Competition Diesel Banner *Reward*

dude that suck that people stole all the banners. bunch of little thieves.
You know, I was looking at it and thinking, that looks pretty damned cool. I hope somebody doesn't snatch it. That really blows phil, sorry it happened to you. Have security by the banners
You know, I was looking at it and thinking, that looks pretty damned cool. I hope somebody doesn't snatch it. That really blows phil, sorry it happened to you. Have security by the banners

If somebody brings me beer I'll be banner security!
LOL give him a generator, and some jumper cables...when he sees someone trying to snatch the banners...light em up...LOL They'll learn...

Cattle prod, jumper cables require 2 hands to be used properly which leaves no free hand to hold beer in :D :D
That's what I was thinkin'...I seen someone whizz on one ONCE...he learned never again to do that again, shortly after it put him on his ass...and that was with a low current running through it...LOL I would think the same lesson could be learn when you grab the fence to yank down the banners...LOL
Yea GREAT IDEA Sheila then after a beer or two I'll need to lean on something then ZAP!!!!! I get fried! :hehe:

Make that part of the event video, stupid billies getting shocked
So how about this, if they don't show up lets create a (replace the banner fund) and we (Comp D members) will take care of it.

Cattle prod, jumper cables require 2 hands to be used properly which leaves no free hand to hold beer in :D :D

2 cattle prods. Plus this:

Thanks Jim, but no I will not accept Money!

Listen Mr. you'll take money and like it :).........If you don't accept the gift then you take away from the giver.........that's Biblical!

$5, 10 or 20 from say 200 members is what $ amount? That buys some stuff for us, if that amount is an issue then there is a bigger's about team work and we are a team here no doubt..........kinda deep for a day off!
