Competition Diesel Banner *Reward*

LOL Phil...I think I'm just gonna buy one BIGASS banner...too big to steel...LOL
2 cattle prods. Plus this:


Hmm....I have an extra cowboy hat...all I need is some duct tape, and bendy straws...I could build one of them there... :D
If somebody brings me beer I'll be banner security!
I got Kyle to flex for the bleachers a couple of times! I think that scared 'em a bit.

Smartazz! Altough that little confrontaion in the parking lot was pretty funny. I can't believe that guy threatened to bite my nipples... And he seriously thought that was a scary threat. LOL

Ah yes the "nipple biter". That dude scared me a little bit.
If ya look at it this way it could be a money making opportunity... I didn't take one nor do I know anyone who did but most people take stuff like that cuz there not for sale any where... Start selling banner advertise your company and make a lil money at the same time.
Smartazz! Altough that little confrontaion in the parking lot was pretty funny. I can't believe that guy threatened to bite my nipples... And he seriously thought that was a scary threat. LOL
Thats the funniest thing i've heard in a long time!
Have you guys thought of using a lock, or maybe a short bit of cable with a lock when hanging the banners on fences and other places it could be incorporated? Just a thought for the future. Cables and locks are a hell of a lot harder to get a banner ripped down from.
Its a bad deal when people steal those. I would suggest using a light cable to attach them or what my dad uses on his semi trailer a metal strap. Then bolt cut it off when you guys are done. Sorry about your lose.
Its a bad deal when people steal those. I would suggest using a light cable to attach them or what my dad uses on his semi trailer a metal strap. Then bolt cut it off when you guys are done. Sorry about your lose.
I'm pretty fuggin disgusted!
Then you probably don't want to hear that it is a constant problem. We have risked life and limb to protect sponsor banners. These companies have tight advertising budgets and when they send you 20 banners for the season, they dont want to hear half way through they are gone.

It just takes away from money that could be going to the competitors.
every banner i have ever had has been stolen. i think 8 so far. im used to it, actually timbeaux and i discussed this on saturday. its a lost cause. just add it up to the cost of sponsoring the event, and be glad someone cares enough to steal it, i guess.
This happens at every kind of event imaginable. When we used to rodeo alot people were allways stealing the dodge truck banners, copenhagen, skoal, and wrangler. The copenhagen guys didnt care but wrangler used to get pissed. I might have a few myself hanging in the shop and barn.LOL
Send me a paypal link. I'll donate 5 bucks to help replace the banner and prove that not all diesel guys are asshats.