Cheaters in Work Stock classes.

you can call the guy a cheater all you want but if tech lets him go then blame tech. these days if people can get away with stuff they will.
Defiantly isn't a 2.6 truck by looking at it on the video. But rules are rules and I kinda have to agree with convicted a little bit. The 2.6 class has gotten so far out of hand that an average guy like the guy in the Chevy has a chance has to try to drop down a class. You can obvisoult tell that the truck is still daily driven. Till there is a class that rsurrects what the 2.6 class was there wil be more and more people doing this.
Also if I was that guy i'd rather pull the work stock class and get dqued then pull the 2.6 class and just look like an idiot and get stomped. Not to mention with the added weight they have to put on the sled now a days with the 2.6 class because of the 3.0 trucks dropping down to pull guys like him have a better chance of breaking.
Defiantly isn't a 2.6 truck by looking at it on the video. But rules are rules and I kinda have to agree with convicted a little bit. The 2.6 class has gotten so far out of hand that an average guy like the guy in the Chevy has a chance has to try to drop down a class. You can obvisoult tell that the truck is still daily driven. Till there is a class that rsurrects what the 2.6 class was there wil be more and more people doing this.

Finally somebody gets it!

In my opinion the 2.6" class was SUPPOSED to be for the Hot Street Trucks.... The guys who went ahead and bought a little bigger turbo, small sticks, modified pump, etc. Yet didn't have bars, blocks, and hanging weights.

The trucks could still work if needed, you'd just have to be a little more careful about watching your gauges and not burning the damn thing down.

WS to me was the guys with a cold air, exhaust, programmer and thats pretty much it... A true WORK truck.
i have another question for nadm the phuck does a pintle hitch with a clevis pass for a pulling hitch? not only ws...where u could play the im just a street guy blah blah blah...but in 2.6?
Also... if that Duramax truly had a 66 on it... He's not using it to its capability.

There just wasn't enough fuel there... If he were to hook that in 2.6" he'd be at the very back of the pack.
Also... if that Duramax truly had a 66 on it... He's not using it to its capability.

There just wasn't enough fuel there... If he were to hook that in 2.6" he'd be at the very back of the pack.

He did hook in 2.6 the same night. 2:13

He came in late so he didn't get teched hard ahead of time. He knew exactly what he was doing, and he knew it was wrong. Worst part is 1175 of the 1200 people there left thinking he was the winner.
Which brings me to the other rule I forgot to mention...

If you hook 2.6" you can't hook WS.

Simple as that.

I agree though.... If they guy put that much time and thought into cheating... I think he needs a new hobby.
Is it just me or is there an awful lot of b!tchers in this thread? I agree with Convicted on a rule about running multiple classes at the same event...good idea!
Atleast there is classes where you guys pull. The pull I went to last weekend that middle tennessee pullers put on had 3 trucks with hoodstacks in the only class which was street diesel class. Over half was trailered in.
Can anybody say 2.5" class?

Smokeshow, where you at?

I've never hooked to a sled so I dont know how it works, but dont you get tech'd before you pull? How does a tech official allow this truck to pull?

A lot of places are only teching after you pull and make it into the money so as not to hold up the entire class with a complete inspection. Probably not the best way to do it, but it does help keep the trucks moving. That's another issue with teching prepull. Time constraint and having enough tech officials.
Can anybody say 2.5" class?

Smokeshow, where you at?

A lot of places are only teching after you pull and make it into the money so as not to hold up the entire class with a complete inspection. Probably not the best way to do it, but it does help keep the trucks moving. That's another issue with teching prepull. Time constraint and having enough tech officials.

around here we have a 2.5 class and it seems to work pretty well. The rules really encourage real "stock " work trucks to compete. No hanging weights, blocks or traction bars. The stock turbo duramax trucks are very competitive along with the newer fords. The dodges use a 2.5 turbo instead of stock and are starting to rule the class but are getting to the edge of streetability.

and for the record, I have pulled in the class this year and in years prior. I keep telling myself to just get that built trans and liftpump and see if I can win one :evil
after about the last half dozen threads on this topic on here alone, I've said all I've ever needed to smoke. LOL

In case anyone cared, my stance is 2.6 is perfect and they are absolutely pull trucks only. forget the association of them being any kind of street vehicle. As for work stock, stock charger unmodified but it HAS to be teched appropriately, no hanging weight, traction bars allowed, bump stops allowed with 1" travel, thats the jist of it.

It is absolutely unrealistic (and probably impossible) to have a class where real trucks off the street can be competitive against purpose built trucks that meet every rule. It's just not gonna happen, at least not in this area (KY, OH, IN) especially in the 2.6 class and probably not even in the WS class either.

TECHING has GOT to be improved upon tho in a bad way!! Otherwise, it's ridiculous to have half the rules there are if they aren't regularly and thoroughly checked. There's enough loop holes in them as it is much less what someone can get away with if teching isn't tight.

screw it, tech after the pull... who cares who the crowd thinks won?

take all the entry fees, put on a good show for the crowd, tech the money guys afterwards and hand out the cash to the guys who actually play by the rules
1200+views in 24 hrs..WS and 2.6 popular class, eh?

NADM WS, no hanging weights, but I thinks its time to boot the weight BRACKETS, too.

NADM 2.6 is right where it belongs for the majority of the 2.6 trucks in the country, and no, 2.6 sneaking into WS is NOT the same as a 2.8 going to 2.6, or a 3.0/SS going to 2.8.

Can anyone tell us why?
and if someone would actually go back and look, the 2.6 class came to be from the 2.5 class. To have an equally competitive class (all makes and models have a reasonable chance to win each night) the dmax had to be able to run an aftermarket charger just like the dodges could/can otherwise they get tricked out chargers and mass vol of fuel and lay waste to all others with stock chargers that are 2.5" So then the 12V was clearly gonna start dominating this class once custom aftermarket chargers were allowed due to having so much more fuel available, hence the dual cp3 came to be. Then it became 2.6 so that people could run off the shelf 66mm chargers that were readily available as compared to an oddball sized 2.5" charger.

And there you have it, the history of the 2.6 class. LOL
Nevermind. I missed a whole page that answered my question:nail:
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Did he win?

He won WS (9th in 2.6)and was promptly DQed,Thanks for the donation, it was a charity pull, after all.) I had the announcer say a couple times that #2 was the correct winner.

A lot of places are only teching after you pull and make it into the money so as not to hold up the entire class with a complete inspection. Probably not the best way to do it, but it does help keep the trucks moving. That's another issue with teching prepull. Time constraint and having enough tech officials.

A quick safety check pre pull, and performance tech the winners is the onl y way to go, if time is tight.