Central Kentucky Smokeout

We have packed the tracks down tighter than dick's hatband, if it rains tommorow we should be able to keep it from soaking in. Hager sleds are on site, rollers, ect, Dunbar is leaving early in the morning. Looking forward to getting this show in motion, be sure to introduce yourselves this weekend, it will be nice to put a face with a username.

If Friday qualifying gets rained out we will post it on this site and KYDTR.com, if we don't post, we are pulling.
Unless I find a trailer, I may have to sit this one out. I really dont want to, just getting the truck setup for it.
Fixing to pull out of the drive way. Has it started raining in richmond yet. Be a long 4 hour drive if there no pulls.
If you get rained out today will it go over into Sunday? Or will it be a jammed packed Sat.?
I just talked go Davey, as of 12:32 there hasn't been any rain. Hope to see everyone there
All rules are posted on centralkysmokeout.com

The top 5 from both classes last night are qualified for Saturday night.
If you are not in the top 5, you must qualify today starting at noon.

2.8/3.0 Trucks do not need to qualify and will pull at 7:eek:opm.

BEAUTIFUL DAY!! Madision County Fairgrounds is awaiting your arrival.

Come and enjoy all the activities going on all day Saturday
Had a great time. Ended up getting 7th place with pull distance of 333 ft. Still have some thing to work out on new motor. Cant wait tell Fass Nationals in june.
I just wanted to take the time to thank everyone that helped make the 1st Central Kentucky Smokeout a sucess, it takes alot of time and energy to put one of these things on. without the pullers the fans and countless favors from friends these type shows couldn't happen. We wanted to put on an event, that normal dudes like us would like to attend. We learned alot in this first attempt and we will put that and any new suggestions to use in planning the next one. There is no doubt we had the best trucks in central USA at this event, I feel like it went off well, considering it was storming everywhere but Richmond on Friday night we still had a show. Saturday was packed with things to do, from Dunbar to R/C pullers to chicks on a stage, and some very nice show trucks. If anyone has any ideas on how to make this an even stronger event don't hesitate to call me at 859-509-9011 or e-mail me at onlyss@wildblue.net Thanks Steve, Davey, and Norman. Just 3 dudes with real jobs trying to put on the best show we can.
Im still trying to get my video up. For some reason all my video is fine until I put it on movie maker, then there is no sound. Sorry for the delay I do have some good video of the 2.6 class from both days.