COTPC Pull in Urbana

I'll be there running for points in Pro Street Diesel. I hope the rain holds out for us.
Does anybody know if the pull is still on? Im sure it rained quite a bit...
i hope it rains all day long over there lol no hope the pull goes well but truck is not done so we will being playing catch up all year long in the points chase good luck to all
just remember you must purchase a cotpc sticker befor eyou pull or your points will not count, they are 20 bucks, and then another 20 bucks to hook. just a reminder, I 3rd to the donation box...haha
Was definitely a good time especially with two sleds going, kept things interesting... 60+ 2.6 trucks, not bad at all :rockwoot:
I believe gainer won 2.6 fallowed by evan then rocky.

i think pro street was won by maddog

and open won by erik stacey...

also note to myself turn od off before hooking..haha good time great turnout.
congrats to gainer and evan for some nice hooks, as I had feared the force is strong in these two, curt haisley was first followed by scott blair :clap: then jake carter in pro street, that is going to be a fun class this year, I hope somebody got vids but with 60 some trucks in 2.6 I kind a doubt it.
that track was def. crazy, I dont think anyone knew what to do.. about 10 trucks didnt even move the sled at first, it was a soup hole untill about 30 trucks good hook rocky.
yeah I was hopin that I picked later in the pack, but got 17. Does anyone know when they will post the points earned on cotpc website?