Car built to SFI 25.2A Chassis Specification (PIC HEAVY)

Wow, they air-freighted the whole damn truck? Love the sign: "NOTE - IS NOT USED CAR"!

I once helped arrange the air freight of a 12,000 lb forklift from Japan to Oregon, IIRC it was in the $28k range even with a big discount for a major customer.

Can't wait to see this thing run! Also hoping I get to be right in front of Wade again in the line into the track, I'll try to get the gate attendant to use this nickname on him too!
Air freight for a Pro Mod car from Houston to Qatar was $21,000.00 last year.
It went on a pallet just like that.
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I should have mentioned, the forklift air freight was in about 1995, so factor inflation into that. IIRC it came similarly shrink wrapped on a much smaller pallet. Much more weight but less space.
Props to you for doing what you're doing to make this happen, Taquache.

X2. Very Cool Indeed, wish yall well!


Thanks fellas!

I'm just helping support some amazingly enthiusiastic diesel motorsports participants. I hope they are overwhelmed by a welcome and friendship from people here in the states that they want to continue to come back and compete!!

Little update:

At this time the truck should be loaded on a plane and airborne!

For those of you wondering I was told it weighs 2600# :evil within the prostock rules.

I should have hands on the truck Monday or Tuesday!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Way to go Taquache! This HAS been cool as hell to watch the progress. I'm ready to see it in action.

On a side note, I bet us Americans pay a lot more for certain things. I was thinking about that carbon fiber body. I have a feeling they didn't have to pay retail for it.
man this is badass to follow..
Yea it is!

Way to go Taquache! This HAS been cool as hell to watch the progress. I'm ready to see it in action.

On a side note, I bet us Americans pay a lot more for certain things. I was thinking about that carbon fiber body. I have a feeling they didn't have to pay retail for it.
Me too!

The truck will arrive in DFW at midnight and cleared for release tomorrow!
Update: Michael can drive the truck as long as it is 110% up to par.
And the Thai driver will be allowed to make passes as long as there aren't many delays.

if it runs as good as the other one they had in Thailand, Wade has some stiff competition....

if it runs as good as the other one they had in Thailand, Wade has some stiff competition....

They know about Wade's 7.4X run and the banks 7.77 run via YouTube.

Scott (my main contact) was entertained that they are close to that league with half the cylinders and half the displacement. He told me they have turned up the power too.

These guys are true enthusiasts to their very core!
They know about Wade's 7.4X run and the banks 7.77 run via YouTube.

Scott (my main contact) was entertained that they are close to that league with half the cylinders and half the displacement. He told me they have turned up the power too.

These guys are true enthusiasts to their very core!

24vriv and i were talking at lunch today about the same thing. the fact they are running as competetive as they are with so little displacement is awesome.
Like watching 4 cylinder 2 liter gas engines crush big blocks at the strip. (and street)
Picture time!




Loading on the plane:





Should feet dry in DFW in 2.5 hours!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Hope it made it here! This has been awesome to follow and very cool of you to put in all the work to make it happen. Looks to be a great way to promote our sport.
Hope it made it here! This has been awesome to follow and very cool of you to put in all the work to make it happen. Looks to be a great way to promote our sport.


Update: customs broker is headed to the airport! Should release the truck today!
OUTSTANDING! This is flat amazing.

Good luck to the Thia boys.

We wont be able to attend with the broke leg & all. Please post lots of vids and keep us posted.

Mike, you gonna run it????