Deranged The rebuild begins, at Texas Diesel Power!

The motor is built & she is ready..Piston protrusion was all over the place with the 5 & 6 holes being the worst. Mark did a very nice job.
The motor is built & she is ready..Piston protrusion was all over the place with the 5 & 6 holes being the worst. Mark did a very nice job.

Glad to hear you and the guys got her all cleaned up, and ready to rock! Look forward to seeing July right Tim? :poke: July 24th? LOL no pressure...just be there....with the truck....running...:poke: But NO pressure.


Really though...I'm glad to hear the progress.
Glad to hear you and the guys got her all cleaned up, and ready to rock! Look forward to seeing July right Tim? :poke: July 24th? LOL no pressure...just be there....with the truck....running...:poke: But NO pressure.


Really though...I'm glad to hear the progress.

Lets up the stakes July 2nd at HRP for the diesel race?
The motor is built & she is ready..Piston protrusion was all over the place with the 5 & 6 holes being the worst. Mark did a very nice job.

Yeah baby, and I just got a call that the turbo's shipped today.......The HP is the same, but the LP lets just say.....oh damn!
Hell yeah it will be ready for TS. I plan on making it ready next week. The only thing I don't have back yet are the injectors, but Cass told me they were finished, and would be shipping ASAP.
Hell yeah it will be ready for TS. I plan on making it ready next week. The only thing I don't have back yet are the injectors, but Cass told me they were finished, and would be shipping ASAP.

Sounds great Tim! :Cheer:
We'll see the effects of Deranged's willingness to perform after all this time under the same roof as Karen. LOL Perhaps John could include the same lecture as part of the build for Deranged that he used to get Karen off her ass and leveled out. :D

"Listen here you little hussy, if I have to take this visor off..." :hehe:

More pics please!
I did not allow Deranged to spend even one night under the same roof as Karen. Knowing that hussy she would have tried to put the moves on it, and it would have woken up with bumps all over it that wouldn't go away.

The engine stayed there while the rest was brought home. There will be a thorough sanitizing of the block and a new paint job before it is mated with the truck.

Went and got it today. Thanks John, you guys rock.


And got a new sticker for the truck. I like it.
Why was the piston protrusion all over the place??? Glad to here you about to be back together.
Hey Tim
Bring that little girl down here for the Texas Diesel Shootout on July 2nd and I will give her the spanking she deserves :evil

Hey Tim
Bring that little girl down here for the Texas Diesel Shootout on July 2nd and I will give her the spanking she deserves :evil


My sister and her family of 4 is coming into town that weekend for July 4th. You'll have to wait to get your ass handed to you till later Michael. :tree::kick:
Don't have the valve covers on yet because I don't have the injectors in yet. But I think it looks better in paint.
