Comp Diesel Newbie

Sep 1, 2011
Hey everyone, this is my first time having a profile on comp diesel and I'm looking forward to it. :clap:!!! I have 5 Cummins that my dad and I own. We have 2 Kenworths with Cummins in them and then my dad and I both drive Cummins as daily drivers. His is an 03 and mine is an 02. My 02 is my second Cummins. My 94 that was my first vehicle is now transforming into our pulling truck. :st: Just thought I would introduce myself and I hope that I am able to learn a lot from being a part of this forum!!!:Cheer:
Welcome. If you have questions about things falling off your '02, just ask, I've probably already fixed them. LOL
Welcome. If you have questions about things falling off your '02, just ask, I've probably already fixed them. LOL

You ain't ****tin' there. Be honest though, you love that truck.
I've been telling you to replace it for how many years now ? LOL
I figured you would waste some Mountain Dew reading that chit...

Speaking of rodents, Mel thinks she wants to train her Redbone to tree and field trial her a little bit. Any experience with coon dawgs?

Nope. But you can bring your coon dog out to meet Sophie. Better insure your dog. LOL

Got dead one in the freezer if you need a "training aid". LOL It is NOT Sophie.
which makes posts 6 and 7 all the more hilarious!!!
I would honestly go with the Cummins. It has the easiest power to make while still being good, cheap power. It will outlast any other engine. They get great mileage for city driving and you can black out anybody on the roads that you want to.

What.....the......fu<>...? :nail:

