Common Sense

This is what smooth bore is? Or did I just go full retard?

I'm completely against this. Make rules about the turbo, but I don't want to be told I have to buy a specific turbo.

100% truth.

You can't tell me you can run all these engines of differing CID and cylinder configurations and RPM on the same exact piece. It doesn't work that way, at least not without creating one combination that rules the roost.

Control the compressor dimensions and location in the cover and that's it.
Please tell us how?

If you forget to word the rules so that the wheel has to protrude into the bore by X amount, you just push the contour forward (or recess the wheel) so a bigger inducer wheel is sitting in front of a minor restriction. I am sure there's other ways like housings with joints that open up on boost, etc. If you can dream it up, people will do it.
If you forget to word the rules so that the wheel has to protrude into the bore by X amount, you just push the contour forward (or recess the wheel) so a bigger inducer wheel is sitting in front of a minor restriction. I am sure there's other ways like housings with joints that open up on boost, etc. If you can dream it up, people will do it.

So word the rules so there's no exceptions and put in place a huge penalty for cheating. Seems pretty straight forward. I can see where all the gray areas are with the current rules, but smooth bore could definitely be made to fix those problems.
If you forget to word the rules so that the wheel has to protrude into the bore by X amount, you just push the contour forward (or recess the wheel) so a bigger inducer wheel is sitting in front of a minor restriction. I am sure there's other ways like housings with joints that open up on boost, etc. If you can dream it up, people will do it.

that may be true, but still having a solid restriction with no other way for air to enter is still a step in the right direction in the long run. protruding into the bore or not, the bore will still be the restriction which is the main goal. same bore restriction across the field and easy teching.
So here we have one group for the change (best for the class, no worries of cost, was going to buy new/upgraded charger anyway) & one against (yet ANOTHER turbo I have to buy, too expensive, etc). Why in the world wouldn't both groups settle on a restrictor tube approach?!?! Sure the same outcome can be achieved - tame the power & simple tech (???) - and you can buy a new fancy turbo to stick behind the restrictor tube or run what you already, it probably won't matter much. :D

No? Makes too much sense therefore it's not an option??
If you forget to word the rules so that the wheel has to protrude into the bore by X amount, you just push the contour forward (or recess the wheel) so a bigger inducer wheel is sitting in front of a minor restriction. I am sure there's other ways like housings with joints that open up on boost, etc. If you can dream it up, people will do it.

Isn't that considered a step cover which is illegal if the rule says smooth bore? Smooth means smooth no steps
One could argue all the current turbos are illegal for the current rules. If you really want to get a handle on this it needs to start with the tech.
I thought smooth just meant no MWE? Never assumed it meant stepped covers were prohibited?

I also assumed they'd still have to have wheel protrusion so far into the bore as well?
I thought smooth just meant no MWE? Never assumed it meant stepped covers were prohibited?

I also assumed they'd still have to have wheel protrusion so far into the bore as well?

So then it would be a clipped wheel protrusion charger?
As much as I like the potential simplicity of a restrictor plate, I'm still inclined to believe that the bigger more expensive charger is going to dominate. Say that we create a 2.6 restrictor, would a 4.1 not pull harder on that than a box 475 would? I know that it's going to be hard on chargers, but that just turns back to where the guy that can continually throw ungodly coin around will dominate, making rule changes pointless.
Isn't a smooth bore going to be hard on the charger when getting off the charger?
And it will still come back to which guy is willing to spend the most money, no way around that unless you put an rpm limit or a ground speed limit on the class. Take a look at how popular bracket racing is. Great for the competitor but no one sits and watches those classes.

PPL (or any pull promoter) wants people watching in the stands, that puts money in their pockets, not blaming them but that is the way it is. So keeping that in mind the rules will probably not be written to benefit the majority of the people that enjoy pulling, it will be to put on a great (not good) show.
I just want to point out that I am very glad I dont sled pull... Holy crap! I feel sorry for you guys.
And it will still come back to which guy is willing to spend the most money, no way around that unless you put an rpm limit or a ground speed limit on the class. Take a look at how popular bracket racing is. Great for the competitor but no one sits and watches those classes.

RPM limit or speed limit will not take money out of the class either. I guess it might take the overall cost down, but still will be $$$ used to get the top parts.
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