Comp Diesel Newbie

You guys obviously have a problem with me for some reason so I don't really care if I offend anybody anymore because you guys don't lol. Ya'll can get bent for all I care. I don't respect people who don't respect me!!!

Your on the wrong site if you think we are just a bunch of smoke blowing rednecks.
Are you? Cuz your acting like one!

No. I'm not. Not that I have a problem with girls, it's just that your posts seemed somewhat.... Femish (made a word).
With the whole "mature" thing, and the "boys" reference. I was only taking a shot in the dark. I still don't know though. You didn't answer.
To answer TMONEYDIESEL...I don't think that you guys are a bunch of smoke blowin rednecks. I have learned many things from this site. As for I am not a girl, my truck is white, hence white beauty. I have nothing against you guys except for what you have been saying about me. I just don't understand why it would matter what somebody says if it didn't offend anybody in the first place lol.
To answer TMONEYDIESEL...I don't think that you guys are a bunch of smoke blowin rednecks. I have learned many things from this site. As for I am not a girl, my truck is white, hence white beauty. I have nothing against you guys except for what you have been saying about me. I just don't understand why it would matter what somebody says if it didn't offend anybody in the first place lol.

It's the black smoke. Most of us have been in the Diesel world for quite a long time. Believe it or not.

The new generation has hurt the image of the Diesel community. That makes us mad. There was a time when we wanted Diesels to take over the world. Now we're not sure.
That was just a part of that guys statement. Diesels have been a part of my life for a long time also. It just didn't seem right to rip a guy apart just because he said something that you guys didn't necessarily agree with.
That was just a part of that guys statement. Diesels have been a part of my life for a long time also. It just didn't seem right to rip a guy apart just because he said something that you guys didn't necessarily agree with.

There is an unwritten rule on this site about never talking about smoking (with your truck) unless we are making fun of someone for doing such a thing. Thinking its cool any other place than on a track or a deserted road makes you a tool!
So why don't you guys tell people this when they join? How are the newbies supposed to know that "unwritten" rule?
That was just a part of that guys statement. Diesels have been a part of my life for a long time also. It just didn't seem right to rip a guy apart just because he said something that you guys didn't necessarily agree with.

You have not been ripped apart.LOL
Ok ripped apart might not be the correct term, you make people feel very unwelcome when that happens though.
Go back to cf dude. There's nothing but assholes here who like to hurt each others feelers.
O hell. Just chalk it up as "friendly banter" and quit posting and move on to another thread. :D
And selling **** so soon? Big no, welcome to diesel hell if you don't like it there is the door---->

Common sense is a great thing to have here, please use the search before posting up anything or you will be harassed, the mods will screw with your avatar if you annoy them, and the fellows here will keep track of what you say so don't go off about something then say the opposite later on, welcome to hell enjoy your stay
So no saying anything about black smoke, no selling right away, no talking, no breathing, no looking, no touching, no blinking, no I missing anything?