I like the others, they are great radios, but the Connex line is my favorite.
Mine sits in my cabinet now but i had it resting behind my console on the floor.
So what are you trying to tell us there RD?????...

I have been to many keydown competitions and seen most all of the counter brand amps(Texas Star,Black Widow,Grey,Shooting Star,Palomar to name a few)fail miserably.Texas Star is one of the worst for performance and is one of the most under achieving.You buy a 250HD like the gentleman has above and the best you get from it is 175 on a full drive and its keydown is around 100-130 watts.BUT they,Texas Star,still charge a premium price(near a dollar a watt) for their units.Palomar is not much better,at a recent event I traveled to a gentleman had one of their old 500 watss units and in the field strength it barely did 250 on a full drive.

The two best over the counter amps out there in radio land,if you can find them,are the 300 Grey and the Messenger M4V.They have scored well in keydowns and do well in audio drive portions of competition.

X-force has been the one cleaning house lately as they have some of the strongest amps around.Dave Made is still competitive and ranks right up there,no matter what your internet folklore writers say.....
Hammer perhaps you need to backtrack in this thread- I stated that Davemade builds some nice stuff. The setup I have now seems to get the job done for me- frankly at this point- I'd rather invest the money into underhood items more than a bigger footwarmer. If this box craps out-which is possible with any linear- I may get a middle ground Davemade box or even look into one of those X forces. All I know is with my set up now I do make the area basestation folks cry. Is it worthy of being a contender in one of them 'key-down comps? HELL NO ! Those are some serious dudes with big dollars invested in multiple alternators,some with generators and battery banks that would make the Die Hard section at SEARS seem inadiquate. . . . Not my game. I'm happy with what I have, if it craps out maybe I'll look into the next latest greatest footwarmer.....

What's your handle? We have a base station with a large rotating beam and a power sucking roomwarmer with large tubes inside it......

I noticed that the Cobra 2000 bases were coming down in price recently and can be found for sale used at decent prices.......(not made anymore and from my understanding are a pretty decent base....)
i have recently bought a Cobra 29LTD Dale Earnhardt Edition CB, i just installed it today and i dont think it is working right, i dont have very much experience with CB'S so im hoping u guys can help me out, when i call out with the CB, the RX/TX light goes from ''green'' to ''red'' and then the Ant light goes "red" also, i never get a respons from anybody when i ask for a radio check, also i dont hear anybody talking over the CB, is there something i can do to fix this???? it is really annoying and i want it to work i just have a 2'ft 3/8 fire stick antenna on the truck behind the cab would this be part of my problem? any help will be much appreciated thanks guys
i have recently bought a Cobra 29LTD Dale Earnhardt Edition CB, i just installed it today and i dont think it is working right, i dont have very much experience with CB'S so im hoping u guys can help me out, when i call out with the CB, the RX/TX light goes from ''green'' to ''red'' and then the Ant light goes "red" also, i never get a respons from anybody when i ask for a radio check, also i dont hear anybody talking over the CB, is there something i can do to fix this???? it is really annoying and i want it to work i just have a 2'ft 3/8 fire stick antenna on the truck behind the cab would this be part of my problem? any help will be much appreciated thanks guys

The Ant. light coming on is a BAD THING. Quit talking on the radio until you get an SWR meter on the radio/antenna setup. Most likely you will need a better antenna...maybe a 4 or 5 foot stick instead. However, you will also probably need to run a ground wire from the bed to the frame to reduce of the SWR's. If the antenna is mounted on the toolbox you'll also need to run a ground wire from it to the frame. If you continue to talk on the radio like it is you are going to burn up either the protection curcuit, the transistor, or possibly both. Find a local CB shop if you can to help with this since it can be frustrating and hard for a first time CBer.
I just picked up a Connex 4600 turbo, and its swinging 190 right now. also picked up some nice beldin cable, and a predator 10k. I'll let ya'll know how everything turns out with it.
Lemme know where you mount that 10k and how it works out. I want one, but I dont want to have to mount it way up in the air to get the SWRs down. We shall see I suppose.
Sure thing. I should have my truck back from Jeremy (texas Diesel) and i'll make a custom mount for it probably wednesday. It's probably going to be mounted to the bed rail directly in the middle behind the window, and in a stair step mount that i'll make. also, i got the 27" shaft, which might be too long for the way i'm going to mount it.